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A small package use to create shopping cart in Laravel application.


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Laravel Shopping Cart

A small package use to create shopping cart in Laravel application. (Now just only support Laravel 4.x)

Announcement of abandonment

This package is abandoned. Please use the Laravel-Cart package of same distributor for replacement.


Look at one of the following topics to learn more about LaravelShoppingCart


You can install this package through Composer.

  • First, edit your project's composer.json file to require jackiedo/shoppingcart:
"require": {
    "jackiedo/shoppingcart": "1.*"
  • Next, update Composer from the Terminal:
$ composer update
  • Once update operation completes, the third step is add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array:
'providers' => array(

And the final step is add the follow line to the section aliases:

'Cart'      => 'Jackiedo\Shoppingcart\Facades\Cart',


Add item to cart

Add a new item.

 * Add a new item to the cart
 * @param string|int    $id       ID of the item (such as product's id)
 * @param string        $title    Name of the item
 * @param int           $qty      Item qty to add to the cart
 * @param float         $price    Price of one item
 * @param array         $options  Array of additional options, such as 'size' or 'color'
 * @return Jackiedo\Shoppingcart\CartItem|null
Cart::add( $id, $title, $quantity, $price [, $options = array()] );


$row = Cart::add(37, 'Item Title', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);

// Collection CartItem: {
//    rawId    : '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da'
//    id       : 37
//    title    : 'Item Title'
//    qty      : 5
//    price    : 100.00
//    subtotal : 500.00
//    options  : Collection CartItemOptions: {
//                      color : 'red'
//                      size  : 'M'
//                  }
// }

$rawId = $row->rawId(); // get rawId (8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da)
$rowQty = $row->qty; // 5

Update item

Update the specified item.

 * Update the quantity of one row of the cart
 * @param  string       $rawId       The rawId of the item you want to update
 * @param  int|array    $attribute   New quantity of the item|Array of attributes to update
 * @return Jackiedo\Shoppingcart\CartItem
Cart::update(string $rawId, int $quantity);
Cart::update(string $rawId, array $arrtibutes);


$rawId = '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da';

// Update title and options
$row = Cart::update($rawId, ['title' => 'New item name', 'options' => ['color' => 'yellow']]);

// or only update quantity
$row = Cart::update($rawId, 5);

Get all items

Get all the items.

 * Get the cart content
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
// or use alias


$items = Cart::content();

// Collection $items: {
//     8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da: {
//         rawId: '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da',
//         id: 37,
//         title: 'New item name',
//         qty: 5,
//         price: 100.00,
//         subtotal: 500.00,
//         options: {
//             'color': 'yellow',
//             'size': 'M'
//         }
//     },
//     4c48ajh68e5202841ed52767bb4d10fc: {
//         rawId: '4c48ajh68e5202841ed52767bb4d10fc',
//         id: 42,
//         title: 'Men T-Shirt Apolo',
//         qty: 1,
//         price: 1000.00,
//         subtotal: 1000.00,
//         options: {
//             'color': 'red',
//             'size': 'L'
//         }
//     }
//     ...
// }

Get item

Get the specified item.

 * Get a row of the cart by its unique ID
 * @param  string  $rawId  The ID of the row to fetch
 * @return Jackiedo\Shoppingcart\CartItem
Cart::get(string $rawId);


$item = Cart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');

// Collection $item: {
//    rawId    : '8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da'
//    id       : 37
//    title    : 'Item Title'
//    qty      : 5
//    price    : 100.00
//    subtotal : 500.00
//    options  : {
//        'color'   : 'red',
//        'size'    : 'M'
//    }
// }

Remove item

Remove the specified item by raw ID.

 * Remove a row from the cart
 * @param  string  $rawId  The unique ID of the item
 * @return boolean
Cart::remove(string $rawId);



Destroy cart

Clean Shopping Cart.

 * Empty the cart
 * @return boolean



Get total price

Returns the total price of all items.

 * Get the price total
 * @return float


$total = Cart::total();

Count rows

Return the number of rows.

