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dat (Data Access Toolkit) is a fast, lightweight and intuitive Postgres library for Go. dat likes SQL.


  • Ordinal placeholders - friendlier than ?

    conn.SQL(`SELECT * FROM people WHERE state = $1`, "CA").Exec()
  • Intuitive - looks like SQL

    err := conn.
        Select("id, user_name").
        Where("id = $1", id).
  • Performant

    • ordinal placeholder logic has been optimized to be nearly as fast as ? placeholders
    • dat can interpolate queries locally before sending to server

Getting Started

import (

    _ ""

// global connection (pooling provided by SQL driver)
var connection *runner.Connection

func init() {
    // create a normal database connection through database/sql
    db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=dat_test user=dat password=!test host=localhost sslmode=disable")
    if err != nil {

    // set this to enable interpolation
    dat.EnableInterpolation = true
    // set to log SQL, etc
    // set to check things like sessions closing.
    // Should be disabled in production/release builds.
    dat.Strict = false
    conn = runner.NewConnection(db, "postgres")

type Post struct {
    ID        int64         `db:"id"`
    Title     string        `db:"title"`
    Body      string        `db:"body"`
    UserID    int64         `db:"user_id"`
    State     string        `db:"state"`
    UpdatedAt dat.Nulltime  `db:"updated_at"`
    CreatedAt dat.NullTime  `db:"created_at"`

func main() {
    var post Post
    err := conn.
        Select("id, title").
        Where("id = $1", 13).
    fmt.Println("Title", post.Title)

Feature highlights

Use Builders or SQL

Query Builder

var posts []*Post
err := conn.
    Select("title", "body").
    Where("created_at > $1", someTime).
    OrderBy("id ASC").

Plain SQL

    SELECT title, body
    FROM posts WHERE created_at > $1
    ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10`,

Note: dat does not clean the SQL string, thus any extra whitespace is transmitted to the database.

In practice, SQL is easier to write with backticks. Indeed, the reason this library exists is my dissatisfaction with other SQL builders introducing another domain language or AST-like expressions.

Query builders shine when dealing with data transfer objects, records (input structs).

Fetch Data Simply

Query then scan result to struct(s)

var post Post
err := sess.
    Select("id, title, body").
    Where("id = $1", id).

var posts []*Post
err = sess.
    Select("id, title, body").
    Where("id > $1", 100).

Query scalar values or a slice of values

var n int64
conn.SQL("SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE title=$1", title).QueryScalar(&n)

var ids []int64
conn.SQL("SELECT id FROM posts", title).QuerySlice(&ids)

Blacklist and Whitelist

Control which columns get inserted or updated when processing external data

// userData came in from http.Handler, prevent them from setting protected fields
    Blacklist("id", "updated_at", "created_at").

// ensure session user can only update his information
    SetWhitelist(user, "user_name", "avatar", "quote").
    Where("id = $1", session.UserID).

IN queries

applicable when dat.EnableInterpolation == true

Simpler IN queries which expand correctly

ids := []int64{10,20,30,40,50}
b := conn.SQL("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id IN $1", ids)
b.MustInterpolate() == "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id IN (10,20,30,40,50)"


dat was designed to have clear separation between SQL builders and Query execers. This is why the runner is in its own package.

  • sqlx-runner - based on sqlx



Use Returning and QueryStruct to insert and update struct fields in one trip

post := Post{Title: "Swith to Postgres", State: "open"}

err := conn.
    Columns("title", "state").
    Values("My Post", "draft").
    Returning("id", "created_at", "updated_at").

Use Blacklist and Whitelist to control which record (input struct) fields are inserted.

post := Post{Title: "Go is awesome", State: "open"}

err := conn.
    Blacklist("id", "user_id", "created_at", "updated_at").
    Returning("id", "created_at", "updated_at").

// use wildcard to include all columns
err := sess.
    Returning("id", "created_at", "updated_at").

