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sidlo64 committed May 23, 2019
1 parent bbc6d4c commit f8dbf08
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Showing 6 changed files with 271 additions and 14 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ IdUseFastClock = Pou\u017e\u00edt modelov\u00fd \u010das
IncludeUsedHeads = V\u010detn\u011b d\u0159\u00edve pou\u017eit\u00fdch n\u00e1v\u011bstn\u00edch \u0161t\u00edt\u016f

MenuDefaults = V\u00fdchoz\u00ed hodnoty
MenuView = N\u00e1hled
MenuView = Zobrazit
MenuNewWindow = Nov\u00e9 okno
Inverted = Obr\u00e1cen\u00fd
InitialSensorState = V\u00fdchoz\u00ed stav sn\u00edma\u010de
Expand Down
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions java/src/jmri/jmrit/beantable/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
# Translation: Petr Sidlo
# Czech translation for the jmri.jmrit.beantable.SectionTableAction and
# jmri.jmrit.beantable.TransitTableAction GUI elements not contained in

# compare entries with jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.DispatcherBundle
SectionSystemNameHint = Zadejte syst\u00e9mov\u00fd n\u00e1zev pro novou Sekci, nap\u0159. IY13
SectionUserNameHint = Zadejte u\u017eivatelsk\u00fd n\u00e1zev pro Sekci, nap\u0159. Od Zast\u00e1vky do Tunelu
SectionCreateButtonHint = Stiskn\u011bte pro kontrolu z\u00e1znam\u016f a vytvo\u0159en\u00ed nov\u00e9 Sekce.
SectionUpdateButtonHint = Stiskn\u011bte pro aktualizaci t\u00e9to Sekce.
BlockTableMessage = Bloky v Sekci (je po\u017eadov\u00e1na alespo\u0148 jedna)
SectionFree = VOLN\u00c9
SectionForward = VP\u0158ED
SectionReverse = VZAD
SectionFirstBlock = Prvn\u00ed Blok
SectionLastBlock = Posledn\u00ed Blok

SectionTypeSMLLabel = <html>Tato sekce byla vytvo\u0159ena z Logiky N\u00e1v\u011bstidel.<br>Bloky a vstupn\u00ed body jsou napln\u011bny p\u0159i na\u010dten\u00ed panelu</html>
SectionTypeDynLabel = Tato Sekce byla dynamicky vytvo\u0159ena a nebude ulo\u017eena

