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Thumbnails and Banners

Ron Snyder edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 2 revisions

Juncture can create custom thumbnails and banners from large images. A thumbnail and banner is an image that is optimized for efficient loading. In addition to optimizing the file size, a thumbnail and banner the can also be customized using IIIF features for cropping, rotation, and quality (color).

Custom thumbnails and banners are generated using the or service. The services have a single required parameter and several optional parameters.


  • url - This required parameter is the URL to the source image to be used to generate the thumbnail or banner.
  • region - The region parameter defines the rectangular portion of the full image to be returned. Region can be specified by pixel coordinates, percentage or by the value full, which specifies that the entire image should be returned. full is the default. Refer to the IIIF Image Specification for details on possible values for the region parameter.
  • size - The size parameter determines the dimensions to which the extracted region is to be scaled. Refer to the IIIF Image Specification for details on possible values for the size parameter.
  • rotation - The rotation parameter specifies mirroring and rotation. The numerical value represents the number of degrees of clockwise rotation, and may be any number from 0 to 360.
  • quality - The quality parameter determines whether the image is delivered in color, grayscale or black and white. Possible values are color, gray, and bitonal. color is the default.
  • format - Specifies the generated image format (png or jpg). jpg is the default.


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