Insert Multiple Records

// create builder
b := conn.InsertInto("posts").Columns("title")

// add some new posts
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
	b.Record(&Post{Title: fmt.Sprintf("Article %s", i)})

// OR (this is more efficient as it does not do any reflection)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
	b.Values(fmt.Sprintf("Article %s", i))

// execute statement
_, err := b.Exec()


var other Post
err = conn.
    Select("id, title").
    Where("id = $1", post.ID).


Use Returning to fetch columns updated by triggers. For example, an update trigger on "updated_at" column

err = conn.
    Set("title", "My New Title").
    Set("body", "markdown text here").
    Where("id = $1", post.ID).

applicable when dat.EnableInterpolation == true

To reset columns to their default DDL value, use DEFAULT. For example, to reset payment\_type

res, err := conn.
    Set("payment_type", dat.DEFAULT).
    Where("id = $1", 1).

Use SetBlacklist and SetWhitelist to control which fields are updated.

// create blacklists for each of your structs
blacklist := []string{"id", "created_at"}
p := paymentStructFromHandler

err := conn.
    SetBlacklist(p, blacklist...)
    Where("id = $1", p.ID).

Use a map of attributes

attrsMap := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Gopher", "language": "Go"}
result, err := conn.
    Where("language = $1", "Ruby").


result, err = conn.
    Where("id = $1", otherPost.ID).

Create a Session

All queries are made in the context of a session which are acquired from the underlying SQL driver's pool

For one-off operations, use a Connection directly

// a global connection usually created in `init`
var conn *dat.Connection
conn = runner.NewConnection(db, "postgres")

err := conn.SQL(...).QueryStruct(&post)

For multiple operations, create a session. Note that session is really a transaction due to database/sql connection pooling. Session.AutoCommit() or Session.AutoRollback() MUST be called

func PostsIndex(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    sess := conn.NewSession()
    defer sess.AutoRollback()

    // Do queries with the session
    var post Post
    err := sess.Select("id, title").
        Where("id = $1", post.ID).
    if err != nil {
    	// `defer AutoRollback()` is used, no need to rollback on error

    // do more queries with session ...

    // MUST commit or AutoRollback() will rollback


applicable when dat.EnableInterpolation == true

dat provides often used constants in SQL statements

  • dat.DEFAULT - inserts DEFAULT
  • dat.NOW - inserts NOW()

Defining Constants

UnsafeStrings and constants will panic unless dat.EnableInterpolation == true

To define SQL constants, use UnsafeString

const CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = dat.UnsafeString("NOW()")
conn.SQL("UPDATE table SET updated_at = $1", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

UnsafeString is exactly that, UNSAFE. If you must use it, create a constant and NEVER use UnsafeString directly as an argument. This is asking for a SQL injection attack

conn.SQL("UPDATE table SET updated_at = $1", dat.UnsafeString(someVar))

Primitive Values

Load scalar and slice values.

var id int64
var userID string
err := conn.
    Select("id", "user_id").From("posts").Limit(1).QueryScalar(&id, &userID)

var ids []int64
err = conn.Select("id").From("posts").QuerySlice(&ids)

Embedded structs

// Columns are mapped to fields breadth-first
type Post struct {
    ID        int64      `db:"id"`
    Title     string     `db:"title"`
    User      *struct {
        ID int64         `db:"user_id"`

var post Post
err := conn.
    Select("id, title, user_id").

JSON encoding of Null* types

// dat.Null* types serialize to JSON properly
post := Post{ID: 1, Title: "Test Title"}
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(&post)
fmt.Println(string(jsonBytes)) // {"id":1,"title":"Test Title","created_at":null}


// Start transaction
tx, err := conn.Begin()
if err != nil {
    return err
// safe to call tx.Rollback() or tx.Commit() when deferring AutoCommit()
defer tx.AutoCommit()

// AutoRollback() is also available if you would rather Commit() at the end
// and not deal with Rollback on every error.

