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Laplacian Eigenmaps

Laplacian Eigenmaps is another method for non-linear dimensionality reduction. It was proposed in 2003 by Mikhail Belkin and Partha Niyogi. LE constructs embeddings based on the properties of the Laplacian matrix. At that time, Laplacian matrix was widely used for clustering problems (Spectral Clustering, for instance), but LE was the first algorithm that used the Laplacian matrix for dimensionality reduction. For a more detailed description on how the algorithm works see;

Belkin, Niyogi. Laplacian Eigenmaps for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Representation. Neural Computation 15, 1373–1396 (2003)

Or you can also read my introduction to Laplacian Eigenmaps 😉; Laplacian Eigenmaps

In this project it has been implemented a version of LE. However, this implementation is not computationally optimal, this repository is primarily for research purposes.


  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • networkx


The algorithm is implemented as a python class called LE.

Parameter Description
X {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features). Data matrix
dim number of dimensions to extract
graph if set to 'k-nearest', two points are neighbours if one is the k nearest point of the other. If set to 'eps', two points are neighbours if their distance is less than epsilon
eps epsilon hyperparameter. Only used if graph = 'eps'. If is set to None, then epsilon is computed to be the minimum one which guarantees G to be connected
k number of neighbours. Only used if graph = 'k-nearest'
weights if set to 'heat kernel', the similarity between two points is computed using the heat kernel approach. If set to 'rbf' the similarity between two points is computed using the gaussian kernel approach. If set to 'simple', the weight between two points is 1 if they are connected and 0 otherwise.
sigma coefficient for gaussian kernel or heat kernel
laplacian if set to 'unnormalized', eigenvectors are obtained by solving the generalized eigenvalue problem Ly = λDy where L is the unnormalized laplacian matrix. If set to 'random', eigenvectors are obtained by decomposing the Random Walk Normalized Laplacian matrix. If set to 'symmetrized', eigenvectors are obtained by decomposing the Symmetrized Normalized Laplacian
opt_eps_jumps increasing factor for epsilon

Note: To chose the minimum epsilon which guarantees G to be connected, first, epsilon is set to be equal to the distance from observation i = 0 to its first nearest neighbour. Then we check if the Graph is connected, if it's not, epsilon is increased by opt_eps_jumps and the process is repeated until the Graph is connected.

Attribute Description
Y array, shape = (n_samples, dim). Embeddings of data matrix X
W weight matrix
D diagonal matrix which elements are the sum of the rows of W
G adjacency matrix of the constructed neighborhood graph
L unnormalized Laplacian matrix. Computed as L = D - W
Ls symmetrized Normalized Laplacian. Computed as; D(-1/2) LD(-1/2). Sometimes referred as the normalized Laplacian
Lr random Walk Normalized Laplacian. Computed as; D-1 L. This matrix is also called (sometimes) the normalized Laplacian 😆😆

Note: Except Y, the other attributes are protected attributes. In the (weird) case you want to access to any of them you can do it just like any other public attribute (Python... such a generous guy).

Method Description
transform Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the specified Laplacian Matrix. Returns the first eigenvectors asociated to the smallest non-zero eigenvalues
plot_embedding_2d Plots embeddings in two dimensions
plot_embedding_3d Plots embeddings in three dimensions

Note: If the Laplacian matrix specified is the Unnormalized Laplacian matrix, then eigenvectors are found by solving the generalized eigenvalue problem using eigh from scipy.


from LE import LE
X = np.array([[2,3,4], [1,2,3]]) # nxd
le = LE(X, dim = 3, k = 3, graph = 'k-nearest', weights = 'heat kernel', 
        sigma = 5, laplacian = 'symmetrized')
Y = le.transform()


Here are some results obtained. For more examples see; Example LE

LE - Swiss Roll


LE - Twin Peaks Dataset