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Plotting for estimation
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JBjoernskov committed Jun 17, 2024
2 parents fc9d298 + 1355302 commit ee72022
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions twin4build/utils/plot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import itertools
import shutil
from twin4build.model.model import Model
import corner
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
class Colors:
colors = sns.color_palette("deep")
blue = colors[0]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2105,3 +2108,209 @@ def __setup_default_cmap(cmap, inttype):
cmap = cm.winter
return cmap

def get_attr_list(model: Model):
'''This function takes a model, the model should contain a chain_log, otherwise it does not work '''
x = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[3]
number_list = list(range(1, x + 1))
flat_attr_list_ = []

for number in number_list:

return flat_attr_list_

def plot_logl_plot(model: Model):
'The function shows a logl-plot from a model, the model needs to have estimated parameters'

ntemps = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[1]
nwalkers = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[2]

cm_sb = sns.diverging_palette(210, 0, s=50, l=50, n=ntemps, center="dark")

fig_logl, ax_logl = plt.subplots(layout='compressed')
fig_logl.set_size_inches((17 / 4, 12 / 4))
fig_logl.suptitle("Log-likelihood", fontsize=20)
logl = model.chain_log["chain.logl"]
logl[np.abs(logl) > 1e+9] = np.nan

indices = np.where(logl[:, 0, :] == np.nanmax(logl[:, 0, :]))
s0 = indices[0][0]
s1 = indices[1][0]

n_it = model.chain_log["chain.logl"].shape[0]
for i_walker in range(nwalkers):
for i in range(ntemps):
if i_walker == 0: #######################################################################
ax_logl.plot(range(n_it), logl[:, i, i_walker], color=cm_sb[i])

def plot_trace_plot(model: Model, n_subplots: int = 20, one_plot=False, burnin: int = 2000, max_cols=4,
save_plot: bool = False, file_name: str = 'TracePlot'):

'''This function plots a trace plot. By default the plot is shown, but can also be saved by
changing the parameter: save_plot. The function takes the parameters:
- model (must have been estimated.
- n_subplots (defines how many subplots each plot should contain. By setting this to the number of params one plot is generated.
- one_plot (if true, all subplots is plotted on the same plot.
- burnin,
- max cols (number of cols containing subplots.
- save_plot
- file_name (only relevant if save_plot == True, othervise it changes nothing.
The function uses the get_attr_list function, to define the parameters of each subplot.

flat_attr_list_ = get_attr_list(model)

ntemps = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[1]
nwalkers = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[2]

cm_sb = sns.diverging_palette(210, 0, s=50, l=50, n=ntemps, center="dark")
cm_sb_rev = list(reversed(cm_sb))
cm_mpl_rev = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("seaborn_rev", cm_sb_rev, N=ntemps)

vmin = np.min(model.chain_log["chain.betas"])
vmax = np.max(model.chain_log["chain.betas"])
burnin = burnin

chain_logl = model.chain_log["chain.logl"]
bool_ = chain_logl < -5e+9
chain_logl[bool_] = np.nan
chain_logl[np.isnan(chain_logl)] = np.nanmin(chain_logl)

num_attributes = len(flat_attr_list_)
max_cols = max_cols

if one_plot:
n_subplots = len(flat_attr_list_)

for start in range(0, num_attributes, n_subplots):
end = min(start + n_subplots, num_attributes)
current_attrs = flat_attr_list_[start:end]
num_current_attrs = len(current_attrs)

num_cols = max_cols
num_rows = math.ceil(num_current_attrs / num_cols)

fig, axes_trace = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols)
fig.set_size_inches(17, 12)

if num_rows == 1:
axes_trace = np.expand_dims(axes_trace, axis=0)
if num_cols == 1:
axes_trace = np.expand_dims(axes_trace, axis=1)

axes_trace = axes_trace.flatten()

for nt in reversed(range(ntemps)):
for nw in range(nwalkers):
x = model.chain_log["chain.x"][:, nt, nw, :]
beta = model.chain_log["chain.betas"][:, nt]