// Issue statements that might cause errors
res, err := tx.
    Set("state", "deleted").
    Where("deleted_at IS NOT NULL").

if err != nil {
    return err

Local Interpolation

TL;DR: Interpolation avoids prepared statements and argument processing.

Interpolation is DISABLED by default. Set dat.EnableInterpolation = true to enable.

dat can interpolate locally to inline query arguments. Let's start with a normal SQL statements with arguments

    "INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
    []interface{}[1, 2, 3, 4],

The driver first asks the database to create a prepared statement for the INSERT statement, then it will send the arguments with the prepared statement to the database

In contrast, dat can interpolate the statement locally resulting in a SQL statement with often no arguments. The code above results in this interpolated SQL

"INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES (1, 2, 3, 4)"

Some of the reasons you might want to use interpolation:

  • Performance improvement
  • Debugging is simpler with interpolated SQL
  • Use SQL constants like NOW and DEFAULT
  • Expand placeholders with expanded slice values $1 => (1, 2, 3)

[]byte, []*byte and any unhandled values are passed through to the driver when interpolating.

Interpolation Safety

Postgres 9.1+ does not allow any escape sequences by default. See String Constants with C-style Escapes. In short, all backslashes are treated literally not as escape sequences.

It's rare to need backslashes to represent special characters in user input. Do you trust users to enter C-like expressions? dat only escapes apostrophes to double apostrophes, eg "Go's world" becomes 'Go''s world'.

As an added safety measure, dat checks the Postgres database standard_conforming_strings setting value on a new connection when dat.EnableInterpolation == true. If standard_conforming_strings != "on" you should either set it to "on" or disable interpolation. dat will panic if you try to use interpolation with an unsafe setting.

Why is Interpolation Faster?

Here is a comment from lib/pq connection source, which was prompted by me asking why was Python's psycopg2 so much faster in my benchmarks a year or so back:

// Check to see if we can use the "simpleExec" interface, which is
// *much* faster than going through prepare/exec
if len(args) == 0 {
    // ignore commandTag, our caller doesn't care
    r, _, err := cn.simpleExec(query)
    return r, err

That snippet bypasses the prepare/exec roundtrip to the database.

Keep in mind that prepared statements are only valid for the current session and unless the same query is be executed MANY times in the same session there is little benefit in using prepared statements other than protecting against SQL injections. See Interpolation Safety below.

Interpolation also offloads dabatabase workload to your application servers. The database does less work and less network chatter when interpolation is performed locally. It's usually much more cost effective to add application servers than to vertically scale a database server.


  • Dat2 - mgutz/dat runner with 2 args
  • Sql2 - database/sql with 2 args
  • Sqx2 - jmoiron/sqlx with 2 args

Replace 2 with 4, 8 for variants of argument benchmarks. All source is under sqlx-runner/benchmark*

Interpolated v Non-Interpolated Queries

This benchmark compares the time to execute an interpolated SQL statement with zero args against executing the same SQL statement with args.

BenchmarkExecSQLDat2       5000   208345   ns/op  280   B/op  10  allocs/op
BenchmarkExecSQLSql2       5000   298789   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op
BenchmarkExecSQLSqx2       5000   296948   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op

BenchmarkExecSQLDat4       5000   210759   ns/op  296   B/op  10  allocs/op
BenchmarkExecSQLSql4       5000   306558   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op
BenchmarkExecSQLSqx4       5000   305569   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op

The logic is something like this

// already interpolated
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    conn.Exec("INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d) VALUES (1, 2, 3 4)")

// not interpolated
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    db.Exec("INSERT INTO t (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)", 1, 2, 3, 4)

To be fair, this benchmark is not meaningful. It does not take into account the time to perform the interpolation. It is only meant to show that interpolated queries avoid the overhead of arguments and skip the prepared statement logic in the underlying driver.

