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Grimoire is a CRUD application centered around authorization of a user in order to access the main functionality of the application. The theme behind this app mimics a forum where users can create different boards, the actual video game or franchise itself, and topics on the board, those being the characters themselves.


this is a screenshot

Getting started, you are met with the landing page of the application. From here, you can navigate to the individual boards and view the full topics posted to the forum.

this is an image

If the anonymous user wants to create boards and topics as well, they must log in. The user will sign in using their google account via OAuth.

this is an image

this is an image

Once the user is logged in with their Google account, the navigation will append an additional feature, adding boards, as an option, as well as their account avatar to let the user know that they are currently logged in.

this is an image

Users will be able to view all topics currently related to a specific board, including the name of the topic(character) and amount of comments featured on the topic. They will also be able to add more topics if logged in. topics/comments belonging to a specific user will give them the ability to edit/delete it. These options only appear for that user during the session and only for the ones that the user created.

this is an image

Clicking a specific topic will render it on a new page in full detail. Any comments that belong to the topic will appear at the bottom of the post. These comments will also render the avatar of the user who created it and will also render edit/delete buttons depending on whether the user created it or not, similiar to topics.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Mongo DB

Take a look at the app here

Trello Link for Planning


  1. Resuable CSS. I learned for apps that need to perform at a larger scale definitely need planning done into its design system. I probably wrote triple the amount of css i actually needed if I would have put more time into the components I needed for the UI.

  2. Responsiveness. Something that will probably be the first to be added. It also just stems from non-reusable CSS.

  3. Board Deletion. Giving the user that created the board the ability to delete it as well. I felt since it was parent document to the app that those shouldn't be deleted so easily.