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Cloning Voodoo2D

Jackson Hoggard edited this page May 1, 2020 · 1 revision

If you know how to fork, clone, and import a Maven project from GitHub, you can safely skip this section. Otherwise, read on.


Getting started with Voodoo2D is a simple step-by step process. I will be using IntelliJ IDEA for any examples. If you'd like to use a different IDE, feel free to, but you'll have to work out the equivalent process yourself.

Voodoo2D is built with Java 11. Make sure you have a copy of the Java 11 JDK present on your system. AdoptOpenJDK is what I would recommend, but as long as you have the Java 11 JDK installed, you will be fine.

It is also assumed that you already have Git installed on your system. If not, please go to this page and download the appropriate installer for your system.


  1. To begin, you'll want to fork Voodoo2D so you can push to your own repository. Click the Fork button located at the top right of the project page and wait until you see your fork's page.

  2. Click the Clone or download button and copy the link to your repository.

  3. Open up IntelliJ and navigate to the welcome page. Click Check out from Version Control, paste in the repository URL, and click Clone. Wait for Git to finish cloning

  4. IntelliJ will ask you if you want to open the project. Click Yes. An Import project from Maven window should pop up.

  5. Click import changes if the maven window does pop up. If not, continue on.

  6. (Optional) Set JAVA_HOME and/or point your PATH to your JDK 11 directory if you want to be able to generate packaged builds.

  7. After Maven is done importing the project, click navigate to the Main class in the source code and click the green play button to the left of the main method.

  8. This will run the project and you see the game engine demo run on your screen, this means you are done and ready to work on the engine!

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