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Comparison table of Room ID

子悦解说 edited this page Mar 7, 2024 · 2 revisions

This is the comparison table of Room ID between SCP - Containment Breach and SCP - Containment Breach Ultimate Edition (Reborn).

Vanilla ID means "the Room ID in the SCP - Containment Breach", and Reborn ID means "the Room ID in the SCP - Containment Breach Ultimate Edition (Reborn)".

Room Value Vanilla ID Reborn ID
Archive Room room1archive room1_storage
Light Containment Zone Variation of the End Room room1_dead_end_lcz
SCP-005's Containment Chamber cont1_005
SCP-173's Containment Chamber and Intro Office after the breach start cont1_173
Class-D Cells and SCP-173's chamber in the intro 173 cont1_173_intro
SCP-205's Containment Chamber room205 cont1_205
SCP-372's Containment Chamber roompj cont1_372
SCP-914's Containment Chamber 914 cont1_914
Two-Way Hallway room2 room2_lcz
Large Fan Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2_2 room2_2_lcz
Floor Lights Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2_3 room2_3_lcz
Third Door Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2_4 room2_4_lcz
Indented Walls Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2_5 room2_5_lcz
T-Shaped Lockroom room2doors room2_6_lcz
Storeroom room2closets room2_closets
Security Gateway room2gw room2_gw
Broken Variation of the Security Gateway room2gw_b room2_gw_2
A two-door hallway that leading to the storage room room2_js
Surveillance Room room2sl room2_sl
A hallway and storage room being affected by SCP-970 room2storage room2_storage
Tesla Coil Hallway room2tesla_lcz room2_tesla_lcz
Small Testing Room room2testroom2 room2_test_lcz
SCP-012's Containment Chamber room012 cont2_012
SCP Storage Chamber room2scps cont2_427_714_860_1025
Containment Room 5 room2scps2 cont2_500_1499
SCP-1123's Containment Chamber room1123 cont2_1123
Corner Hallway room2c room2c_lcz
Variation of the Corner Hallway room2c2 room2c_2_lcz
Lockroom lockroom room2c_gw_lcz
Broken Variation of the Lockroom lockroom3 room2c_gw_2_lcz
SCP-1162's Containment Chamber room1162 cont2c_1162_arc
Storage Area 6 room3storage room3_storage
T-Shaped Hallway room3 room3_lcz
Variation of the T-Shaped Hallway room3_2 room3_2_lcz
Another variant of a three-door hallway room3_3 room3_3_lcz
Four-Way Hallway room4 room4_lcz
No Catwalk Variation of the Four-Way Hallway room4_2 room4_2_lcz
A four-way hallway with an info center room4info room4_ic
Checkpoint Room for Light Containment and Heavy Containment checkpoint1 room2_checkpoint_lcz_hcz
Heavy Containment Zone Variation of the End Room endroom2 room1_dead_end_hcz
SCP-035's Containment Chamber room035 cont1_035
SCP-079's Containment Chamber room079 cont1_079
SCP-096's Containment Chamber cont1_096
SCP-106's Containment Chamber room106 cont1_106
SCP-895's Containment Chamber coffin cont1_895
A tunnel-shape two-door catwalk room2_hcz
Grated Hallway room2pipes room2_2_hcz
Another variant of the two-door hallway, with caged floors and ceiling that contain various pipes room2pipes2 room2_3_hcz
Gas Catwalk room2pit room2_4_hcz
Two-Way Metal Corridor tunnel room2_5_hcz
Two-Way Metal Corridor with SCP-173 Spawn tunnel2 room2_6_hcz
Hallway outside Maintenance Tunnels room2tunnel room2_mt
Hallway outside Warhead Room room2nuke room2_nuke
Small Server Room room2servers room2_servers_hcz
Elevator Machine Room room2shaft room2_shaft
Heavy Containment Zone Variation of the Tesla Coil Hallway room2tesla_hcz room2_tesla_hcz
Large Testing Chamber testroom room2_test_hcz
SCP-008's Containment Chamber 008 cont2_008
Hallway outside SCP-049's Containment Chamber room049 cont2_049
SCP-409's Containment Chamber cont2_409
A HCZ-styled corner room room2c_hcz
A corner room with a large cube-like stucture room2cpit room2c_maintenance
Three-Way Gas Catwalk room3pit room3_hcz
T-Shaped Variation of the Metal Corridor room3tunnel room3_2_hcz
Second T-Shaped Variation of the Metal Corridor room3z2 room3_3_hcz
SCP-513's Containment Chamber room513 cont3_513
SCP-966's Containment Chamber room966 cont3_966
Four-Way Gas Catwalk room4pit room4_hcz
Four-Way Variation of the Metal Corridor room4tunnels room4_2_hcz
Checkpoint Room for Heavy Containment and Entrance checkpoint2 room2_checkpoint_hcz_ez
Entrance to Gate A gateaentrance gate_a_entrance
Gate A gatea gate_a
Entrance to Gate B gate_b_entrance
Gate B exit1 gate_b
End Room endroom room1_dead_end_ez
Elevator Lounge room1lifts room1_lifts
The O5 Council's office room1_o5
Basic Office room2offices room2_ez
2-Level Office room2offices2 room2_2_ez
Large Office room2offices3 room2_3_ez
Entrance Zone Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2z3 room2_4_ez
Second Entrance Zone Variation of the Two-Way Hallway room2z3_2 room2_5_ez
Toilets room2toilets room2_6_ez
A two-door hallway with botanic office room2_bio
Cafeteria room2cafeteria room2_cafeteria
A two-door room with reception place room2_ic
Medical Bay medibay room2_medibay
Variation of the 2-Level Office room2offices4 room2_office
A two-door hallway with office room behind the glass wall room2_office_2
Head Office room2sroom room2_office_3
Server Hub room2servers2 room2_servers_ez
Doctors Quarters room2poffices room2_scientists
Conference Quarters room2poffices2 room2_scientists_2
Entrance Zone Variation of the Tesla Coil Hallway room2tesla room2_tesla_ez
SCP-860's Testing Chamber room860 cont2_860_1
Entrance Zone Variation of the Corner Hallway room2Cz3 room2c_ez
Electrical Center room2ccont room2c_ec
Broken Variation of the Lockroom lockroom2 room2c_gw_ez
Entrance Zone Variation of the Security Gateway room3gw room3_gw
Shared Conference Room room3offices room3_office
A three-way room with two offices on the corners room3_ez
Server Farm room3servers room3_2_ez
Variation of the Server Farm room3servers2 room3_3_ez
Entrance Zone Variation of the T-Shaped Hallway room3z3 room3_4_ez
Entrance Zone Variation of the Four-Way Hallway room4z3 room4_ez
Pocket Dimension pocketdimension dimension_106
SCP-1499 Dimension dimension1499 dimension_1499