 * Get the number of items in the cart
 * @param  boolean  $totalItems  Get all the items (when false, will return the number of rows)
 * @return int
// or use alias


Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(127, 'foobar', 15, 100.00, ['color' => 'green', 'size' => 'S']);
$rows = Cart::countRows(); // 2

Count quantity

Returns the quantity of all items

 * Get the number of items in the cart
 * @param  boolean  $totalItems  Get all the items (when false, will return the number of rows)
 * @return int
Cart::count($totalItems = true);

$totalItems : When false,will return the number of rows.


Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 1, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
Cart::add(37, 'Item name', 5, 100.00, ['color' => 'red', 'size' => 'M']);
$count = Cart::count(); // 11 (5+1+5)

Search items

Search items by property.

 * Search if the cart has a item
 * @param  array  $search  An array with the item ID and optional options
 * @return Illuminate\Support\Collection;
Cart::search(array $conditions);


$items = Cart::search(['options' => ['color' => 'red']]);
$items = Cart::search(['title' => 'Item name']);
$items = Cart::search(['id' => 10, 'options' => ['size' => 'L']]);


As you might have seen, there are two methods and one property both return a Collection. These are the Cart::content() (Cart), Cart::get() (CartItem) and Cart::get()->options (CartItemOptions).

These Collections extends the 'native' Laravel Collection class, so all methods you know from Collection class can also be used on your shopping cart. With some addition to easily work with your carts content.


Now the packages also supports multiple instances of the cart. The way this works is like this:

You can set the current instance of the cart with Cart::instance('newInstance'), at that moment, the active instance of the cart is newInstance, so when you add, remove or get the content of the cart, you work with the newInstance instance of the cart.

If you want to switch instances, you just call Cart::instance('otherInstance') again, and you're working with the otherInstance again.

So a little example:

Cart::instance('shopping')->add('37', 'Product 1', 1, 9.99);

// Get the content of the 'shopping' cart

Cart::instance('wishlist')->add('42', 'Product 2', 1, 19.95, array('size' => 'medium'));

// Get the content of the 'wishlist' cart

// If you want to get the content of the 'shopping' cart again...

// And the count of the 'wishlist' cart again


  • Keep in mind that the cart stays in the last set instance for as long as you don't set a different one during script execution.

  • The default cart instance is called main, so when you're not using instances,Cart::content(); is the same as Cart::instance('main')->content()


A special feature is associating a model with the items in the cart. Let's say you have a Product model in your application. With the new associate() method, you can tell the cart that an item in the cart, is associated to the Product model. That way you can access your model right from the CartItem!

 * Set the associated model
 * @param  string    $modelName        The name of the model
 * @param  string    $modelNamespace   The namespace of the model
 * @return Jackiedo\Shoppingcart\Cart
Cart::associate(string $modelName, string $modelNamespace = null);


Cart::associate('ShoppingProduct', 'App\Models');
$item = Cart::get('8a48aa7c8e5202841ddaf767bb4d10da');
$item->shopping_product->title; // $item->shopping_product is instance of 'App\Models\ShoppingProduct'

The keyword to access the model is the snake case of model name you associated (Ex: Model name is ShoppingProduct, then the keyword is shopping_product). The associate() method has a second optional parameter for specifying the model namespace.


The Cart package will throw exceptions if something goes wrong. This way it's easier to debug your code using the Cart package or to handle the error based on the type of exceptions. The Cart packages can throw the following exceptions:

Exception Reason
ShoppingcartInvalidItemException When a new product misses id or title argument (id, title)
ShoppingcartInvalidPriceException When a non-numeric or negative price is passed
ShoppingcartInvalidQtyException When a non-numeric or less than 1 quantity is passed
ShoppingcartInvalidRawIDException When the $rawId that got passed doesn't exists in the current cart
ShoppingcartUnknownModelException When an unknown model is associated to a cart row


Event Name Parameters
cart.adding ($attributes, $cart);
cart.added ($attributes, $cart);
cart.updating ($row, $cart);
cart.updated ($row, $cart);
cart.removing ($row, $cart);
cart.removed ($row, $cart);
cart.destroying ($cart);
cart.destroyed ($cart);

You can easily handle these events, for example:

Event::on('cart.adding', function($attributes, $cart){
    // code



Thanks for use

Hopefully, this package is useful to you.


A small package use to create shopping cart in Laravel application.







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