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Releases: JW-Limited/LILO-LocalServer


24 Jul 01:53
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Release 1.4.1 - Bug Fixes

Welcome to version 1.4.1 of our software! This release includes minor UI changes and major bug fixes in the core. Please read this Readme file to understand the changes and improvements in this release.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. UI Changes
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Known Issues
  5. Feedback and Bug Reporting


Version 1.4.1 is a maintenance release focused on enhancing the stability and usability of our software. We have addressed critical bugs in the core and made some subtle changes to the user interface to improve the overall user experience.

UI Changes

In this release, we have made the following minor UI changes:

  • Updated color scheme: We have refined the color palette to provide a more modern and consistent look.
  • Improved iconography: The icons have been updated for better visual clarity and consistency across the application.
  • Streamlined layout: We have optimized the layout of certain elements to make the interface more intuitive and user-friendly.

New Start Window


These changes are subtle but contribute to an improved user experience.

Bug Fixes

This release addresses the following major bugs in the core:

  • Fixed critical memory leak: We identified and resolved a memory leak issue that was causing the software to consume excessive memory over extended usage periods.
  • Resolved data corruption bug: In certain scenarios, users encountered data corruption while saving files. We have now fixed this issue to ensure data integrity.
  • Fixed intermittent crashes: We investigated and fixed several instances of random crashes that were reported by users, resulting in a more stable application.

We are confident that these bug fixes will significantly enhance the reliability and performance of the software.

Known Issues

While we have made significant improvements in this release, there are still some known issues that we are actively working on:

  • Minor display glitch on high-resolution screens: Some users may experience a slight display glitch on high-resolution monitors. We are investigating this issue and plan to release a patch soon.
  • Rare compatibility issue with specific hardware configurations: In rare cases, the software may exhibit compatibility issues with certain hardware setups. If you encounter any such problems, please report them to our support team.

Feedback and Bug Reporting

We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues you encounter while using our software. To share your feedback or report a bug, please use the following channels:

When reporting a bug, please provide detailed steps to reproduce the problem, system information, and any error messages you encounter. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve the software for all users.

Thank you for choosing our software, and we hope you enjoy the enhanced experience with version 1.4.1!

Note: This Readme file is for release version 1.4.1 and is subject to change. Please refer to the latest documentation for the most up-to-date information.

1.4 Alpha 1

11 Jul 23:14
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Alpha 1

Welcome to the alpha release of version 1.4 of our software! This release introduces an exciting new feature: a brand new web engine. Please read this Readme file to understand the changes, new features, and known issues in this release.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. New Features
  4. Known Issues
  5. Feedback and Bug Reporting


This alpha release marks a significant milestone for our software with the introduction of a new web engine. The new web engine is designed to provide better performance, improved compatibility, and enhanced security features. We encourage you to test this release and provide us with feedback to help us refine the feature before the stable release.


To install the software and try out the new web engine, follow these steps:

  1. Download the software package for your operating system from our official website or repository.
  2. Extract the downloaded package to a directory of your choice.
  3. Extract the LILO package to the C:\ directory.

Please note that this is an alpha release, and it is recommended to install it in a non-production environment for testing purposes only.

New Features

New Web Engine

The highlight of this release is the introduction of a new web engine. Here are some of the key features and improvements it brings:

  • Improved performance: The new web engine has been optimized for faster rendering and improved page load times.
  • Enhanced compatibility: It supports the latest web standards and technologies, ensuring a more seamless browsing experience.
  • Advanced security features: The new web engine includes enhanced security measures to protect against malicious websites and potential vulnerabilities.

Other Enhancements

In addition to the new web engine, this release also includes the following enhancements:

  • Improved user interface: We have refined the user interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements: We have addressed several issues reported in the previous release to enhance overall stability.

Known Issues

As an alpha release, there are a few known issues and limitations that you should be aware of:

  • Some web pages may not render correctly due to compatibility issues with the new web engine.
  • Performance issues may be encountered in certain scenarios, and we appreciate your feedback to help us identify and resolve them.
  • Limited support for certain browser extensions or plugins may be present. Please check the documentation for more details.

We are actively working to address these issues and improve the stability and performance of the new web engine for the upcoming stable release.

Feedback and Bug Reporting

We value your feedback and encourage you to provide us with your thoughts, suggestions, and bug reports. Your input is crucial in helping us identify and address issues effectively. To share your feedback or report a bug, please use the following channels:

Please make sure to include relevant details such as steps to reproduce, screenshots (if applicable), and any error messages encountered. Your participation will contribute to making the final release of version 1.4 even better.

Thank you for being a part of our alpha testing phase and helping us improve our software!

Note: This Readme file is for the alpha release of version 1.4 and is subject to change. Please refer to the latest documentation for the most up-to-date information.

1.3.1 The Bug Fixer

26 Jun 21:38
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We fixed soooooooooooooooooo many bugs you cant imagine but here we are.

LILO-LocalServer 1.3

15 May 21:03
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LILO-LocalServer 1.3, jam-packed with awesome new features!

We're excited to announce the latest release of LILO-LocalServer! Our team has been working hard to bring you some exciting new features and improvements to make your experience even better.

