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Releases: Jabbah/OpenXR-Layer-OBSMirror


18 May 20:58
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OBS Plugin and OpenXR API Layer with support for eye perspective and quad layers for DX11/DX12 games.

Better support for layers including OpenKneeBoard
More stable frame rates

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit

Installation issues:
Some systems are not setup to enable the user to run powershell scripts. If this is the case then run PowerShell as an administrator.
To get the current policy for the current user run:
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

And check value for CurrentUser:

        Scope ExecutionPolicy
        ----- ---------------
MachinePolicy       Undefined
   UserPolicy       Undefined
      Process       Undefined
  CurrentUser      Restricted
 LocalMachine       Undefined

If it is not Unrestricted then run the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

Now do the installation.

After installation the running scripts policy can be reset using the original value of ExecutionPolicy e.g.:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Scope CurrentUser


28 Dec 10:18
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OBS Plugin and OpenXR API Layer with support for eye perspective and quad layers for DX11/DX12 games.

Fix issue with iRacing having a black screen
Use eye selected in OBS plugin config

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


22 Dec 22:27
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OBS Plugin and OpenXR API Layer with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11/DX12 games.

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


21 Dec 00:36
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Beta release with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11/DX12 games.

Changes in v0.2.1-beta:
Fix crashes and zombie process in DX12 games.

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


20 Dec 19:46
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Beta release with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11/DX12 games.

Changes in v0.2.0-beta:
Add support for DX12 games.

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


20 Dec 09:47
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Beta release with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11 games.

Changes in v0.1.2-beta:
Fix issue with crashing in MSFS DX11 mode.

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


19 Dec 09:50
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v0.1.1-beta Pre-release

Beta release with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11 games.

Changes in v0.1.1-beta:
Fix issue with crashing DX12 games with layer enabled.

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall that version first.

Extract the files from to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit


18 Dec 16:21
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v0.1.0-beta Pre-release

Beta release with support for left eye mirror and quad layers for DX11 games.

Extract the files to a folder in Program Files e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenXR-OBSMirror\v0.1.0\

To install right click on Install-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

To uninstall right click on Uninstall-Layer.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell"

For this to work you will also need to install the OpenXR plugin for OBS:

Copy the files win-openxr.dll and win-openxr.pdb to your OBS plugins dir e.g. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit