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Where Is It

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Minecraft mod to locate items in nearby inventories. Press Y over an item to search.

An example image of the mod showing 4 results


Also embeds JackFredLib.


  • Server-side functionality - clients without the mod can use the command /whereis (default, changeable) to use the mod.
  • Detailed searching - search by item ID, name, item tag, fluid contents, enchantment, potions, and more, and any combination of the previous.
  • Support for recipe viewers, including the vanilla Recipe Book, and for JEI, REI, EMI:
    • Ability to search for items containing specific fluids, and tags for recipes.
    • Custom searches (search for enchantments using enchanted books, and potion effects using potions).
    • Smart favourite handling - add a named Shulker Box in your favourites, and search for it regardless of the contents.


Press Y (by default) to search by item ID.


Hold shift to also search for NBT data.

Recipes (Recipe Book / JEI / REI / EMI)

Will search for tags in the recipe if applicable. If hovered over a fluid, will search for items containing said fluid.

Item Overlays (JEI / REI / EMI)

Normally matches the inventory, however certain items contain different behavior:

  • Enchanted books will search for any items with that enchantment. Holding shift will specify the level as well.
  • Potions will search for the potion effect on any item. Holding shift will match the specific item.

Item Favourites/Bookmarks (JEI / REI / EMI)

Will try to look for the specific item by looking at name, enchantments or potion effects.


An API is available under the api packages for the following purposes:


  • OverlayStackBehavior.EVENT - Build a custom search request from an overlay stack if pressed; used for example to look for enchantments on any item by using enchanted books, or potion effects from potions for example.
  • SearchInvoker.EVENT - Client-sided search initiators; could be asking the server or looking through a local cache.
  • SearchRequestPopulator.EVENT - Obtaining the correct criteria for a search from a given screen.
  • ShouldIgnoreKey.EVENT - Check to see if the keybind should be ignored in that instant - this is used to cancel if a search bar is focused, for example.
  • OnResult.EVENT - Called whenever any search returns a value, with all results. Use to, for example, add additional overlays or recording.
  • RenderUtils - Information on the currently displayed overlay, as well as scheduling text rendering.


  • NestedItemStackSearcher.EVENT - Testing against sub-items, such as for backpacks or other containers.
  • BlockSearcher.EVENT - By default, Where Is It uses the Fabric Transfer API to get all stacks in a block. You can use this event to override this for custom behavior/handling.
  • ConnectedBlocksGrabber - Used to detect which blocks are connected with each-other, such as chests or storage drawers.
  • criteria.Criterion - Class to extend if making new criteria; create a new Criterion.Type<T> to go along with it and register using Criterion#register.

Using the API

See the wiki.