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JBA edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 3 revisions


This wiki will only have customisation options and where to modify them, as you already have setup in the readme.

There are a few values you can change in the datapack. I would recommend using Visual Studio Code with mcfunction add-ons, but this isn't necessary. Regardless, you will have to edit the files inside the folder to change values.

With Visual Studio, open the folder containing pack.mcmeta.

With Notepad or notepad++, simply open the folder and navigate to data.

You are now ready to start editing

Preparation phase

Files for preparation phase: admin:start, game:countdownend, game:tick, game:start


The first value we can modify is the timer. The default is 45 seconds, or 900 in-game ticks. A second is equal to 20 ticks, so simply multiply the amount of time by 20 and use this value.

Navigate to start.mcfunction and find the line "scoreboard players set @a Countdown 900" and change this value. You can also change the text in the line above to state the correct amount of time.


After doing this, modify load.mcfunction. You will have to change the values after "bossbar add countdown "Preparation Phase Countdown" and before "bossbar set minecraft:countdown visible false"

Change "bossbar set minecraft:countdown max 900" to match your previous value, and if you want, change the color to something you like. The default is red.


The value of the max must match the amount in countdown, or it will cause issues with the time display.


Starting gear for hunters

Files: game:countdownend


This entire section has gear options. Remove the # at the start of all the lines, and replace each slot with the item of your choice. The names should be self explanatory, note that hotbar.0 is the first slot while hotbar.8 is the last.

Player values

Files: game:tick, game:countdownend, game:teleportsuccess

There are a few values we can change here. The first one is the proximity detector. By default it is set to 50, you can change this in tick.mcfunction by modifying these values.


With these values, runners will sense hunters 45 blocks away while hunters will sense runners 60 blocks away.

The second one is glowing. You can find this in tick.mcfunction again.


It is simple. Remove the # in front of the first line for hunters to be highlighted, second line for runners, or both for both.

The last value we will modify in tick.mcfunction is the death count. It is set to 2, change this in this line:


Next, let's go to countdownend. This is where we can set the uses for the teleport for each hunter.


Simply modify the line with UseCount. It is set to 4, meaning you can use it 4 times. DeathCount should always be 0 here.

Also in this file, you can modify the world border and initial spread.


worldborder set 1 will set world border size while execute at @r[team=Runners] run spreadplayers ~ ~ 10 80 under 125 false @a[team=Hunters] can spread the players. Change the max value of 80 here to whatever you want. DO NOT modify under 125 or this will cause issues with the nether roof.

Lastly, the teleport features can be modified in teleportsuccess.mcfunction.


Add or remove glowing on teleport here, by removing the #. The first one gives the targeted runner glowing while the second gives the hunter who is teleporting the effect. By default the values are set to 10 seconds and 45 seconds, you can change that too.


Again, you can change the spread of the teleport here.



For now this is all that can be changed.

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