TransitSystemNameHint = Zadejte syst\u00e9mov\u00fd n\u00e1zev pro nov\u00fd Tranzit, nap\u0159. "IZ13"
TransitUserNameHint = Enter User Name for Transit, e.g. Passenger Run
SectionTableMessage = Sections in Transit (at least 2 are required)
TransitIdle = NE\u010cINN\u00dd
TransitAssigned = P\u0158ID\u011aLEN\u00dd
TransitStartBlock = Po\u010d\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed Blok
TransitEndBlock = Koncov\u00fd Blok
ButtonDuplicate = Duplikovat
ButtonAddNewAction = P\u0159idat novou Akci...
NewActionButtonHint = Stiskn\u011bte pro p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed nov\u00e9 Akce
DoneButtonHint = Po dokon\u010den\u00ed tohoto okna
UpdateActionButton = Aktualizovat Akci
UpdateActionButtonHint = Stiskn\u011bte pro aktualizaci t\u00e9to Akce
CreateActionButton = Vytvo\u0159it novou Akci
CreateActionButtonHint = Stiskn\u011bte pro vytvo\u0159en\u00ed nov\u00e9 Akce
SequenceColName = Po\u0159ad\u00ed
ActionColName = Akce
AddEditActions = Zobrazit/P\u0159idat/Upravit Akce
DirectionColName = Sm\u011br
AlternateColName = Jin\u00fd
SafeColName = Bezpe\u010dn\u00fd
StopAllocationColName = Stop Allocation Sensor
TitleViewActions = View Actions
TitleAddAction = Add Action
TitleEditAction = Edit Action
SequenceAbbrev = Sequence
WhenColName = When
WhatColName = Action Requested
Primary = Primary
Alternate = Alternate
Wait = Await Restart
AddNextButton = Add Next Section
DeleteSectionsButton = Remove Sections from Transit
DeleteSectionsButtonHint = Press to clear all Sections in above table and start again.
PrimarySectionBoxHint = Select a Section to add from this list, then press Add Next Section.
AlternateSectionBoxHint = Select a Section to add as an alternate to the above Section.
AddPrimaryButton = Add Next Section
AddPrimaryButtonHint = Press to add the Section selected at the left to this Transit.
RemoveLastButton = Remove Last Section
RemoveLastButtonHint = Press to delete the bottom-most Section from this Transit.
AddAlternateButton = Add Alternate Section
AddAlternateButtonHint = Press to add the Section selected at the left as an alternate to the above Section.
RemoveFirstButton = Remove First Section
RemoveFirstButtonHint = Press to delete the top-most Section and its Alternates from this Transit.
InsertAtBeginningBoxHint = Select a Section to insert at beginning of this Transit, then press [Insert as First Section].
InsertAtBeginningButton = Insert as First Section
InsertAtBeginningButtonHint = Press to insert the Section selected as the first Section in this Transit.
LabelSeqNum = Order Number:
SeqNumHint = Enter order number of Section to be replaced, added, or deleted by buttons below.
ReplacePrimaryForSeqButton = Replace Primary for Order
ReplacePrimaryForSeqButtonHint = Press to replace the primary Section at the entered order number, if possible.
DeleteAlternateForSeqButton = Delete Alternate for Order
DeleteAlternateForSeqButtonHint = Press to delete all alternate Sections at the entered order number, if any.
AddAlternateForSeqButton = Add Alternate for Order
AddAlternateForSeqButtonHint = Press to add an alternate Section at the entered order number, if possible.
ReplacePrimaryChoice = Please select a Section to replace \nthe current Primary Selection.
ReplacePrimaryTitle = Choose Section
AddAlternateChoice = Please select an alternate Section to add.
AddAlternateTitle = Choose Alternate Section
CancelButtonHint = Press to cancel without creating or updating.
DeleteAllBlocksButton = Clear Blocks from Section
DeleteAllBlocksButtonHint = Press to remove all Blocks from the above table and start again.
BlockBoxHint = <html>Select a Block to add to the Section, then press [Add Selected Block]<br>\
Only Blocks bonded to the currently selected Block through<br>a Path are available (if not in the Section yet)</html>
AddBlockButton = Add Selected Block
AddBlockButtonHint = Press to add the Block selected at the left.
YesDeleteIt = Yes, Delete Section
NoCancel = No, Cancel

WhenText = When:
WhenBoxTip = Select when the action is to be initiated
WhatText = What:
WhatBoxTip = Select what action is requested
OptionalDelay = Delay (optional)
Milliseconds = milliseconds
BlockStringTip = Select a Block within this Section
# On/Off moved to key StateOff/StateOn
MastLabel = Signal Mast:
HeadLabel = or Head:
SelectASignal = Select one of
DoneSensorLabel = Done Sensor (optional)
HintDoneSensor = (Optional) Select a Sensor notifying the dispatcher when done working.

OnEntry = On Section Entry
HintDelayData = Enter time in milliseconds to wait before action is initiated (0 = no delay)
OnExit = On Section Exit
OnEntryFull = On Entry to this Section
OnEntryDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after entering this Section
OnExitFull = On Exit from this Section
OnExitDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after exiting this Section
OnBlockEntry = On Block Entry
HintBlockEntry = Select a Block in this Section.
OnBlockExit = On Block Exit
OnBlockEntryFull = On Entry to Block "{0}"
OnBlockEntryDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after entering Block "{1}"
OnBlockExitFull = On Exit from Block "{0}"
OnBlockExitDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after exiting Block "{1}"
TrainStop = On Train Stop
TrainStopFull = When train stops moving
TrainStopDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after train stops moving
TrainStart = On Train Start
TrainStartFull = When train starts moving
TrainStartDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after train starts moving
OnSensorActive = On Sensor ACTIVE
HintSensorEntry = Select the Sensor to watch
HintSignalEntry = Select a Signal Mast or Head
OnSensorActiveFull = When Sensor "{0}" becomes ACTIVE
OnSensorActiveDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after Sensor "{1}" becomes ACTIVE
OnSensorInactive = On Sensor INACTIVE
OnSensorInactiveFull = When Sensor "{0}" becomes INACTIVE
OnSensorInactiveDelayedFull = "{0}" ms. after Sensor "{1}" becomes INACTIVE

