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A collection of config files which can be imported into your project from the npm repository @jrrs1982/config

Importing a config file from here and using it in your application:

  • Reduces duplication (of config files between applications)
  • Assists you in applying a consistent set of rules between applications (where possible)
  • Assists you in applying best practice in your application (if the these files are kept up to date)

How to publish a new version of this to NPM

Test what you are about to change with the make publish-dry-run

  1. Ensure that you have committed all changes to git and are happy to deploy
  2. Deploy a new version of the repo with the appropriate make publish command
make publish kind=patch # use this if its backwards compatible and a bug fix
make publish kind=minor # use if adds new feature, but is backward compatible
make publish kind=major # use this the change is not backward compatible


Install this package in your repository

  • npm install @jrrs1982/config or
  • npm install -D @jrrs1982/config if you only need dev dependency files

Require and spread into your eslintrc.js file;

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
  // overwrite as required

Use eslint, like normal in your package.json scripts

"lint": "eslint ./src/**/*.ts", // list issues that need fixing
"lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix" // fix the issues

To ensure you keep your code clean, you can use lint-staged (with husky), to run tests and lint your code prior to commit.

  "dependencies": { ... },
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged && tsc --noEmit && npm test"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.{ts}": [
      "eslint --fix"

You may also want/need to install these packages
