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JackFred2 edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 15 revisions

Lenient Death

Server-sided Fabric & Quilt mod to make death less frustrating. On this wiki, you'll find overviews for the command and config.

Preserved Items on Death

A GIF showing a player dying and keeping their armour and tools, but not ores

The primary feature, Lenient Death will allow you to keep some of your items on death. Think of it as a filtered /gamerule keepInventory.

For more information, see Preserve Items on Death.

Item Resilience

A GIF of a player flying into the void, then having their items appear safely

A collection of rules to make dropped items more resistant to damage / mishandling. Currently, this allows you to give items fire, lava and cactus immunity, as well as teleport or keep items instead of destroying them in the void. Only void recovery is enabled by default.

For more information, see Item Resilience.

Preserved Experience on Death

When a player dies, they can keep some or all of their experience. Disabled by default.

For more information, see Preserve Experience on Death.

Per-Player Mode

The above two features can optionally be used on a per-player basis, in case a player wants to opt out, or you want to manage it via permissions or similar.

For more information, see Per-Player.

Death Coordinates

When a player dies, the place they died at can be sent to them in chat. This looks like (in English):

[LD] You died at -5, 120, -47, in minecraft:overworld.

This message can also be sent to other admins online, or the server console.

For more information, see Death Coordinates.

Restore Inventory Command

Version: 1.2.0+

An example of the output of the restore command, showing a list of deaths and XP levels

When a player dies, their inventories and experience levels are saved to a file. Administrators can restore these inventories using a command.

For more information, see Restore Inventory.

Dropped Item Glows

An example of the item glow up close

When a player dies, their items will be given a glowing outline in order to help players find them again, for example in cave systems.

For more information, see Dropped Item Glow.

Extended Death Item Lifetime

When a player dies, their dropped items can be given an extended lifetime. Disabled by default.

For more information, see Extended Death Item Lifetime.

Move To Original Slots

Version: 1.0.7+

When a player picks up their death items, they will be moved to their original slots.

An image of a player pickup their items, with them being restored to their original slots.

For more information, see Move To Original Slots.


Lenient Death has a command to configure the mod in-game, as well as manage a player's per-player setting. For more details, see Command.

Usage: /lenientdeath, or /ld.


Lenient Death's config is stored in a JSON5 file under your config folder.

Editing via command

To edit the config via the in-game command, you must either be an Operator on the server, or have the lenientdeath.command.config permission if a plugin is available.


Using the command allows you to select from one of a number of presets. To apply one, use the command /ld config preset <preset_name>, though be aware that this is not reversible. The current presets available are:

  • default: The default Lenient Death config.
  • disabled: Disables every feature in the mod. (1.0.6+)
  • onlyRandom: Only enables the randomizer, giving any item a 25% chance to be preserved.
  • onlyVisuals: Disables all functional features of the mod, leaving only the visual features - currently, this is the Item Glows.
  • generous: A lower-stress config; items have a 10 minute despawn time instead of the default 5 minutes, and experience preservation is enabled at a 60% rate. Dropped items are also given fire & explosion immunity.

Editing via text file

The config file contains detailed comments for each option, and will auto-reload on the server when the file is updated. More information for each option can be found on it's appropriate wiki page.

Meta Config Overview


Whether the config file watcher should be enabled. This allows the mod to auto-reload config file updates without needing to reload the game. Note that enabling this option after it's disabled will need either a server reload or the command to be used.

  • Options: true, false
  • Default: true
  • Commands:
    • /ld config config enableFileWatcher - Check the current enabled status of the file watcher.
    • /ld config config enableFileWatcher <true|false> - Enable or disable the file watcher.


Whether the config comments should be removed when saving the file. Not recommended, this is used by myself for development purposes.

  • Options: true, false
  • Default: false
  • Commands:
    • /ld config config stripComments - Check whether comments are stripped from the config file.
    • /ld config config stripComments <true|false> - Change whether comments are stripped from the config file.