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Codigoaxaca Starter Kit

We're moving this starter into a package


This is a starter kit for Laravel projects using Jetstream with Livewire and Flowbite.


  • PHP >= 8.2


Blade Icons preinstalled Heroicons

@svg('heroicon-o-ellipsis-horizontal', 'hi-solid hi-dots-horizontal inline-block h-5 w-5')

<x-heroicon-o-moon class="hi-outline hi-moon hidden h-5 w-5 dark:inline-block" />

Main color

It's simple to change main color, you just have to modify the tailwind config file tailwind.config.js.

    theme: {
        extend: {
            // ...
            colors: {
                'primary': {
                    '50': '#eaf5ff',
                    '100': '#d9ecff',
                    '200': '#badbff',
                    '300': '#91c1ff',
                    '400': '#659bff',
                    '500': '#4273ff',
                    '600': '#2149ff',
                    '700': '#183bec',
                    '800': '#1533be',
                    '900': '#1b3494',
                    '950': '#101d56',

Dashboard navigation

To add a new entry to the dashboard's sidebar navigation, follow the steps outlined below. This process involves updating the navigation array located in your application's configuration file config/dashboard.php.

Add a New Entry to the Navigation Array

In the navigation array, each entry is an associative array that defines the properties of a navigation item. To add a new item, append a new associative array to the navigation array with the following keys:

  • name: The label that will be displayed in the sidebar for this navigation item.
  • route: The name of the route or a URL to which the navigation item will link. This should correspond to a route defined in your application's routing configuration.
  • active_route: The route name or URL that will be used to determine if the navigation item is active. This is used for highlighting the current page in the sidebar.
  • icon: The icon that will be displayed next to the navigation item in the sidebar. The value should correspond to a Heroicons name.


To add a "Profile" page to the navigation with a corresponding route named profile, your updated navigation array might look like this:

'navigation' => [
        'name' => 'Dashboard',
        'route' => 'dashboard',
        'active_route' => 'dashboard*',
        'icon' => 'home',
        'name' => 'Profile',
        'route' => '',
        'active_route' => 'profile*',
        'icon' => 'user',
        'name' => 'Url example',
        'route' => 'my-url',
        'active_route' => 'my-url',
        'icon' => 'shield-exclamation',