Pause = Pause Train
PauseFull = Pause for "{0}" fast minutes
HintPauseData = Enter the number of fast clock minutes to pause for.
SetMaxSpeed = Set Maximum Speed
HintSetSpeedData1 = Enter target speed percentage (1-99)
SetMaxSpeedFull = Set maximum train speed to {0} percent
SetTrainSpeed = Set Train Speed
SetTrainSpeedFull = Set train speed to {0} percent
RampTrainSpeed = Ramp Train Speed
HintSetTrainSpeedData2 = Enter time in milliseconds to ramp speed to target speed
RampTrainSpeedFull = Ramp speed to {0} percent.
ToManualMode = Go to Manual Mode
ToManualModeFull = Change to manual throttle. No done Sensor.
ToManualModeAltFull = Change to manual throttle. Done Sensor "{0}"
SetLight = Set Locomotive Light
SetLightFull = Set locomotive light "{0}"
HintSetLight = Select On or Off to switch Light on or off
StartBell = Start Bell
StartBellFull = Start bell (if sound decoder)
StopBell = Stop Bell
StopBellFull = Stop bell (if sound decoder)
SoundHorn = Sound Horn
HintSoundHornData1 = Enter length of time in milliseconds for single blast of horn
SoundHornFull = Sound horn for {0} ms.
SoundHornPattern = Pattern Sound Horn
HintSoundHornPatternData1 = Enter length of short sound in milliseconds
HintSoundHornPatternData2 = Enter length of long sound in milliseconds
HintSoundHornPatternString = Enter pattern: 's' for short, 'l' for long, e.g. 'lsl' for long-short-long
SoundHornPatternFull = Sound horn pattern "{0}" short={1} long={2}
LocoFunction = Set Decoder Function
HintLocoFunctionData1 = Enter number (0-28) of decoder function to set.
HintLocoFunctionOnOff = Select On or Off to set specified function on or off.
LocoFunctionFull = Set decoder function "{0}" to "{1}"
SetSensorActive = Set Sensor ACTIVE
SetSensorActiveFull = Set Sensor "{0}" to ACTIVE
SetSensorInactive = Set Sensor INACTIVE
SetSensorInactiveFull = Set Sensor "{0}" to INACTIVE
HoldSignal = Hold Signal
HoldSignalFull = Hold Signal "{0}"
ReleaseSignal = Release Signal
ReleaseSignalFull = Release Signal "{0}"

LayoutEditorBoxHint = Select a Layout Editor panel, then select radio button to use it.
SetManuallyHint = Select this radio button to allow manual editing of Entry Point direction.
SetAutomaticHint = Select this radio button for automatic setting of Entry Point direction.
EntryPointTable = Table of Entry Points
SetManually = Set Manually
UseConnectivity = Set Using Connectivity from Layout Editor Panel:
FromBlock = Block Entering From
ToBlock = Entry Block
TravelDirection = Travel Direction
DirectionNote = Note: FORWARD Travel Direction is from the top Block toward the bottom Block.

DirectionSensorLabel = Direction Sensors (Optional)
ForwardSensor = Forward Sensor:
ForwardSensorHint = Select Forward sensor.
ReverseSensor = Reverse Sensor:
ReverseSensorHint = Select Reverse sensor.
StoppingSensorLabel = Stopping Sensors (Optional)
ForwardStopSensor = Forward Stopping Sensor:
ForwardStopSensorHint = Select Forward Stopping Sensor.
ReverseStopSensor = Reverse Stopping Sensor:
ReverseStopSensorHint = Select Reverse Stopping Sensor.

