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ApiKey usage #1: many users can use the same apiKey

Zoltan Juhasz edited this page May 2, 2023 · 1 revision

This example demonstrates, how to use the API with multiple individual users, but with the same apiKey. This is useful, if you have multiple users, becuase it is highly recommended to differentiate them. If a user against the OpenAPI rules, this user will be denied and not your whole apiKey and your other users.

static async Task Main(string[] args)
    // This example demonstrates, how to use the API with multiple individual users,
    // but with the same apiKey.
    // This is useful, if you have multiple users, becuase it is highly recommended
    // to differentiate them. If a user against the OpenAPI rules, this user will be
    // denied and not your whole apiKey and your other users.
    // The very first step to create an account at OpenAI:
    // Using the loggedIn account, navigate to
    // Here you can create apiKey(s)

    using var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .ConfigureServices((builder, services) =>
            services.AddForgeOpenAI(options => {
                options.AuthenticationInfo = builder.Configuration["OpenAI:ApiKey"]!;

    IOpenAIService openAi = host.Services.GetService<IOpenAIService>()!;

    // use a unique identifier for your users
    // it can be an email, a guid, etc...
    const string idForUserA = "";
    const string idForUserB = "";

    // works with User "A"
    await TextEditExampleAsync(openAi, idForUserA);

    // works with User "B"
    await TextEditExampleAsync(openAi, idForUserB);

static async Task TextEditExampleAsync(IOpenAIService openAIService, string userId)
    TextCompletionRequest request = new TextCompletionRequest();
    request.Prompt = "Say this is a test";
    request.User = userId;


    HttpOperationResult<TextCompletionResponse> response = 
        await openAIService.TextCompletionService
            .GetAsync(request, CancellationToken.None)
    if (response.IsSuccess)
        response.Result!.Completions.ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c.Text));