Interpolating then Execing

This benchmark compares the time to build and execute interpolated SQL statement resulting in zero args against executing the same SQL statement with args.

BenchmarkBuildExecSQLDat2  5000   215449   ns/op  832   B/op  21  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSql2  5000   296281   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSqx2  5000   296259   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op

BenchmarkBuildExecSQLDat4  5000   221287   ns/op  1232  B/op  26  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSql4  5000   305807   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSqx4  5000   305671   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op

BenchmarkBuildExecSQLDat8  5000   254252   ns/op  1480  B/op  33  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSql8  5000   347407   ns/op  1194  B/op  44  allocs/op
BenchmarkBuildExecSQLSqx8  5000   346576   ns/op  1194  B/op  44  allocs/op

The logic is something like this

// dat's SQL interpolates the statement then executes it
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    conn.SQL("INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)", 1, 2, 3, 4).Exec()

// non interpolated
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    db.Exec("INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)", 1, 2, 3, 4)

The results suggests that local interpolation is both faster and does less allocations. Interpolation comes with a cost of more bytes used as it has to inspect the args and splice them into the statement.

database/sql when presented with arguments prepares a statement on the connection by sending it to the database then using the prepared statement on the same connection to execute the query. Keep in mind, these benchmarks are local so network latency is not a factor which would favor interpolation even more.

Interpolation and Transactions

This benchmark compares the performance of interpolation within a transaction on "level playing field" with database/sql. As mentioned in a previous section, prepared statements MUST be prepared and executed on the same connection to utilize them.

BenchmarkTransactedDat2    10000  111959   ns/op  832   B/op  21  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSql2    10000  173137   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSqx2    10000  175342   ns/op  881   B/op  30  allocs/op

BenchmarkTransactedDat4    10000  115383   ns/op  1232  B/op  26  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSql4    10000  182626   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSqx4    10000  181641   ns/op  978   B/op  35  allocs/op

BenchmarkTransactedDat8    10000  145419   ns/op  1480  B/op  33  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSql8    10000  221476   ns/op  1194  B/op  44  allocs/op
BenchmarkTransactedSqx8    10000  222460   ns/op  1194  B/op  44  allocs/op

The logic is something like this

// dat interpolates the statement then execute it as part of transaction
tx := conn.Begin()
defer tx.Commit()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	tx.SQL("INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)", 1, 2, 3, 4).Exec()

// non-interpolated
tx = db.Begin()
defer tx.Commit()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
	tx.Exec("INSERT INTO (a, b, c, d) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)", 1, 2, 3, 4)

Again, interpolation seems faster with less allocations. The underlying driver still has to process and send the arguments with the prepared statement name. I expected database/sql to better interpolation here. Still thinking about this one.

Use With Other Libraries

import ""

builder := dat.Select("*").From("posts").Where("user_id = $1", 1)

// Get builder's SQL and arguments
sql, args := builder.ToSQL()
fmt.Println(sql)    // SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (user_id = $1)
fmt.Println(args)   // [1]

// Use raw database/sql for actual query
rows, err := db.Query(sql, args...)

// Alternatively build the interpolated sql statement
sql, args := builder.MustInterpolate()
if len(args) {
    rows, err = db.Query(sql)
} else {
    rows, err = db.Query(sql, args...)

Running Tests and Benchmarks

To setup the task runner and create database

# install godo task runner
go get -u

# install dependencies
cd tasks
go get -a

# back to root and run
cd ..

Then run any task

# (re)create database
godo createdb

# run tests
godo test

# run benchmarks
godo bench

# see other tasks

When createdb prompts for superuser, enter superuser like 'postgres' to create the test database. On Mac + use your own user name and password.


  • more tests
  • hstore query suppport
  • stored procedure support


  • mapper

    My SQL builder for node.js which has builder, interpolation and exec functionality.

  • dbr

    used this as starting point instead of porting mapper from scratch


Go Data Access Toolkit







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