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Releases: JakeGBLP/Lusk

1.1.1 - Bug Fixes and Small Additions

30 Apr 23:41
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"Small" update that fixes some bugs and adds new stuff because of it.

Bell Ring effect
Fake XP and/or Level effect
Used Tool expression, it's now lighter on the server as it no longer uses reflection
Version objects don't throw console errors anymore
fixed some toString() and getPropertyName() methods
Some expressions from allowing themselves to be changed when they shouldn't
The (event) dye color expression no longer crashes with other syntaxes

Switched to newer Skript api
Improved Bell Conditions internally
Improved 'Will do x' conditions' patterns
Improved charged condition
Improved Should Burn In Day condition
Improved Has Horns condition
Internally condensed some effects and conditions
Expanded is Awake to all entities (that can sleep)
Moved all event values to their appropriate event's class
Renamed some events to match the most recent ones
Improved Beacon related expressions
Switched Expressions to extend Simpler Expression classes (SimpleExpression, SimplePropertyExpression etc)

aliases for the currently added types (equipment slots, armorstand interactions, block faces etc.
Armor Stand Manipulate event + Armor Stand Interaction type
Roaring condition
Entity Bow Shoot event + syntaxes
Entity Place(d) event
Harvest Event
Enum Wrapper and Update Checker from SkBee, also added credits

Bell Resonate Event (?)
'Horse - is Eating' Condition

Arrow Body Count expression

Full Changelog: 1.1...1.1.1

As always, contact me on discord @JakeGBLP or open an issue in case there's one.

1.1 - The Big Update

10 Mar 01:31
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This update adds, removes and fixes a lot of stuff, heck even the jar is smaller!
As always, contact me on discord @JakeGBLP or open an issue in case there's one.


Click Section

spawn pig at player:
  set display name of entity to "&dPig"
  on click on entity:
    broadcast "%entity% has been clicked!"

Damage Section

spawn pig at player:
  set display name of entity to "&dPig &7- &c%health of entity%&8/&c%max health of entity%"
  on damage of entity:
    set display name of victim to "&dPig &7- &c%health of victim - final damage%&8/&c%max health of victim%"

Heal Section

spawn pig at player:
  set display name of entity to "&dPig &7- &c%health of entity%&8/&c%max health of entity%"
  on heal of entity:
    push entity upwards
    broadcast "%entity% has been healed, yay"


31 May 02:18
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1.0.4-beta2 Pre-release

Fixed a lot of big issues, slightly improved a few patterns, added a few things, most importantly:

[on] [player] shield (down|off|lower[ed]) (paper only)

[on] [player] shield (up|on|(use|raise)[d])

[on] player collide [with entity]

[on] [component] click on %textcomponent% (requires skbee) (this is NOT an event, it's a section)

Full release is close.


22 Apr 05:30
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1.0.4-beta1 Pre-release

Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4-beta1

Added Beacon Effect Change Event and related stuff, added Active Item Expression, fixed issue when using Spigot.
Event Naming Improved.


21 Apr 14:10
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This release stabilizes things, adds some things, removes a few things and makes the addon better in a couple ways.


20 Apr 01:09
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1.0.3-beta1 Pre-release

This beta adds the Beacon Effect Apply Event along with a condition and an expression for it.
It also adds Raised Hand Elements.
This beta exists for the purpose of supporting multiple softwares, in particular Purpur.
Fix GrindstonePrepareEvent conflicts between Bukkit and Paper.


17 Apr 19:21
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The Biggest Update so far.

Added, Improved, Cleaned up a LOT of stuff.

If you encounter bugs or issues, please report them using the Issues tab!

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2

A List of elements will be added to the read me to give an idea of what Lusk does.

Lusk 1.0.1

09 Mar 03:31
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Fixed internal stuff.
Improved Utils class.
Improved many things.
Added many things.
Replaced every stringify checks with proper checks, thanks to this there are a few new alias expressions.
If you find any bugs, open an issue about it.

Lusk 1.0.0

06 Mar 00:15
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First Release of Lusk
All Syntaxes will be documented on SkriptHub and skUnity.
Report any issues and bugs.