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Hexagonal 2048

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Goal was to develop a game 2048 on a hexagonal field.

What is required:

  • Have to render a hexagonal game field with hexagons according to the game size.
  • Required game size is 2.
  • Have to receive data from the server and render them correctly.
  • Have to handle appropriate keyboard keys according to the rules.
  • Have to change field data by clicking keyboard keys according to the rules.
  • Deploy your implementation.
  • Have to work on the latest Google Chrome on the desktop.

More info:


Directions and Keys

You have 6 keyboard keys (Latin lower case letters) for 6 existing directions:

Direction Keyboard key
north (top) w
north-east (top-right) e
north-west (top-left) q
south (bottom) s
south-east (bottom-right) d
south-west (bottom-left) a

After pressing any of the listed keys, all your numbers should be shifted in the chosen direction.

Shifting rules

Shifting works according to common 2048 rules EN) taking into account appropriate hexagonal direction.

before shift → after
2 2 4
2 2 2 2 4
2 2 4 4 4
4 2 2 4 4
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
2 2 4 4 4 8


After each shift, you need to place new numbers received from the server.

In case if after starting shifting there are no movements done in the chosen direction and there are possible movements at least in one direction (game status is playing). Nothing should be done until shifting is completed - do not need to add new numbers. The game has to wait for changes in any direction if they are possible and has not been done during shifting.

Game status

The user should know the current game status.

Possible game statuses:

  • playing - there are possible moves that can be done.
  • game-over - there are no more possible moves.

Game status should be present somewhere in your game DOM element (any one DOM element at the any place of DOM) as a data attribute data-status.


<div>Game Status: <span data-status="playing">playing</span></div>

RNG Server

Receiving data from the deployed server

For game purposes, we have a random number generator (RNG) the server that generates random numbers into random places for your field.

The server expects you to send a POST request with the correct body and pathname in the URL. The body has to be an array of non-empty cells (the number should be 2 and more) of your field. Cells’ order doesn't matter. A cell is an object which is a representation of cube coordinates.

For example:

const cell = {
  x: 0,
  y: 1,
  z: -1,
  value: 2,

The server responds with an array of the cube coordinates cells that you need to add to your field. One or several cells can be returned. The servers send an empty array in case of no more positions to add new numbers. x, y, z - these are positions for new numbers. value is a number to add at that position.

cube coordinates system

The server expects you to send the radius (game level) in the URL pathname (e.g., /2 for 2, /3 for 3, etc.). For example, correct server URL for game radius 2 is //

Server URL: (works with both HTTP and HTTPS).

Example (initial game):

curl -d '[]' \
     -X POST

For Windows you will need something like this

curl -d '[]' \
     -X POST

Server response:

  { "x": 0, "y": 1, "z": -1, "value": 2},
  { "x": 1, "y": 0, "z": -1, "value": 2},
  { "x": 1, "y": -1, "z":  0, "value": 2}

Example with payload (filled cells):

curl -d '[{"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "value": 2}]' \
     -X POST


curl -d '[{"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "value": 2}]' \
     -X POST

Server response:

[ { "x": 1, "y": -1, "z": 0, "value": 2 } ]

Receiving data from the local server

To start the server locally you should install dependencies and run a test server.

Steps to help:

npm install
npm run rng-server

Server URL: http://localhost:13337.


curl -d '[{"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "value": 2}]' \
     -X POST http://localhost:13337/2

Server response:

[ { "x": 1, "y": -1, "z": 0, "value": 2 } ]

Search params

The game should have the ability to be set up via searchParams. Required params are:

  • hostname - this parameter sets hostname for rng-server.
  • port - optional parameter. If it is not set to default port is 80 otherwise your game should use this port for rng-server.
  • radius - radius for the game.

Tests are using these parameters to set up your game for test running.

How will your solution be tested?

Data attributes for hexagons

Every cell from the field should have appropriate data attributes: data-x, data-y, data-z and data-value. Where data-x, data-y, data-z are respective representations of cube coordinates x, y, z. And data-value is number into this cell (e.g., 2, 4, 8, etc., or 0 if there is no number yet).


<div data-x="1" data-y="-1" data-z="0" data-value="8">8</div>
<div data-x="1" data-y="-1" data-z="0" data-value="0"></div>

The element in the DOM with a unique combination of data-x, data-y, data-z has to be a single one and has to have appropriate data-value. That means you should not have more than one element in the DOM with the same values of data-x, data-y, data-z. Otherwise, tests cannot handle this properly.

Run tests locally

To run tests locally you should run tests. Steps to help:

npm install
npm run test:local

By default, the server connects to http://localhost:8080 in order to open the game but you can change this behavior by passing url parameter. Example:

npm run test:local -- --url=http://localhost:3000

Please run tests for your deployed game and check that all work properly.

npm run test:local -- --url=

Package scripts description

  • npm run start - starts dev server with your game. The page will be reloaded on each code update.
  • npm run build - builds the production version of your game. This command is used for tests.
  • npm run start-server - starts rng-server locally.
  • npm run test:unit - starts unit tests from /src folder. You can use it for your own tests.
  • npm run test:local - starts our tests for your game. This command expects that dev-server with the game is launched and local rng-server not. These tests use puppeteer for tests your game in a browser. You are able to see how tests run in the browser for your game with this command.
  • npm run test - starts production tests. This command use port 3000, so please leave it free if you try to use this command. The production tests also use puppeteer.

Tests requirements

The tests/* files should not be modified. If you would like to add your own unit tests, you can add these in a separate file in the src folder.


Note: The tests were written using puppeteer library. (We haven't used cypress in tests)

Run npm install to install all dependencies and then run npm run test to run tests. These should all pass if your solution has been implemented correctly.


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