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JackFred2 edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Chest Tracker

A client-sided storage tracking tool, remembering where you've put items and giving you an AE2-like interface to search them.

An example of the main GUI, showing a list of remembered items.


Press [Y] on an item in your inventory to search for it in chests you've previously seen.

Press the in-GUI button or [`] (grave) to open the main Chest Tracker GUI. Click on an item in the GUI to search for that item.

For more information, see Usage.


  • Client-side memory of items you've seen in containers, including ender chests.
  • User profile support.
  • Support for other client-sided QOL mods: such as JEI/REI/EMI, Jade, WTHIT, Shulker Box Tooltip
  • Specific support for Hypixel Skyblock and SMPs

What Chest Tracker Isn't

  • A cheat: It only remembers chests you've opened before, it doesn't help you locate chests. You can equate the mod to having a really good memory.
  • 100% accurate: As this mod is client-sided, there may be cases where the chests you've remembered are modified or removed while your client can't see them. Chest Tracker does have some integrity checks to mitigate this; for more information see your memory bank's settings.
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