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ME-Scan analysis codes for the Alu, LINE, and SVA libraries.


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ME-Scan analysis codes for the Alu, LINE, and SVA libraries.

MEScanner is an intergrated tool for identifying polymorphic mobile element insertions (MEIs) using targeted high throughput sequencing.

Requirements: BWA, Blast, LiftOver, Samtools, Bedtools, Primer3

To run the code:

  1. Download whole code and source the main command source software_path/
  2. Download and modify reference files based on the README in each "ref_*" subdirectories.
  3. Creat a pathfile named as "ME-Scan.path" and a parameter file with ".parameters" as the extension in the working directory.
  4. The working directory should include subdirectories named as "Sample_...*" that contain Fastq files in pair-end format.
  5. Running the main command


  • family_info: pedigree files for all samples used in the study
  • parameters_info: parameters files used in the study
  • modules: individual analysis modules
  • ref_blast
  • ref_encode
  • ref_gencode
  • ref_mescan

The .parameters file includes the following parameters:


  • MEI_ref_RM ==> Name of the MEI to be used in the reference genome RepeatMasker annotation
  • MEI_known_stewart ==> Name of the pMEIs to be extracted from Stewart et al. 2011
  • MEI_known_dbrip ==> Name of the pMEIs to be extracted from dbRIP (
  • MEI_known_1kproject ==> Name of the pMEIs to be extracted from Sudmant et al. 2015
  • window_size ==> The range to consider from the mapping site
  • mapq_bwa ==> bwa mapping quality cutoff
  • blast_score_R1 ==> Blast bit score cutoff for Read1
  • blast_score_ref ==> Blast bit score cutoff for reference MEIs
  • primer_position ==> [5|3], if the ME-specific primer is located on the 5' of the ME, input 5, if the ME-specific primer is located on the 3' of the ME, input 3.
  • ME_fragment ==> the ME sequence that will be used for blast. xxx when file name is xxx_primer.fasta Caution: direction primer binding site to end of ME
  • repeatcover ==> [on|off], if on is specified, Read2s which are 100% covered by known MEs will be removed.
  • clustering_type ==> [fixed|flexible], clustering methods allowing fixed or flexible window note: ==> MEI_ref_RM, MEI_known_stewart, MEI_known_dbrip can allow multiple terms using regular expression e.g., MEI_ref_RM=AluYb8|AluYb9


  • path_mescan ==> the location of ME-Scan tool
  • path_samtools ==> the location of samtools for coverting bam to sam
  • path_bwa ==> the location of bwa for mapping Read2 against the genome
  • path_blast ==> the location of blast for filtering Read1
  • path_liftover ==> the location of liftover for lifting previous known polymorphic loci (from hg18 to hg19)
  • path_sort_temporary_directory ==> the location for temporary files
  • path_python3 ==> the location of python3
  • path_primer3 ==> the location of primer3
  • path_bedtools ==> the location of bedtools
  • path_primer_thermodynamic_parameters ==> the location of the parameter file for Primer3


ME-Scan analysis codes for the Alu, LINE, and SVA libraries.







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