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GUI Documentation


The provided Python script creates a simple image viewer GUI using the customtkinter module. This GUI allows users to load an image, apply the model to it, and view the results. The script includes buttons for loading an image, saving the current image, running a model (placeholder in prototype), and exiting the application.


Before running the script, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:

  • customtkinter: A custom tkinter module for enhanced GUI styling.
  • PIL (Pillow): Python Imaging Library used for opening, manipulating, and saving image files.

Install these dependencies using the following commands:

pip install customtkinter
pip install Pillow


  1. Loading an Image:

    • Click the "Load" button to open a file dialog.
    • Select an image file (supports PNG, JPG, and JPEG formats).
    • The loaded image will be displayed in the GUI.
  2. Saving the Image:

    • After loading an image, click the "Save" button to open a file dialog.
    • Choose a location and provide a filename to save the image as a JPEG file.
  3. Running the Model:

    • The "Run" button is a placeholder for running a model (not implemented in the provided code).
    • Modify the run_model function to include the desired image processing or model execution logic.
  4. Exiting the Application:

    • Click the "Exit" button to close the application.

Code Structure

The script follows a modular structure:

  • Import necessary modules (customtkinter, tkinter, PIL).
  • Set up the main custom tkinter window (root).
  • Define functions for loading, saving, and running the model.
  • Create GUI elements (labels, buttons) and place them in a grid layout.
  • Start the main event loop (root.mainloop()).



Opens a file dialog to select an image file, opens the selected image file using PIL, creates a CTkImage object from the PIL image, and configures a label to display the loaded image.


Saves the currently displayed image as a JPEG file. Checks if an image is loaded before proceeding.


Placeholder function for running a model. Converts the loaded image to grayscale and updates the label to display the grayscale version. Modify this function to include the desired image processing or model execution logic.

GUI Elements

  • label: Display area for images.
  • status: Label for displaying status messages.
  • Buttons:
    • button_load: Load an image.
    • button_save: Save the current image.
    • button_exit: Exit the application.
    • button_run: Run a model (placeholder).


Feel free to customize the GUI appearance, button colors, and functionality as needed. Update the code according to your specific image processing or model integration requirements.