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Final Project - Functional Programming Principles - PRG2214

Download the Latest Build

  1. Extract
  2. Run finalproject-fpp-cabal.exe

How To Install/Run (Lecturer Reference)

Within the file structure run the command cabal repl, this is equivalent to stack ghci. Do Not Run stack ghci as it might break files

Once all modules have loaded, load the main module by typing main within the console.

Console Tutorial

Introduction Of Application

Our Final Project for our Functional Programming Principles unit is to propose and design a system in Haskell which uses at least three use cases. For example: Create, Remove, Update, Delete, Report, Calculate and View Operations. The application should utilize functional programming and should consist of a new data type, the use of polymorphism and a fully working console program menu.

In the case of my application, I had gone with a BMI (Body-Mass Index) calculator with use cases such as Create, Remove, Delete, Report, Calculate and View. The program uses Cabal file and as a dependency solver.

External Libraries that are used within the program include (More explanation on each Library will be done within Application Code Explanation & Data Types):

The applications source code can also be viewed on, with commits as a proof-of-originality.

Application Features

List of features the application is capable of achieving:

  • Storage Method: SQLite using SQLite-simple
  • Calculate BMI and store
  • Delete Entries
  • View All Entries
  • View Specific Entry
  • View Report on BMI
  • CLI-based Menu Navigation