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Release 1.0

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@JAJames JAJames released this 29 Oct 18:26
· 3 commits to release/1.0 since this release

1.0 release, stability tested for 5 years. Most recent additions:

  • RenX.Relay plugin (see RenX.Relay/
  • Various chat logs and commands added (i.e: admin messages, admin warnings, etc)
  • New commands: nmode, smode, cancelvote, tchatban, mute (in-game)
  • Can now see when bans expire in bsearch
  • Various behavioral and crash fixes
  • Replaced project files with CMake
  • Compilation fixed on Linux as part of CMake refactor
  • OpenSSL binaries are no longer included in Windows binary releases. Windows users should download OpenSSL using winget, chocolatey, another package manager of your choice, ShiningLight, or by whatever other means preferred.

git log --format=oneline v0.18.1..release/1.0:
860da01 (HEAD -> release/1.0, origin/release/1.0, origin/master, master) Add SuppressChatLogs Fix handshake
4a2c778 Update Jupiter to 1.0
7f89c9e Add some safety checks
e706f4e Fixed header guards
89f4984 * Added RenX.Relay * Bumped C++ standard version to C++17 * Updated jupiter submodule
30a4880 Added 'Expires:' field to bsearch
9787ea4 Added smode command Push update to Plugin.Example that's apparently be laying around
969a034 Merge branch 'master' of
4935bc7 Add with submodules recursive
581f470 Playing with github actions
18c459d Merge pull request #17 from sevans045/master
36d03df Add Command Logging plugin Add Chat Logging plugin Added RenX_OnCommandTriggered plugin event
fab246d Merge branch 'master' of
a737bc6 Merge pull request #15 from milanstephan/cancelvote
afd1dff Add cancelvote IRC- and game-commands
ad98e3c Updated Jupiter; cleaned up some default values
269c36c Update Jupiter submodule
482bd81 Updated jupiter submodule; adjusted code as necessary to compile
79bd6f4 Config file is now actually updated after delmod
2205de1 Updated Jupiter submodule; fixed delmod command
e1e7320 Fixed metadata member order; added prometheus-specific endpoint
e126700 Listed player counts are now clamped to [0, playerLimit]
ae0152c Added metadata endpoint
08a6699 Merge pull request #13 from milanstephan/master
f06fdaf Add nmode IRC- and game-commands
5f9d58e Updated Jupiter
50a4850 Server attributes (untested)
ee1f619 ModRequest command now requires a reason to be specified
a1ebcd5 Fixed "modrequest" command
813137d clang compilation fixes
76ad023 Added NamePrefix support to RenX.ServerList Improved granularity for per-server list settings
142df4d Server list IPs can now be replaced via config
0c07ca8 Added RenX::Server::activePlayers() Adjusted ServerList code to use activePlayers where appropriate Removed legacy in-game server list code
c39cafe Implemented tolerance; defined to 1
e72fa24 Added RenX.KickDupes Updated Jupiter version
d914f4b (origin/release/0.19, release/0.19) Updated Jupiter submodule to 0.19; updated .gitignore
ddb99f0 Bans are now only marked as active if they have a ban type
920ac76 Added amsg/pamsg game commands
697b289 Changed default access level for pamsg
802cacf Added amsg/pamsg IRC commands warnings now use warn RCON command
71d96cd Wired up new admin/warning message events for RenX.Logging
a7de4dc Added parsing and events for admin and warn message types
ccb5cf7 Added HostPMsg; chat parsing
b6ea92d Added temp players, to cover non-player AI (i.e: survival mode)
6726f71 Updated "TeamJoin;" event parsing
8f1c09a Servers will now be pinged to keep connections alive
0dabd4d Fixed RenX_ListenPlugin::OnRehash
9a969a3 Committing old leaderboard html files
c2df63f RenX::Server::banCheck now actually uses ban_from_str
e0911b7 Added MuteGamecommand
a9416b0 Added TempChatBan commands, hwid safety check
3571d8e Crash fix
780d3f1 Set signal handler for SIGPIPE to ignore
b9d976e Fixed console input
b5be829 Removed HashTable, CString Added JUPITER_SOCK_EWOULDBLOCK Code now runs and compiles on linux
33bee43 Missed some files due to .gitignore
a8750ac Merge pull request #10 from JAJames/cmake
f3c20f5 Merge pull request #7 from ShogunKitsune/patch-1
884c1be 8:56 PM] Agent: make a PR for it
3cadca5 (origin/cmake, cmake) Removed some accidentally committed files; cleanup
e0994f0 Replaced VS project files with CMake Resolved GCC compilation issues
4a7a6a2 Fixed DEBUG compilation
751b3e8 Merge pull request #6 from JAJames/sarah
e945134 Expanded player list output and fixed bug
40ed372 Fix compilation error
d03d0c5 Fixed Bot.exe not being compiled
494c02d Added "bRanked" and "Game Type" to server JSON blocks
7ab27e3 Merge pull request #4 from nnyte/patch-1
2746cc6 Fix unicode escape sequence formatting
0ae6eb1 Updated to Visual Studio 2017 Simplified project files by adding property sheets
5ebf36f Replaced all instances of DLList with std::list Replaced many pointer parameters with reference parameters Fixed an initialization bug in HTTPServer Updated Jupiter
16b6ae2 Updated Jupiter and adjusted as necessary
334f545 Removed a couple unused variables
492a879 Minor bug fixes Updated Jupiter RenX_ModSystem: Adjusted for Jupiter
b4a92b2 All projects can now compile as x64 (albeit, with warnings) Updated Jupiter
361fd47 Updated Jupiter and refactored as necessary.
dc4f891 Commands is now a subsection of server sections Updated Jupiter; refactored as necessary Various bug fixes
3f22f26 Updated Jupiter and refactored code as necessary. Will improve config file formats over time to use proper subsections.
164f00f Updated Jupiter; adjusted project files to compile
25f6ef9 Resolved a null pointer exception (this solution is faster anyways).
016f71d RenX.Core: RenX_OnPlayerIdentify event RenX.Logging: Added log for RenX_OnPlayerIdentify; disabled some logs by default. MakeRelease.bat: Now copies LICENSE and all files in "Configs/"
6901c90 Added support for new HWID log Revised nBab's pull request Removed compiled .lib files
daca1ea Merge pull request #3 from n-Bab/master
88b1a48 Fixed a part i was missing in my code :P
6aedf0d Added fort vehicles and structures.
b1d106e Bot: Console CodePage is now set to UTF-8 on Windows RenX.ServerList: Fixed a JSON error in servers_long.jsp
b0da293 RenX.Server: Made a temp fix to getBotCount() until I can figure out why bot_count is incorrect RenX.ServerList: Fixed a Unicode related bug
bbe3ce1 Generally improved the layout of the solution file Excluded Tester.exe from MakeRelease.bat binary builds
7afd733 Added Jupiter project file to Jupiter Bot solution file Marked Bot as dependant on Jupiter
f2c45af RenX.Core: * Players list is now erased when changing maps using non-seamless travel * PLAYER "Exit;" event no longer has potential to create a PlayerInfo object * Added translations for Communications Center RenX.ServerList: Added levels list to browser.jsp