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Bound Redux Reducers

Helper library for Redux to facilitate reducer reuse. Actions and reducers can be bound to scopes: When an action bound to a specific scope is dispatched, the action is only passed into reducers that are also bound to the same scope; reducers bound to different scopes return their current states. Unbound reducers are unaffected by this library: bound actions are passed to unbound reducers.


npm install --save bound-redux-reducers The library has redux and redux-thunk as its peer dependencies. You need install these two libraries as well.



Binds a reducer to a scope. Takes two arguments:

  1. Reducer reducer function
  2. Scope string


Binds an action or action creator to a scope. Takes two arguments:

  1. Action or action creator (action creator can return an action or a thunk) action object | function
  2. Scope string
const {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} = require('redux');
const thunk = require('redux-thunk').default;
const {bindActionToScope, bindReducerToScope} = require('bound-redux-reducers');

function reducer(state='', action) {
  if(action.type === 'a') {
    return action.payload;
  return state;

const rootRecuder = combineReducers({
  aScope: bindReducerToScope(reducer, 'aScope'),
  bScope: bindReducerToScope(reducer, 'bScope'),
  unScoped: reducer,

const store = createStore(rootRecuder, applyMiddleware(thunk));

const creator = (payload) => ({type: 'a', payload});
const aBoundAction = bindActionToScope({type: 'a', payload: 'A'}, 'aScope');
const bBoundActionCreator = bindActionToScope(creator, 'bScope');


After dispatching the two actions, the state is:

{ aScope: 'A', bScope: 'B', unScoped: 'B' }


Binds Redux's combineReducers to a scope. scopedCombineReducers is a wrapper around combineReducers: you can easily scope an object's reducing functions (the object's values) into a scope.

const {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} = require('redux');
const thunk = require('redux-thunk').default;
// import scopedCombineReducers
const {scopedCombineReducers, bindActionToScope, bindReducerToScope} = require('bound-redux-reducers');

// Reducer stays the same
function reducer(state='', action) {
  if(action.type === 'a') {
    return action.payload;
  return state;
// aScope is now a nested object that's wrapped with scopedCombineReducers and bound to a scope
const rootRecuder = combineReducers({
  aScope: scopedCombineReducers({
    nested: combineReducers({
      value: reducer
  }, 'aScope'),
  bScope: bindReducerToScope(reducer, 'bScope'),
  unScoped: reducer,

const store = createStore(rootRecuder, applyMiddleware(thunk));

const creator = (payload) => ({type: 'a', payload});
const aBoundAction = bindActionToScope({type: 'a', payload: 'A'}, 'aScope');
const bBoundActionCreator = bindActionToScope(creator, 'bScope');


After dispatching the two actions, the state is:

{ aScope: { nested: { value: 'A' } },
  bScope: 'B',
  unScoped: 'B' }