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A Flutter package for heart shapped toggle.

heart_toggle Demo

Getting Started

  1. First add heart_toggle package to your pubspec dependencies.

  2. To import heart_toggle:

    import 'package:heart_toggle/heart_toggle.dart';
  3. To use:

         props: HeartToggleProps(
               size: 40.0,
               passiveFillColor: Colors.grey[200]!,
               ballElevation: 4.0,
               heartElevation: 4.0,
               ballColor: Colors.white,
               onChanged: (toggled) => {},

Properties and Default Values

  • isActive : false
  • activeFillColor : 0xfffe8da5 (Pink, kind of)
  • activeStrokeColor : 0xffe75776 (Dark pink, probably)
  • passiveFillColor : Colors.white54
  • passiveStrokeColor : Colors.grey
  • size : 40 ( 40 is taken as the height and 40 x 1.5 is width)
  • strokeWidth : 'size' / 20 (Eg: 40/20 = 2)
  • onTap : null
  • onChanged : null
  • ballColor : Colors.white
  • heartElevation : null
  • heartShadowColor : Colors.grey (only applicable when 'heartElevation' is not null)
  • ballElevation : 4.0,
  • ballShadowColor : Colors.grey
  • duration : const Duration(milliseconds: 300)
  • This package is inspired from the heart-switch react component. Make sure to check it out here.
  • You can check the original dribble concept here.