ValidateAllSections = Validate All Sections
SetupDirectionSensors = Set Direction Sensors in Logic
RemoveDirectionSensors = Remove Direction Sensors from Logic

ChoiceTitle = Choose Panel
MissingEntryError = Error - the required "{0}" entry was not found.
EntryError = Error in "{0}" entry -
EntryRangeError = "{0}" entry is not in the allowed range of "{1}" through "{2}"
MissingPattern = Error - pattern for horn sounding was not entered.
ErrorPattern = Error - bad character in horn pattern. Only "s" and "l" are allowed.
PauseTime = Pause Time
SpeedPercentage = Speed Percentage
HornBlastLength = Horn Blast Length
ShortBlastLength = Short Blast Length
LongBlastLength = Long Blast Length
FunctionNumber = Function Number
NoSensorError = Error - no Sensor was selected.
SensorEntryError = Selected Sensor does not correspond to a Sensor in the Sensor Table.
NoSignalError = Error - no SignalHead or SignalMast was selected.
SignalEntryError = Selected Signal does not correspond to a Signal Head or Mast definition.

Message1 = Sections require Blocks and Paths. Please define those before creating Sections.
Message2 = Error - Cannot create a new Section. System Name or User Name is not unique.
Message3 = Error - Cannot update. The new User Name is already in use for another Section.
Message4 = Error adding Block to Section. Please press Cancel and try again.
Message5 = Error - No Block to add.
Message6 = Error - A Section must have at least one Block. Please add Blocks and try again.
Message7 = Error - Could not provide Forward Sensor. Please correct Forward Sensor choice and try again.
Message8 = Error - Could not provide Feverse Sensor. Please correct Reverse Sensor choice and try again.
Message9 = Error - Forward and Reverse Sensors must be different. Please try again.
Message10 = Error - Entry point direction is UNKNOWN. Please assign direction of all Entry Points.
Message11 = Please choose a Layout Editor panel to define connectivity.
Message12 = Warning - Tool request cancelled because you cancelled\n instead of choosing a Layout Editor panel as required.
Message13 = Request cancelled. This tool requires a Layout Editor panel\nto define connectivity. Please create or load such a Panel and try again.
Message14 = {0} error messages issued when validating Sections.\nSee error log for details.
Message15 = All Sections were checked. No errors found.
Message16 = There are no Sections in the Section Table.
Message17 = The Section "{0}" is in use by the following Transits -
Message18 = Deleting this Section will break the Transits.
Message18a = Recommend deleting affected Transits first.
Message19 = No Transits use Section "{0}", but it may be in use elsewhere.
Message20 = Do you still want to delete this Section?
Message21 = Transits require Sections. Please define Sections before attempting to create Transits.
Message22 = Error - Cannot create a new Transit. System name or user name is not unique.
Message23 = A Transit may not have more than 150 Sections assigned to it.
Message24 = Error - No alternate section to add.
Message25 = Error - No section to add.
Message26 = A Transit requires at least two primary Sections.\nPlease add Sections before attempting to create/update this Transit.
Message27 = {0} error or warning messages issued when placing direction sensors in signal logic.\nSee Console log for details.
Message28 = Directions sensors placed in Signal Logic with no errors or warnings issued.
Message29 = This tool requires a Layout Editor panel, but no Layout Editor panel is present.
Message30 = Cannot place direction Sensors because there are no sections defined.
Message31 = Directions Sensors removed from Signal Logic with no errors.
Message32 = Cannot remove direction Sensors because no Sections have been defined.
Message33 = {0} error messages issued when removing direction Sensors from Signal Logic.\nSee Console log for details.
Message34 = Valid order number must be entered before attempting to edit by order number.\nPlease try again.
Message35 = Error - No Section to insert at beginning.
Message36 = Sorry, no Section found to replace the Primary Section at "{0}".
Message37 = Sorry, no new alternate Section found for the Primary Section at "{0}".
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions java/src/jmri/jmrit/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ ButtonUpdateIcon = Aktualizovat panel
ButtonChangeIcon = Zm\u011bnit obr\u00e1zek...
ButtonCloseCatalog = Zav\u0159\u00edt katalog

