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CUDA code designed to simulate interferometric data using point, Gaussian, and shapelet sky models


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Documentation Status codecov *note code coverage only applies to python3 and C code, CUDA code is not currently supported by code coverage software

The WODEN documentation lives here on readthedocs. If your internet has broken and you have already installed WODEN, you can build a local copy by navigating into WODEN/docs/sphinx and running make html (you'll need to have doxygen installed).

Note Although WODEN is still very much a great tool for MWA interferomteric simulations, I (Jack Line) am no longer working in astronomy. I'll drop in to advise and/or fix bugs from time to time, but I can't commit to developing new features I'm afraid. If you want new features (or even better, want to write new features), please reach out to the Epoch of Reionisation group at Curtin University. They should know if anyone is actively working on/using the software. If you end up taking over this project, feel free to delete this message!

Please be aware, before WODEN version 1.4.0, in the output uvfits files, the first polarisation (usually called XX) was derived from North-South dipoles, as is the labelling convention according to the IAU. However, most uvfits users I've met, as well as the data out of the MWA telescope, define XX as East-West. So although the internal labelling and mathematics within the C/CUDA code is to IAU spec, by default, now writes out XX as East-West and YY as North-South. From version 1.4.0, a header value of IAUORDER = F will appear, with F meaning IAU ordering is False, so the polarisations go EW-EW, NS-NS, EW-NS, NS-EW. If IAUORDER = T, the order is NS-NS, EW-EW, NS-EW, EW-NS. If there is no IAUORDER at all, assume IAUORDER = T.

WODEN is C / CUDA code designed to be able to simulate low-frequency radio interferometric data. It is written to be simplistic and fast to allow all-sky simulations. Although WODEN was primarily written to simulate Murchinson Widefield Array (MWA, Tingay et al. 2013) visibilities, it is becoming less instrument-specific as time goes on. WODEN outputs uvfits files.

New in version 2.0:

  • Large swathes of the code have been transferred from C in python
  • The C/CUDA code that remains is called directly from python now, meaning the .json and .dat files are no longer needed
  • A new FITS sky model format is supported, meaning you can run simulations with greater than 25 million components via lazy loading
  • I've done away with using Stokes QUV to speed things up. The plan is to implement some kind of rotation measure model to include Q/U, and reinstate Stokes V in a future release

If you have feature requests or want to contribute to WODEN, have a read of the guide to contributing to get started. I welcome the feedback and/or help!

Jack Line
April 2024

1. Installation

Read the comprehensive installation guide on readthedocs.

The quickest way is to use the new docker image:

docker pull docker://jlbline/woden-2.0

and then run things through Docker or Singularity (more detail on that on ReadTheDocs). This version comes bundled with all the MWA FEE primary beam files which is nice.

If that docker image doesn't support your NVIDIA card, install yourself. Again, go to ReadTheDocs for details, but in short, you will need the dependencies:

Once you have those, compilation is done via CMake. Ideally, this will be enough:

$ cd WODEN
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j 4

You then install the python3 code via something like

$ cd WODEN
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .

with a couple of post-compilation environment variables needed to use the MWA FEE primary beam model.

2. Testing

There are two routes to test WODEN:

3. Usage

WODEN is run via the script, which will launch the woden executable. All arguments are explained here on readthedocs (or you can type --help).

As WODEN is written primarily for the MWA, the simplest way to feed in observational properties is via a metafits file. You can obtain metafits files here. A very minimalistic example command using a metafits file looks like \
    --ra0=50.67 --dec0=-37.2 \
    --cat_filename=srclist_msclean_fornaxA_phase1+2.txt \
    --metafits_filename=1202815152_metafits_ppds.fits \

where the array layout, observational settings, frequency and time resolution are all read in from the metafits file. All you have to specify is a phase centre (ra0, dec0), a sky model (cat_filename), and a primary beam (in this case the MWA Fully Embedded Element beam - the delays are also read from the metafits). For full control, you can also specify all observational settings explicitly: \
    --ra0=50.67 --dec0=-37.2 \
    --cat_filename=srclist_msclean_fornaxA_phase1+2.txt \
    --primary_beam=MWA_FEE \
    --MWA_FEE_delays=[6,4,2,0,8,6,4,2,10,8,6,4,12,10,8,6] \
    --lowest_channel_freq=169.6e+6 \
    --freq_res=10e+3 \
    --num_time_steps=240 \
    --time_res=0.5 \
    --date=2018-02-28T08:47:06 \

WODEN can read in an array layout as specified in local east, north, and height, and can simulate for any location on Earth (defaults to the MWA but you can specify Earth location with --longitude / --latitude).

4. WODEN sky model

The WODEN sky model uses point sources, elliptical Gaussians, and shapelet models. All sources can either have power-law, curved power law, or list of flux densities spectral behaviour. A full breakdown of the sky model lives here on readthedocs, along with the possible formats to feed into WODEN.