for j, attr in enumerate(current_attrs):
ax = axes_trace[j]
if ntemps > 1:
sc = ax.scatter(range(x[:, start + j].shape[0]), x[:, start + j], c=beta, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
s=0.3, cmap=cm_mpl_rev, alpha=0.1)
sc = ax.scatter(range(x[:, start + j].shape[0]), x[:, start + j], s=0.3, color=cm_sb[0],
ax.axvline(burnin, color="black", linewidth=1, alpha=0.8)

x_left = 0.1
x_mid_left = 0.515
x_right = 0.9
x_mid_right = 0.58
dx_left = x_mid_left - x_left
dx_right = x_right - x_mid_right

fontsize = 12
for j, attr in enumerate(current_attrs):
ax = axes_trace[j]
ax.axvline(burnin, color="black", linestyle=":", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.5)
y = np.array([-np.inf, np.inf])
x1 = -burnin
ax.fill_betweenx(y, x1, x2=0)
ax.text(x_left + dx_left / 2, 0.44, 'Burn-in', ha='center', va='center',
rotation='horizontal', fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes)

ax.text(x_mid_right + dx_right / 2, 0.44, 'Posterior', ha='center', va='center',
rotation='horizontal', fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes)

ax.set_ylabel(attr, fontsize=20)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False)

if ntemps > 1:
cb = fig.colorbar(sc, ax=axes_trace.ravel().tolist())
cb.set_label(label=r"$T$", size=30)
dist = (vmax - vmin) / (ntemps) / 2
tick_start = vmin + dist
tick_end = vmax - dist
tick_locs = np.linspace(tick_start, tick_end, ntemps)[::-1]
labels = list(model.chain_log["chain.T"][0, :])
inf_label = r"$\infty$"
labels[-1] = inf_label
ticklabels = [str(round(float(label), 1)) if not isinstance(label, str) else label for label in labels]
cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels, size=12)

for tick in
txt = tick.get_text()
if txt == inf_label:

if ntemps == 1:

if save_plot == True:
fig.savefig(file_name + str(start + 1) + ".png")

def plot_corner_plot(model: Model, subsample_factor=10, burnin: int = 2000, save_plot: bool = False, file_name = "CornerPlot"):

"""Makes a corner plot for every parameter on the same plot. The dataset can be thinned by using: subsample_facotr,
this will take the n-th datapoint. """

burnin = burnin
flat_attr_list_ = get_attr_list(model)
ntemps = model.chain_log["chain.x"].shape[1]

cm_sb = sns.diverging_palette(210, 0, s=50, l=50, n=ntemps, center="dark")

parameter_chain = model.chain_log["chain.x"][burnin:, 0, :, :]
parameter_chain = parameter_chain.reshape(parameter_chain.shape[0] * parameter_chain.shape[1],

subsampled_chain = parameter_chain[::subsample_factor]

fig_corner = corner.corner(subsampled_chain, fig=None, labels=flat_attr_list_, labelpad=-0.2, show_titles=True,
color=cm_sb[0], plot_contours=True, bins=15, hist_bin_factor=5, max_n_ticks=3,
quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
title_kwargs={"fontsize": 10, "ha": "left", "position": (0.03, 1.01)})
fig_corner.set_size_inches((12, 12))
pad = 0.025
fig_corner.subplots_adjust(left=pad, bottom=pad, right=1 - pad, top=1 - pad, wspace=0.08, hspace=0.08)
axes = fig_corner.get_axes()
for ax in axes:
ax.set_xticks([], minor=True)
ax.set_yticks([], minor=True)

median = np.median(parameter_chain, axis=0)
corner.overplot_lines(fig_corner, median, color='red', linewidth=0.5)
corner.overplot_points(fig_corner, median.reshape(1, median.shape[0]), marker="s", color='red')

if save_plot == True:
fig_corner.savefig(file_name + ".png")

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