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/ FormJS Public archive

A jQuery plugin to submit a form without reloading the page. It send a customizable feedback after sending


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jQuery plugin submit a form without reloading the page. It send a customizable feedback after sending



  • Install: npm install --save jagfx-formjs
  • Usage

    Quick use

    Minimal code

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" >
    	<head >
    		<meta charset="UTF-8" />
    		<title >FormJS</title >
    		<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/jagfx-formjs/dist/css/theme-flat/formJS-flat.css" />
    	</head >
    	<body >
    		<form id="yourForm" method="post" >
    			<button class="btn" type="submit">Submit</button>
    		<script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js" ></script >
    		<script src="node_modules/jagfx-formjs/dist/formJS.min.js" ></script >
    		<script >
    			$( '#yourForm' ).formJS();
    	</body >
    </html >

    Response structure

    The response MUST be in JSON and match with this structure

    The distinction of response type it's on the field data or view:

    • If you return a response with the data field, the response was processed as a feedback.
    • If you return a response with the view field, the response was processed as a view
    • If you return a response with the data and view, the response was process as a feedback
    Type of response Example Infos
        "type": 	"success",
        "url": 		"yourUrl (optionally entry)",
        "data" : 	{
           "title": 	"yourTitle",
           "message": 	"yourMessage"
       "type": 	"success",
       "url": 	"yourUrl (optionally entry)",
       "view" : "A HTML response"


    You have 3 themes available for the alert:

    • Bootstrap 3/4 ( theme-bs.css )
    • Custom ( theme-cust.css )
    • Flat ( theme-flat.css )

    You can choose it by including corresponding CSS

    Custom settings

    Alert message

    You can customise the default error message (Unexpected for example)

    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	alerts: {
    		unexpected: {
    			title:   'Custom unexpected error title',
    			message: 'Custom unexpected error message'
    		failSend:   {
    			title:   'Custom fail send data error title',
    			message: 'Custom fail send data error message'
    } );


    The keys are suffix added after 'formjs' class into alertContainer. Its use for style customisation.

    Note: If you change it, you MUST rebuild style with SCSS builder

    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	keys: {
    		success: 'success-custom',
    		info:    'info-custom',
    		warning: 'warning-custom',
    		error:   'error-custom'
    } );


    You can change the icon, set html icon as you want and use icons pack as you want:

    • <i></i> balise
    • <span></span> balise
    • <img /> balise
    • Text also (You need to embrace the text with html balise)
    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	icons: {
    		loading: '<span class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin"></span>',
    		success: '<i class="fas fa-check-square"></i>',
    		info:    '<span class="ti-info"></span>',
    		warning: '<img src="myIcon.svg" />',
    		error:   '<span>ERR</span>'
    } );


    If you have a custom header request, you can pass into this setting. The url, method and data cannot be modified

    Also, you can change the formJS container and submit button identifier.

    Note: If you change container, you MUST rebuild style with correct container.

    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	form: {
    		ajaxSettings:   {
    			async: 		false,
    			beforeSend: function (xhr){ 
    				xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', make_base_auth(username, password)); 
    		alertContainer: '.customContainer',
    		btnSubmit:      '.myCustomBtnID'
    } );


    You can redirect the user after an Ajax request. A message will be added after error title.

    You can change this message and delay before the redirection

    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	redirection: {
    		message: 'Custom redirect message',
    		delay:   2500
    } );


    At the end of precess, a callback is called. You can set. The current alert is passed to function parameter.

    $( '#yourForm' ).formJS( {
    	callback: function ( currentAlert ) {
    		// Do something with currentAlert
    } );


    You have some event that you can handle:

    Event name Params When ?
    formjs:submit ajaxSettings: (JsonObject) Options pass to $.ajax() method
    ajaxPending: (Boolean) If an ajax request is in progress
    At the start of submitting the form and before sending the ajax request
    formjs:ajax-success feedback: (JsonObject) Raw data returned by the successful $.ajax() request On the success ajax callback, after the parsing returned data
    formjs:error place: (String) The origin of the error
    message: (String) The message of the error
    data: (Mixed) The additionnal data of the error
    When an error occurred during the submit process
    formjs:write-alert currentAlert: (JsonObject) The feedback data returned from the ajax request When an alert is rendered on the DOM

    For the formjs:error, you can know the origin of the error:

    • AjaxSuccessCallback: An error during the ajax success callback
    • AjaxFailCallback: An error during the ajax fail callback
    • PreSubmit: An error during the submitting process
    var $form = $( '#yourForm' ).formJS();
    $form.on( 'formjs:write-alert', function ( e, currentAlert ) {
    	// Do something with the current alert ...
    } );


    If you need to use this plugin from the outside of it, you can trigger some event

    Event name Params Action
    formjs:send-form Start the form sending processing
    var $form = $( '#yourForm' ).formJS();
    $( '#anotherSendingButton' ).click( function () {
    	$form.trigger( 'formjs:send-form' );
    } );

    Full default settings

    var settings  = {
    	alerts:      {
    		unexpected: {
    			title:   'Error',
    			message: 'Unexpected error occurred'
    		failSend:   {
    			title:   'Error',
    			message: 'Unable to send data'
    	keys:        {
    		success: 'success',
    		info:    'info',
    		warning: 'warning',
    		error:   'error'
    	icons:       {
    		loading: '<span>&#8987;</span>',
    		success: '<span>&#10003;</span>',
    		info:    '<span>&#128712;</span>',
    		warning: '<span>&#65111;</span>',
    		error:   '<span>&#10799;</span>'
    	form:        {
    		ajaxSettings:     {
    			contentType: false
    		alertContainer:   '.formJS',
    		btnSubmit:        '.btn[type="submit"]',
    		enableWriteAlert: true
    	redirection: {
    		message: 'Automatic redirection in a second',
    		delay:   1100
    	callback:    function ( currentAlert ) {

    Custom style

    You have SCSS files to allow you to create custom styles.

    In formJSFolder/scss/, you can find _core*.scss files. Use it as the base structure of your custom style.

    Create a folder named with theme name and add to file:

    • _variables.scss: Contain YOUR theme variable. It uses to override core variables
    • your-theme-name.scss: Contain all customisation for type of alert: Success, Info, Warning and Error. Use preset from one of existing templates

    At the end of customisation, run npm run scss:dist to generate your style css file and minified too.

    You must include node_module folder into you sass converter to build a new stylesheet.

    If necessary, install bourbon

    $ npm i --only=dev
    $ npm i --no-save bourbon

    NPM commands

    Remove old css files

    $ npm run scss:clean

    Generate css files

    $ npm run scss:build

    Launch scss watcher to generate css file at change

    $ npm run scss:watch

    Generate css dist files

    $ npm run css:dist

    Generate js dist files

    $ npm run js:dist

    Generate css and js dist files

    $ npm run gulp:default


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