  1. Say hello to our brand new Account Manager! It's now easier than ever to manage your user accounts and access permissions.
  2. We've given our UI a major facelift, with a sleek new design that's both intuitive and stylish. You won't believe how good it looks!
  3. You asked, we listened. Introducing our new Settings dialog, which gives you total control over how your LILO-LocalServer operates.
  4. Our licensing engine has been upgraded and refined, so you can be sure your LILO-LocalServer is running at peak performance.
  5. And that's not all! We've also updated and maintained the API between our UI and server, so you can be confident your data is safe and secure.

We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements! As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Thank you for your continued support of LILO-LocalServer.

Version 1.2.3

08 May 10:13
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Release Notes for LILO-LocalServer

Version 1.2.3 - May 8, 2023

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.2.3 of LILO-LocalServer! This version includes the following features and improvements:

- Local server for hosting web applications and serving static files.

The LILO-LocalServer now provides a local web server that can host web applications and serve static files. This feature allows web developers and designers to test and debug their applications locally without the need for an external server.

- Support for multiple simultaneous connections.

The new version of LILO-LocalServer now supports multiple simultaneous connections, which means that it can handle more requests and provide faster response times.

- Secure HTTPS connections with automatic certificate generation and renewal.

LILO-LocalServer now supports HTTPS connections with automatic certificate generation and renewal. This feature makes it easy for web developers and designers to create secure connections between their applications and the server.

- Customizable logging and error reporting.

LILO-LocalServer now allows users to customize the logging and error reporting features. This means that users can specify the level of detail they want in their logs and receive more detailed error reports.

- Websockets support for real-time communication between client and server.

The new version of LILO-LocalServer now supports Websockets, which allows for real-time communication between the client and server. This feature is especially useful for applications that require real-time data updates, such as chat applications or online games.

- Support for CORS headers to enable cross-origin requests.

LILO-LocalServer now supports CORS headers, which enables cross-origin requests. This feature is useful for developers who need to make requests from one domain to another domain.

- Simple and intuitive configuration options.

LILO-LocalServer now has simple and intuitive configuration options that make it easy for users to customize the server to their needs.
We believe that these new features and improvements will enhance the overall experience of using LILO-LocalServer, making it a more powerful and flexible tool for web developers and designers.

Thank you for using LILO-LocalServer! We appreciate your feedback and suggestions, so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or comments.


27 Apr 18:45
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1.2.2 More Fluent


In this release we fixed some major Bugs 💯 :

  • UI Bugs : The UI Collapsed sometimes while dragging between different Monitors
  • Updates : The Updater had problems to download the files from the server
  • and so many more


  • improved data managment
  • added sql functionality
  • better integration with youre servers


26 Apr 18:29
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LAB Libary

This Libary you can use to build and develop apps with the lilo ecosystem build in.

It includes :

  • UI Elements : WinUI, WinForms, Xaml
  • Converters : any type of data conversion
  • Api Classes : many easy realisable api classes
  • LILO SYS : an easy to use system entry to LILO

This project is also included in srvlocal. Its an Libary/Engine for JW Limited Apps.

How to use it?

Just include this in youre Project and mark it on youre Codefile.

using LABLibary;

Example 1 : APICollection

  • In this Example we first Call the Interface of the ApiCollection and realise the winregistry to lock up any key values.
if (LABLibary.Interface.ApiCollection.WinRegistry.Keys.GetKeyValue("LILO\\local\\DebuggerMode") == "enabled") advancedDebug = true;
  • Here is the same Example a liddle bit advanced but with the same logic behind
    public void ConsoleHandler()
        Interface.ApiCollection.WinRegistry.Keys keys = new Interface.ApiCollection.WinRegistry.Keys();  // We call the Interface
        if (keys.GetKeyValue("LILO\\local\\DebuggerMode") == "enabled")                                 // Checking the values 
            var handle = AllocConsole();
            ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW);
            openInExtraWindow = false;
                keys.SetKeyValue("DebuggerMode", "disabled");
            catch (Exception msg) { Logger.Error(msg); }

Example 2 : Form Collection

  • This Example calls the Forms Collection and realises the InfoDialog
  • The InforDialog() Method needs two values at first the information you want to provide and the second values
LABLibary.Forms.InfoDialog.Show(ShowVersion(), "Version");

private static string ShowVersion()
    return String.Format("AppName Version {0}", AssemblyVersion);


24 Apr 17:59
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Full Changelog: 1.3...1.2

LLS 1.1

13 Mar 17:18
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A Big Power House is Here

Whats New:


We know have enabled the first Beta of our LILO Application Builder in short LAB Application. You can now easilie gain access to the app market with youre own builded app.

LAB Libary

We added a Libary for our LAB so you can easaly add it to third party apps or modify it to youre liking

New Stream Quere

Our Local Server is replaced with a stream controller for our apps and third party apps to manage requested data.

So many more

new look, more functions and better workflow.

1.1 is for you

LLS 1.0

08 Feb 21:29
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A Big Power House is Coming

Whats New:


We now finally put all our software in this project togehter like a big Synthony their Instruments. And yeah were just at the begining thats its like an pre Band on a Concert but we promiss you the main Act is waiting