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Getting started

  • Run npm run restore to install the node modules for the web app and the electron app
  • Run npm run generateIconsAndSplash to create all the icons and splash art required by the android, ios and electron project
  • Run ng serve or npm run start:web to start the web app
  • Run npm run start:electron to start the electron application and npm run package:electron to create a portable executable for it.
  • Run npm run start:android to copy the needed files to the android project and start android studio to build the application
  • Run npm run start:ios to copy the needed files to the ios project and start xcode to build the application

Package.json scripts

The package.json lists all the scripts you might need, you can add more or delete the ones you don't like.

Most script will have the ending

  • :web for the web project,
  • :android for the android project
  • :electron for the electron project
  • :ios for the ios project


  • add - add:android, add:electron, add:ios - adds the desired platform to the project - it will create a folder with the same name in the root folder - It must be used only once as initialization, and the current template already initialized them and updated the packages to run out of the box, feel free to delete any of the android, electron or ios folders

  • open - open:android, open:electron, open:ios - opens the project for the desired platform in the software of choice, for android it opens it in Android Studio(it must be installed), for IOS it opens XCode(can be used only on Macs), electron will open the app(think of it as ng serve for an Angular app)

  • copy - copy:android, copy:electron, copy:ios - copy will copy the distribution folder of the web application to the platforms folder

  • build - build:web, build:android, build:electron, build:ios - all build scripts will build the web, additionally the platform specific ones will also copy the distribution folder of the web application to the platforms folder

  • start - start:web, start:android, start:electron, start:ios - start is a combination of build and open scripts

  • package - package:electron - command available only for electron right now will create a non installable executable for the electron application - it uses a different script from the electron package.json that relies on electron-builder.