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Quickstart Guide

JD edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the QPlane Quick Start Guide!

This page should help you set up and run QPlane

Required Software and tested software versions

Software Version Required
JSBSim 1.1.5 (GitHub build 277) default Simulator
Flightgear 2020.3.6 optional – used for JSBSim rendering
XPlane11 11.50r3 (build 115033 64-bit, OpenGL) optional – used for testing
XPlaneConnect 1.3-rc.2 optional - used for XPlane
Python 3.8.2 Yes
numpy 1.19.4 Yes
Matplotlib 3.3.2 Yes
tensorflow 2.3.0 Yes
Anaconda 4.9.2 No
Windows 1909 Code also runs on Linux

Other versions might also work, these are the ones QPlane is tested with.

Installing QPlane

Once all the software packages are installed, clone the github repository into the desired directory on your computer. git clone


After successfully cloning the repo, navigate into the JSBSim folder to clone the JSBSim repo (in case JSBSim is your simulator of choice)

cd src/environments/jsbsim

git clone

JSBSim also needs to be installed, instructions are found here


If you want rendering to be available to the JSBSim simulator, then please follow the installation instructions for FlightGear here

Open FlightGear and Navigate to the Settings page. Before starting FligthGear please enter:

--fdm=null --native-fdm=socket,in,60,localhost,5550,udp --aircraft=c172r --airport=RKJJ

In the “Additional Settings” textbox at the bottom of the Settings page.


To install XPlane support you need to purchase download the XPlane simulator. More information can be found here.


Once the game is installed you will need to follow the instructions in the NASA XPC repository to install XPC. Instructions can be found here.

When using XPlane, the game has to running at all times!


If you want to use the deep RL algorithms, then please install tensorflow following the instructions here


After all the software is installed you can proceed to test if QPlane works.

For that go into the repos root folder and run the main file:


Modifying QPlane

Switching Modules:

If you want to run QPlane with different modules than the default modules, then the include paths need to be adjusted to work with the desired module. All the built in modules that come with QPlane have their paths mentioned in the comments next to the includes.

Examples of that could look like this:


from src.algorithms.QDoubleDeepLearn import QLearn
from src.environments.jsbsim.JSBSimEnv import Env
from src.scenarios.deltaAttitudeControlScene import Scene


from src.algorithms. QLearn import QLearn  
from src.environments. xplane.XPlaneEnv import Env  
from src.scenarios. sparseAttitudeControlScene import Scene

Now you can see that wee are using regular QLearn instead of the Double Deep QLearning module, sparse rewards instead of the delta module and we are now also using the XPlane Simulator in place of the JSBSim environment.

Available modules are:


  • jsbsim.JSBSimEnv
  • xplane.XPlaneEnv


  • QLearn
  • QDeepLearn
  • QDoubleDeepLearn
  • RandomAgent

Changing Parameters

Parameter Default Value Description Format
logPeriod 100 every so many epochs the metrics will be printed into the console int >0
savePeriod 25 every so many epochs the table/model will be saved to a file int >0
pauseDelay 0.01 time an action is being applied to the environment float
logDecimals 0 sets decimals for np.arrays to X for printing int >=0
n_epochs 50_000 Number of generations int >0
n_steps 1_000 Number of steps per generation int >0
n_actions 4 Number of possible actions to choose from int >0
n_states 182 Number of states for non-Deep QLearning int >0
gamma 0.95 The discount rate - between 0 an 1! if = 0 then no learning, ! The higher it is the more the new q will factor into the update of the q value float 0>=1
lr 0.0001 Learning Rate. Deep ~0.0001 / non-Deep ~0.01 - If LR is 0 then the Q value would not update. The higher the value the quicker the agent will adopt the NEW Q value. If lr = 1, the updated value would be exactly be the newly calculated q value, completely ignoring the previous one float
epsilon 1.0 Starting Epsilon Rate, affects the exploration probability. Will decay float 0>=1
decayRate 0.00001 Rate at which epsilon will decay per step float
epsilonMin 0.1 Minimum value at which epsilon will stop decaying float 0>=1
n_epochsBeforeDecay 10 number of games to be played before epsilon starts to decay int >=0
numOfInputs 7 Number of inputs fed to the model int >0
stateDepth 1 Number of old observations kept for current state. State will consist of s(t) ... s(t_n) int >0
minReplayMemSize 1_000 min size determines when the replay will start being used int >0
replayMemSize 100_000 Max size for the replay buffer int >0
batchSize 256 Batch size for the model int >0
updateRate 5 update target model every so many episodes int >0
loadModel False will load "model.h5" for tf if True (model.npy for non-Deep) boolean
loadMemory False will load "memory.pickle" if True boolean
loadResults False will load "results.npy" if True boolean
jsbRender False will send UDP data to flight gear for rendering if True boolean
jsbRealTime False will slow down the physics to portrait real time rendering boolean
usePredefinedSeeds False Sets seeds for tf, np and random for more replicable results (not fully replicable due to stochastic environments) boolean
saveResultsToPlot False Saves results to png in the experiment folder at runetime boolean
saveForAutoReload False Saves and overrides models, results and memory to the root boolean
startingVelocity 60 The starting velocity at which the plane is reset int >0
startingPitchRange 10 The range in which the random starting pitch angle will be selected from int >0
startingRollRange 15 The range in which the random starting roll angle will be selected from int >0
randomDesiredState True Set a new state to stabalize towards every episode boolean
desiredPitchRange 5 The range in which the random desired pitch angle will be selected from int >0
desiredRollRange 5 The range in which the random desired pitch angle will be selected from int >0
movingRate 100 gives the number by which the moving average will be done, best if n * savePeriod int >0

VirtualBox Image

A VirtualBox image with QPlane on it can be downloaded here. (Password: jd)

Grilbreth: sbatch -t 7-00:00:00 --nodes=1 --gpus=2 --mem=32G --cpus-per-gpu=2 -A partner qplane.sub