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Chitter Challenge

This is my version of Chitter Challenge set by Makers. Please see the brief from Makers here.

Getting Started

Initial set up

  • You will need Ruby installed, this project uses version 2.7.2
  • Clone this repository to your local machine and navigate to the root of the project
$ cd chitter-challenge
  • Run bundle to install the gems, if you do not already have bundler installed you will need to install this first
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle

Setting up the databases

  • This app uses a PostgreSQL database, so you will need to install and set up Postgres:

    • Using a package manager such as Homebrew is recommended
    • You can install Homebrew here
    • Then install PostgreSQL with: $ brew install postgresql
    • After Homebrew has downloaded PostgreSQL it will show you some installation instructions: follow them!
    • Next run: $ brew services start postgresql to keep PostgreSQL running in the background
  • Connect to PostgreSQL using the command $ psql

  • Create the test database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE new_chitter_test

  • Connect to the database using the psql command \c new_chitter_test

  • Run the queries that are saved in the files chitter-challenge/db/migrations/02_create_peeps_test_table.sql) and chitter-challenge/db/migrations/04_create_users_test_table.sql

  • Create the development database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE chitter

  • Connect to the database using the psql command \c chitter

  • Run the queries that are saved in the files chitter-challenge/db/migrations/01_create_peeps_test_table.sql) and chitter-challenge/db/migrations/03_create_users_test_table.sql

Running tests

  • Ensure you are in the root directory of the project
  • To run entire test suite run the command $ rspec

Notes on tests:

  • Capybara is used for feature testing and rspec is used for unit testing
  • The tests are configured to automatically connect to the test database before running
  • The test database is cleared after each test

Using the app

To run this app, start the server using the command

$ rackup

Navigate to http://localhost:9292/

Example usage

On opening local host the user sees this page.


If the user does not already have an account they click sign up and are taken to the user sign up page.


Once they have created their account they are redirected to the main page, they can click on sign in complete the sign un form below.


If they enter incorrect details a flash message will pop up.


Once successfully logged in they are taken to the main page. Styling here is currently still in progress, this is a screenshot of where I'm up to at the moment.


More screenshots coming as I continue to work on the styling.

My Approach

  • I used TDD throughout the development of this app working from the user stories provided.
  • So as to get some more practice making an app with a full selection of CRUD features I decided to add update and delete functions to peeps.
  • I was keen to get some further practice using CSS and am pleased with the end result of the look of the app.


This was the brief provided by Makers, including the user stories. All user stories have been implemented apart from the final one. I have made some changes to the notes on functionality, namely that users DO need to be logged in to read peeps and only user handles are displayed next to a users peep. I made these changes as I though they gave the app a more professional looking finish. As a bonus task I decided to work on the CSS to start with and hope to move onto enabling users to reply to peeps.

User Stories


As a Maker
So that I can let people know what I am doing  
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter

As a Maker
So that I can see what others are saying  
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order

As a Maker
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made

As a Maker
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter


As a Maker
So that only I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter

As a Maker
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter


As a Maker
So that I can stay constantly tapped in to the shouty box of Chitter
I want to receive an email if I am tagged in a Peep

Notes on functionality:

  • You don't have to be logged in to see the peeps.
  • Makers sign up to chitter with their email, password, name and a username (e.g., password123, Sam Morgan, sjmog).
  • The username and email are unique.
  • Peeps (posts to chitter) have the name of the maker and their user handle.
  • Your README should indicate the technologies used, and give instructions on how to install and run the tests.


If you have time you can implement the following:

  • In order to start a conversation as a maker I want to reply to a peep from another maker.


  • Work on the CSS to make it look good.

Good luck and let the chitter begin!


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  • Ruby 62.4%
  • HTML 19.0%
  • CSS 18.6%