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HAR files and you: instant romance

Webkit can export network activity as a JSON expression of web requests and responses called 'HAR' (HTTP Archive) files. These files capture all of the exact requests your browser made and the responses they received in an intuitive JSON format.

HAR files make it easy to replay the original request because they're easily parsable by simple tools and contain (almost) all the information you need to simulate real traffic.

Love the PonyDebugger

PonyDebugger is a proxy (and iOS library) that captures network traffic and shows it to you in the Webkit Web Inspector so you can have the same powerful debugging tools as if you were making the requests in a browser. This means that you can easily export an entire session of HTTP requests from an iOS client.

Traffic is a tool for replaying HAR files to simulate load and to create real-ish data. It executes the file as-is with a few possible customizations:


You can specify GUIDs in the HAR that are realized at execution time. If the string 'GUID1', 'GUID4', 'GUID78', etc. appear in your HAR file they will be replaced by a session-consistent guid per-thread. So if you're, e.g., creating new objects and persisting them to the server this ensures you're not running 10 threads all saving the same object repeatedly.


You can specify the level of concurrency under which to run your archive(s). Any real site has multiple users operating multiple sessions and your traffic simulation should reflect that.


Expose bugs by playing the same HAR files faster or slower than they were originally executed. Sometimes race conditions only appear when you remove or greatly extend the time between two requests.

A Turing-complete config language

The reason HAR files aren't typically used is because there's no way to connect important information from a response (say, a just-generated session token) into the following request(s). Traffic provides a regex-based system that lets you run arbitrary transformations of data from any request or response to any subsequent one.

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