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Collection of helpful PHP-classes. Curlifier - cURL wrapper with neat command-chaining possibilities. StringPermutator - class to iterate all possible permutations of string with given character-pool and length


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Collection of helpful PHP-classes.


cURL wrapper with neat command-chaining possibilities.

Example of simple get-request

$crl = new \jaxToolbox\lib\Curlifier();
$response = $crl->setUrl('')


Curlifier is a object oriented wrapper for making cURL-requests and receiving the response. It supports method chaining, post- and get-requests, cookies and custom user-agents. It also provides interface to validate responses header and body against given regexpes. Examples

Work in progress



There is multiple ways to perform requests with Curlifier. You can either set all required parameters with setters (see below) or pass them as parameter to the request()-method. Or you can mix the two ways.

request(array $parameters = array())

Performs the actual cURL-request and stores info about the response. Parameters to request() are optional but user must provide URL either directly to request() or via setUrl()-method. Request will return the Curlifier-object so the actions after request() can be chained. This method will throw CurlifierException if URL is not provided.

Possible keys in $parameters are:

  • url - The url to send request to
  • get - Associative array with GET-parameters
  • post - Associative array with POST-parameters
  • cookie - Associative array with Cookie names and values
  • referer - The URL to send as "referer" in the request
  • userAgent - User agent -string

Request with parameters passed to request()-method:

    'url' => 'http://localhost/pageApp.php',
    'get' => array('page' => '1'),
    'cookie' => array('MYCOOKIE' => 'RANDOMVALUE')

Note that parameters passed to request() will only affect that request - the next request will not have them.

Request with setters:

    ->setGet(array('page' => '1'))
    ->setCookie(array('MYCOOKIE' => 'RANDOMVALUE'))

Note that parameters set with setters will affect every request onwards.


Setters reset the settings/parameters of Curlifier. These settings will affect every request where parameters passed to request() will only affect that request. All setters return the Curlifier-object so they can be chained.

setCookie(string $name, string $value)

Replaces current cookie(s) with given.

$curlifier->setCookie('MYCOOKIE', 'SOMEVERYSECRETVALUE');

setCookies(array $listOfCookies)

Replaces current cookies with given cookies. Cookies must be given as associative array:

array( 'nameOfCookie' => 'valueOfCookie')

addCookie(string $name, string $value)

Add new cookie to existing ones.


setFollowRedirect(boolean $bool = true)

cURL can be set to automatically follow HTTP-redirections. If setFollowRedirect is not set the Curlifier will not follow redirections automatically. To enable redirect following:


To disable redirect following:


setGet(array $get = array())

Set the GET-parameters to pass on each request. Will override any previous parameters set. If called without any parameters (or an empty array) will remove all GET-parameters.

    'page' => '2',
    'query' => 'foo',

setPost(array $get = array())

Set the POST-parameters to pass on each request. Will override any previous parameters set. If called without any parameters (or an empty array) will remove all POST-parameters.

    'id' => '2',
    'name' => 'foo',

setReferer(string $url)

Set the request header "HTTP_REFERER" to given value.


setUrl(string $url)

Sets the URL to where each request will be send. The url-setting is only mandatory parameter to set in order to call request()-method.


setUserAgent(string $userAgent)

Sets the request header "HTTP_USER_AGENT" to given value. If user agent is not specified, Curlifier will use "cURL" as user agent.

$curlifier->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US))');


Curlifier has set of pre-defined user agents. Calling this function will randomly pick one of them and set the request header "HTTP_USER_AGENT". If user agent is not specified, Curlifier will use "cURL" as user agent.


setVerbose(boolean $bool = true)

Curlifier can set the cURL to output the request process into scripts output. If not specified Curlifier will not output the request process. To enable verbose mode:


To disable verbose mode:



Getters should be called after the request()-method.


Returns the body of last response as string.

$responseBody = $curlifier->request()->getBody();


Returns the header of last response as string.

$responseHeader = $curlifier->request()->getHeader();


Returns the HTTP_CODE of the last response.

$requestOk = ($curlifier->request()->getHttpCode() === 200);


Returns PHP array from JSON response. Will return NULL if decoding fails.

$jsonArray = $curlifier->request()->getJsonResponse();


Returns TRUE if response is in JSON - FALSE otherwise.

$wasJson = $curlifier->request()->isResponseJson();


Returns SimpleXMLElement from XML response. Will return NULL if parsing fails.

$simpleXml = $curlifier->request()->getXmlResponse();


Returns TRUE if response is in XML - FALSE otherwise.

$wasXml = $curlifier->request()->isResponseXml();

Regexp checks

Curlifier provides couple of ways to directly examine the response with regular expressions.

bodyMatchesExpression(string $regexp)

Returns 1 if responses body matches given regular expression. 0 if it doesn't and false if there were an error (invalid regexp) during check.

$hasEmails = $curlifier->request()->bodyMatchesExpression('/[a-z0-9_]');

getBodyMatches(string $regexp)

Returns matches from body to given regular expression as array. See preg_match for more details.

$emails = $curlifier->request()->getBodyMatches('/[a-z0-9_]');

headerMatchesExpression(string $regexp)

Returns 1 if responses header matches given regular expression. 0 if it doesn't and false if there were an error (invalid regexp) during check.

$redirected = $curlifier->request()->headerMatchesExpression('|Location: (http(s)?:/)?/[/a-z0-9_]+.html|');

getHeaderMatches(string $regexp)

Returns matches from header to given regular expression as array. See preg_match for more details.

$redirUrl = $curlifier->request()->getHeaderMatches('|http://localhost/content/fi/[0-9/]+.html|');


  • Multi-cookie support - Done
  • Support for "cookie jar"
  • Auto-parsing responses "Set-cookie" -headers and setting cookie accordingly
  • Getting PHP-array from JSON-response - Done
  • Getting (PHP-array) SimpleXML from XML-response - Done


Class to iterate all possible permutations of string with given character-pool and length


Collection of helpful PHP-classes. Curlifier - cURL wrapper with neat command-chaining possibilities. StringPermutator - class to iterate all possible permutations of string with given character-pool and length






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