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I managed to implement keycloak-js adapter 21.0.1 with Vue 3 Vite, without any third party libraries

Given you entered your keycloak configurations correctly, you should be able to perform GET-Requests to your backend by passing your URI into the inputfield, logging in/out with kecloak and seeing some details of your end-user

This is a ready to use solution for creating an instance of keycloak and passing it to the App.vue. A realm, a client and an user with given roles should already exist on your keycloak server, in order to perform a GET-request to your backend application, after keycloak login. Using spring security 6 cors and csrf should be configured properly too.

Configuration of a frontend client in keycloak with PKCE

On your realm create a new client with following settings: Client authentication: Off - we dont have a client_secret as we choose using a JS-framework Authorization: Off Authentication flow checkboxes: Only standart flow Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method: none (sha256 is recommend though)

Root Url: http://localhost:3000 Valid redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000/* Valid post logout redirect URIs: + Web origins: * Admin URL: http://localhost:3000

Make sure you use the right keycloak endpoints. Some older versions have different paths

http://localhost:8180/realms/yourrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration (assuming your keycloak is running on 8180)


A ready to use UI-Solution for using keycloack-js adapter directly.






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