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Jesse Alama committed Feb 28, 2010
1 parent 4f44cc4 commit b083439
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Mizar plugin
# based on the WikiText plugin.
package IkiWiki::Plugin::mizar;

use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki 3.00;
use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /;
use File::Basename;

sub import {
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "miz", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "htmlize", id => "miz", call => \&htmlize);

sub getsetup {
plugin => {
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1, # format plugin

sub htmlize (@) {
my %params=@_;
my($pname, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($params{page});
# my $pname = $params{page};
my $content = $params{content};

return verify($pname, $content);

# extensions of the environmental files
my @gaccexts = (".aco", ".atr", ".dct", ".dfs", ".eid", ".ere", ".esh", ".evl", ".frm", ".prf", ".vcl",
".ano", ".cho", ".dcx", ".ecl", ".eno", ".eth", ".fil", ".nol", ".sgl");

# extensions of files created/used by verifier, with exception of the .xml file
my @gvrfexts = ('.frx', '.idx', '.miz', '.par', '.ref');

# Run mizar on $content, giving the file name $pname.miz, return the html
# Creates temp dir in /tmp, which should be removed at some point (after debuging).
sub verify {
my ($pname, $content) = @_;
my $ProblemFile = $pname . '.miz';
my $ProblemFileXml = $pname . '.xml';
# my $TemporaryDirectory = "/tmp/";
# my $TemporaryProblemDirectory = "$TemporaryDirectory/coq_$$";
my $TemporaryProblemDirectory = mkdtemp("/tmp/mml_XXXX");
my $PidNr = $$;
my $mizfiles = '/home/mizarw/mwiki';
my $Xsl4MizarDir = $mizfiles; # "/home/urban/gitrepo/xsl4mizar";
my $addabsrefs = "$Xsl4MizarDir/addabsrefs.xsl";
my $miz2html = "$Xsl4MizarDir/miz.xsl";

# if (!mkdir($TemporaryProblemDirectory,0777)) {
# print("ERROR: Cannot make temp dir $TemporaryProblemDirectory\n");
# die("ERROR: Cannot make temp dir $TemporaryProblemDirectory\n");
# }

system("chmod 0777 $TemporaryProblemDirectory");

open(PFH, ">$TemporaryProblemDirectory/$ProblemFile") or die "$ProblemFile not writable";
printf(PFH "%s",$content);

my $result = `export MIZFILES=$mizfiles; cd $TemporaryProblemDirectory; $mizfiles/bin/accom $ProblemFile 2>&1 > $ProblemFile.erracc; $mizfiles/bin/verifier -q $ProblemFile 2>&1 > $ProblemFile.errvrf; xsltproc $addabsrefs $ProblemFileXml 2>$ProblemFileXml.errabs > $ProblemFileXml.abs; xsltproc --param const_links 1 --param default_target \\\'_self\\\' --param linking \\\'l\\\' --param mizhtml \\\'\\\' --param selfext \\\'html\\\' --param titles 1 --param colored 1 --param proof_links 1 $miz2html $ProblemFileXml.abs |tee $ProblemFile.html 2>$ProblemFileXml.errhtml`;

# $result =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html/$1\//g;
# $result =~ s/(<script(.|[\n])*?<\/script>)/<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"tst.js\"><\/script>/;
# writefile("tst.js", "$config{destdir}/$pname", $1);

# system("rm -rf $TemporaryProblemDirectory");

return $result;


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