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Assignment #2: Meet with group, create channel

Rob Weir edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 6 revisions


This will set the tone for your group work going forward.

Due date

This is due by noon on Tuesday, Sept. 4.

Points possible


Project options

Due by 8 a.m. Aug. 29 to Rob and Elizabeth. See more:

Part 1: Meet with your group, in person or on a hangout

Pretty simple -- meet with people, get to know one another. If you're having trouble with scheduling a time to get together, we would recommend using Doodle to pick a time.

Part 2: Create your group channel in Slack and repository on Github

Just what it sounds like -- create a channel, and add your group members to it. Please make sure your channel is set to public. Please also indicate which section you're part of -- that is, name your group something like #ferguson1 or #kta2, so that we have the project and section in the group name.

Also, add a repository for your group on Github.

Part 3: Invite us to your channel.

Invite Rob and Elizabeth to your channel and @ us on Slack when you do.

Part 4: Write a group contract

Outline the goals and plans for your team throughout the length of your project. The contract should include the following:

Your weekly meeting time. Set it now so you can all have it in your calendars and don't schedule over it.

How you will communicate. We strongly encourage you to use slack for your group so it is easier for Rob and Elizabeth to jump in to help. Regardless of what you decide, everyone needs to be on board and have the app/information on their phones.

A person responsible for submitting your assignment on Canvas. If your group includes students from both classes, someone for each class will need to submit.

A plan for accountability of team members. How will you handle a lack of communication or lack of contribution by a team member?

A skills assessment. Identify the strengths of your team members so you can delegate work appropriately. Everyone in the group should have a part in coding, but identify who is good at visuals or writing or overall design, etc.

Make sure to list the names of all team members, the name of your slack channel and the name of your Github repository.

Submit your contract as a group via Canvas (only one submission is required). 😄


Meet with your group, jump on Slack, set up a group channel, send us an invite, write a group contract and submit via Canvas. Worth 10 points, 1 percent of your semester grade.

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