CPEView = Zm\u011bnit n\u00e1hled na Control Panel Editor
PEView = Zm\u011bnit n\u00e1hled na Panel Editor
IMView = Zm\u011bnit n\u00e1hled na N\u00e1vrh\u00e1\u0159 obvod\u016f
deleteSelection = Vymazat v\u00fdb\u011br
addItem = P\u0159idat novou polo\u017eku
newItem = Nov\u00e1 polo\u017eka:
comboList = Upravit polo\u017eky rozbalovac\u00edho seznamu
CPEView = Zm\u011bnit zobrazen\u00ed Control Panel Editor
PEView = Zm\u011bnit zobrazen\u00ed Panel Editor
IMView = Zm\u011bnit zobrazen\u00ed N\u00e1vrh\u00e1\u0159 obvod\u016f
deleteSelection = Vymazat v\u00fdb\u011br
addItem = P\u0159idat novou polo\u017eku
newItem = Nov\u00e1 polo\u017eka:
comboList = Upravit polo\u017eky rozbalovac\u00edho seznamu

#Icon dropdown menus
NotConnected = <Nep\u0159ipojeno>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ MenuTransitCancel = Zru\u0161it vytvo\u0159en\u00ed tranzitu
MenuTransitAddComplete = P\u0159idat do tranzitu a dokon\u010dit
TransitErrorTitle = Chyba vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed tranzitu
TransitCreatedTitle = Tranzit vytvo\u0159en
TransitCreatedMessage = Trantit {0} vytvo\u0159en \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b
TransitCreatedMessage = Tranzit {0} vytvo\u0159en \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b
MenuTerminateTrain = Ukon\u010dit vlak
MenuAllocateExtra = P\u0159id\u011blit dodate\u010dnou sekci
MenuNewTrain = Vytvo\u0159it nov\u00fd vlak
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions java/src/jmri/jmrit/logix/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ flushLog = Vypr\u00e1zdnit data do Protokolu relace
stopLog = Zav\u0159\u00edt Protokol relace

# other buttons will be picked up from NamedBeanBundle
ButtonReview = Revize
ButtonReview = Kontrola
ARun = Automaticky
MRun = Manu\u00e1ln\u011b
ButtonRunNX = Spustit NX Odkud/Kam Rozkaz
ButtonRoute = Upravit trasu
ButtonNoMerge = Nic nespojovat
ButtonMerge = Spojit v\u00fdb\u011br
ButtonCloseView = Close View
ButtonCloseView = Zav\u0159\u00edt zobrazen\u00ed
ViewProfile = Zobrazit rychlostn\u00ed profil
SpeedProfiles = Rychlostn\u00ed profily
View = Zobrazit
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ TitleTestProfile = Test

ButtonClear = Vynulovat profil
ButtonUpdate = Aktualizovat profil
TitleView = N\u00e1hled
TitleView = Zobrazen\u00ed
ButtonViewCurrent = Sou\u010dasn\u00fd
ButtonViewNew = Nov\u00fd
ButtonViewMerged = Slou\u010den\u00fd
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions java/src/jmri/jmrit/throttle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ ThrottleToolBarEditToolTip=P\u0159epnout se do nebo vr\u00e1tit se z re\u017eimu
ThrottleFileMenuSaveAsThrottle=Ulo\u017eit aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed ovlada\u010d jako...
ThrottleFileMenuSaveThrottle=Ulo\u017eit aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed ovlada\u010d
ThrottleFileMenuLoadThrottle=Otev\u0159\u00edt ovlada\u010d
ThrottleMenuViewAddressPanel=Panel adresa
ThrottleMenuViewControlPanel=Panel \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed
ThrottleMenuViewFunctionPanel=Panel funkce
ThrottleMenuViewAllFunctionButtons=Reset tla\u010d\u00edtek funkc\u00ed
ThrottleMenuViewMakeAllComponentsInBounds=Z\u00edskat v\u0161echny aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed sou\u010d\u00e1sti ovlada\u010d\u016f v mez\u00edch
ThrottleMenuViewSwitchMode=P\u0159epnout \u0159e\u017eim n\u00e1hledu r\u00e1mu ovlada\u010de
ThrottleMenuViewSwitchMode=P\u0159epnout \u0159e\u017eim zobrazen\u00ed r\u00e1mu ovlada\u010de
ThrottleMenuViewViewThrottleList=Zobrazit/Skr\u00fdt okno seznamu ovlada\u010d\u016f
ThrottleMenuEditFrameProperties=Vlastnosti r\u00e1mu...
ThrottleMenuEditResetFunctionButtons=Reset tla\u010d\u00edtek funkc\u00ed
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