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mysql_windows LWRP

Provides chef resources for MySQL


  • Requires windows cookbook

  • MySQL 5.0 or later


  • windows



Execute install and uninstallation of MySQL. Also, if the attribute root_password is defined, then the root's password is set at the end of the installation


  • install (default)
  • uninstall

Attribute Parameters

  • installation_name: Name of the installation. It can be defined as the resource name. (Mandatory)
  • msi_url_path: absoute url where the installer is placed. This value may be specified as HTTP (http://), FTP (ftp://), or local (file://) source file locations. (Mandatory)
  • msi_url_file: filename of the msi installer. Is used along with msi_url_path attribute to get the full download link. (Mandatory)
  • installation_path: used to define where is or is going to be installed MySQL.
  • root_password: defines the password that is going to be set when installing MySQL. If the password is already set because of an old installation, it won't be set again and a warning will be shown. This only works for installation action. More than six letters are required.


Run installation, using a local msi installer (c:\mysql-essential-5.0.51a-winx64.msi) and set password for root:

mysql_windows_service "MySQL Server 5.0" do
  msi_url_path        'file://c:'
  msi_url_file        'mysql-essential-5.0.51a-winx64.msi'
  root_password		  'devtest'

Run uninstallation, setting remove_completely to true in order to fully delete MySQL.

node.set[:mysql_windows][:lwrp][:remove_completely] = true

mysql_windows_service "MySQL Server 5.0" do
  msi_url_path        ''
  msi_url_file        'mysql-essential-5.0.51a-winx64.msi'
  action              :uninstall


Execute password set, either setting root password for a fresh installation or any other existent user.


  • change (default): Change the password for a specific user.
  • change_initial_root: Change the root password for a fresh installation.

Attribute Parameters

  • execution_user_name: user that has enough permissions to execute the password change command in MySQL.
  • execution_user_pass: password for the execution_user_name typed
  • user_name: UserName for which the password is going to be changed
  • user_pass: Password for the user_name typed
  • installation_path: Installation path where MySQL is installed. You can either include /bin at the end of the installation_path or leave it like that. If MYSQL_PATH/bin is already added to PATH env variable, this could be omitted.


Changing password for user new_user using root as the user that executes the password.

mysql_windows_password "Changing passowrd" do
	installation_path 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin'
	execution_user_name 'root'	
	execution_user_pass 'devtest'
	user_name 'new_user'
	user_pass 'devtest'

Changing password for user other_user using new_user as the user that executes the password.

mysql_windows_password "Changing passowrd" do
	execution_user_name 'new_user'	
	execution_user_pass 'devtest'
	user_name 'another_user'
	user_pass 'mypass'

Changing initial root password providing the installation_path

mysql_windows_password "Changing root password for the first time" do
	installation_path 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0'
	user_pass 'devtest'
	action :change_initial_root

Changing initial root password whithouth providing installation_path as MYSQL_PATH/bin is already included in PATH

mysql_windows_password "Changing root password for the first time" do
	user_pass 'devtest'
	action :change_initial_root


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_new_resource_provider)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Author: JGutiérrezC (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Chef LWRP for MySQL in Windows







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