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Releases: JEZ2018/sch.forms

sch.Forms 2020.0301

13 Mar 03:59
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What is sch.Forms, and Why Does It Matter?

sch.Forms system is a collection of free processes, procedures and controls designed to collect, record, classify, analyze and summarize students data for interpretation, management and decision-making.

sch.Forms is your DepEd School Forms Generator in your flashdrive.

No matter where you are, what windows PC you are using, you can run it.

What does it mean?

sch.Forms is a portable windows app that is simply one that doesn’t use an installer. All the files required to run the app reside in a database, which you can put anywhere on the system. If you move the folder, the app will still work the same. Instead of installing a portable app, you typically download it as a ZIP file, extract that ZIP to a folder, and run the executable file for the app. If the app allows you to save settings, those settings are saved in files right inside the database.

Unlike you typical Excel Forms, sch.Forms is consistent

Here are the advantages of using sch.Forms System:

· Automation: Since all the calculations are handled by the software, sch.Forms eliminates many of the mundane and time-consuming processes associated with manual calculations.

· Accuracy: sch.Forms system is designed to be accurate to the minutest detail. Once the data is entered into the system, all the calculations and data interpretations, including scores, grades, ranks, attendance, etc., are done automatically by the software.

· Data Access: By using sch.Forms system it becomes much easier for different individuals to access and share students data from any computer because it is portable and database-driven.

· Reliability: Because the calculations, interpretations, management and decision-making are so accurate, the school forms generated by the system are highly reliable. So, we minimize the time for checking.

· Scalable: When your students data grows, the amount of record keeping necessary not only increases but becomes more complex. With sch.Forms system, everything is kept straightforward because sifting through data using the system is easier than sifting through a bunch of papers.

· Speed: Using sch.Forms system, the entire process of preparing printable school forms becomes faster. Furthermore, school forms and reports can be generated instantly at the click of a button. teachers and head teachers do not have to wait for hours, even days, to lay their hands on an important report.

· Security: With sch.Forms system, you can backup and restore encrypted database. This level of precaution is taken by sch.Forms system.

· Cost-effective: Since using sch.Forms system is more efficient THAN your typical Excel-based and paper-based records, your paper works will be done faster and time will be saved.

· Visuals: Viewing your data using a sch.Forms system allows you to take advantage of the option to view and export your data in different formats.

· Paperless Checking: With sch.Forms system, you and your head teacher can now save more papers, inks, printers, electricity for you can check the data using an electronic copy generated by the system.

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