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A GraphQl API for data persistence of the balanced-money application


In Development

Make sure you have a SQL Server running - you may need to start it with a command such as systemctl start mariadb if using mariadb.

  • make dev to run the project with nodemon.

// TODO separate dev from prod / stg.

  • make build, to build otherwise run make to restart containers. nb. it takes 60 seconds for the DB container to start as we need to wait for MySql to start.

The GraphQl endpoint should be available at http://localhost:4000/graphql!

In Production

TODO: add production endpoint / deploy the api.

  • Server should be deployed and available for validated GraphQL requests at XXXX. These requests will need to come from a validated user on the frontend application to be successful.


These are some of the npm packages which were used in the application.

  • apollo-server: to build and run the graphQl server
  • typeorm: to help interactions with the db
  • reflect-metadata: to work with TS decorators, required if using typeorm
  • typescript: adding types to make JS safer
  • ts-node-dev: to compile and run the TS code without need of pre-compilation with tsc - ts-node-dev is faster to compile than the more common ts-node package, however both of these are not suitable for running an application in production as they re-compile multiple times and ts-node-dev uses ts-node. So in prod we compile and run the JS code.
  • nodemon: to restart the application when changes are made to the code. Thankfully nodemon has inbuilt support for TS code via ts-node / ts-node-dev.
  • mysql: the database
  • babel: Jest requires babel for transpiling modern JS
  • lodash: a library of helpful JS functions
  • tsconfig-paths: Allow declaration of short paths in tsconfig.json file - i experimented with this, but discovered that it is not compatible with v23+ of Jest.
  • @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators: Support for the experimental syntax 'decorators-legacy' i.e. the type-graphql decorators
  • @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties: Support for decorating class properties i.e. decorating classes with type-graphql decorators
  • prettier: standardize formatting of the code
  • eslint: standardize style of the code
  • eslint-config-prettier: turn off eslint rules that may interfere with prettier rules
  • eslint-plugin-prettier: turn prettier rules into eslint rules
  • husky: hook into git to run commands such as format / lint prior to commit / push
  • tscpaths tsconfig-paths is a more common solution to replacing relative paths with absolute paths, but tscpaths is faster and only requires a small addition to the build script. It's pre v1, so not suitable for a professional product. It's run at compile time and has no runtime dependencies. I reverted away from this in favour of the more reliable tsconfig-paths, and that had issues within the container so i removed that, also tried others, still on the todo list need to read this jonkwheeler/tsconfig-replace-paths#25.
  • express-jwt Express Middleware to validate JSON web tokens - may bring this in soon.
  • module-alias: to create aliases and register paths in compiled JS code.


  • build: delete dist and compile with tsc
  • start: set the env as production and run dist/index.js file i.e. the compiled code
  • dev: use of nodemon and ts-node-dev to run index.ts after setting environment as dev and loading an env file. Note the nodemon.json file which contains config. Nodemon will watch for changes and recompile.
  • format:prettier: use a local prettier config to fix formatting
  • lint: use a local eslint config to alert code style issues
  • lint-fix: fix the style issues discovered by eslint
  • test: run jest test suite - only works if node_modules have been generated - looking to build a test db/service later.
  • test:coverage: run jest test suite and alert coverage report

Also husky: pre-commit hook to run format and style fix scripts.

Queries / Mutations

TODO: add how to make a query / mutation to this application in prod

Within the Apollo GraphQl explorer check the schema and run queries such as:

// get all transactions
query Transactions {
  transactions {

// save a transaction
mutation Transactions(
  $saveTransactionId: Float!, 
  $account: String!, 
  $amount: Float!, 
  $date: DateTime!) 
    account: $account, 
    amount: $amount, 
    date: $date) 

// update a transaction
mutation Transactions(
  $id: Float!,
  $field: String!,
  $value: String!) 
    id: $id,
    field: $field,  
    value: $value) 

// delete a transaction
mutation DeleteTransaction($id: Float!) {
  deleteTransaction(id: $id)

// example variables
  "saveTransactionId": 222,
  "account": "222",
  "amount": 11,
  "date": "2022-01-02 14:53:12.878"


Commands that were run on terminal to create the database and user.

CREATE DATABASE balanced_money;
CREATE USER 'balancedMoney'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON balanced_money. * TO 'balancedMoney'@'localhost';

Acceptance Criteria / Future Development

I am documenting current status and future plans in the AC, now saved in the repository, found here: docs/

Credits / Useful Resources

  • TS and MySQL here
  • Ben Awads video on TS, GraphQl, TypeOrm here
  • SO: TypeOrm ormconfig.ts reference here
  • LogRocket: Building a GraphQl API here
  • Pedro's Video on TS, GraphQl, MySql, TypeOrm here
  • Prettier, ESLint Install Guide: here
  • Nodemon and TS: here
  • Install MariaDb on Ubuntu i.e. the Digital Ocean VPS instance here
  • TS, Typeorm, CRUD: Simple article here
  • Docker: here

Notes / Learning

  • tsconfig-paths: tsc will not compile the TS to JS cleanly - some of the paths are not being compiled - which means running node on the js causes paths to be undefined. Would like tidy path names so I would like to return to this later

  • typegraph-orm: doesn't seem to work with Entities which are exported from an index file, again, would like to have clean imports so may return to this later - could be that i am exporting named exports instead of default, but I wish to get a MVP done then return to tidy up later.

  • Docker: I trawled the web for different setups and played with many commands to get Docker working i found roughly what i needed, and with tonnes of tweaking I have a containerised application! This has been the hardest step of this project so far. Still need to add services for test and maybe staging environments - or investigate that in more detail.

  • TODO: I currently have a digital ocean vps which I am hoping to add the database, server and front end on - I believe that this is the cheapest way to do it and as they are in the same vps will have low latency between requests/responses. Will need to add the database (mariadb / mysql) and go from there. ssh into the vps and run commands at root when the time comes - also can enter vps via DO console


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