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Privacy policy

Juan Gilsanz Polo edited this page May 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

My Server Status uses an error logging system. This software sends information to a server when there's an error on the application. The purpose of sharing that information is to help the developers finding the error and fixing it. This error logs doesn't contain any personal information about the user. My Server Status does not share any information with third party entities. This information will only be used to discover errors on the application and to fix them, and will be deleted when it's not necessary anymore.

What data is being captured?
  • User
    • IP subnet (not the exact public IP address of the user)
  • Device
    • OS name, version and kernel
    • Brand and model name
    • Processor architecture
    • Accessibility settings
    • Language
    • Device ID (identifies only one device, but not a single user)
    • Model ID (same for all units of that model)
    • Free and total memory
    • Free and total storage
    • Charging status
    • Screen resolution, density, orientation and dpi
    • Processor cores and frequency
    • Timezone
  • App
    • Installation source
    • Version
    • Error stacktrace

Under ANY CIRCUNSTANCE there will be captured user's personal information such as emails, usernames, passwords, geolocation, carrier info, phone number, installed apps or any other information that could be used to track an user on the Internet or to create a virtual profile of a single user or a group of users.

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