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Change Log

Jacob N Borden edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

Change Log

Current Version


  • Added the ability to download files from server using "get" or "RETR"
  • Added MIT License

Previous Versions


  • Added ability to use "mkdir" to send "MKD" command to create new directories.
  • Added ability to use "rmdir" to send "RMD" command to delete directories.
  • Added ability to use "rm", "del", or "delete" to send "DELE" command to delete files.
  • Added ability to use "ren", "mv", or "rename" to rename files.


  • Began tracking changes in change log.
  • Modified ftp command entry to accept multiple arguments
  • Added ability to use "cd" command to send "CWD" and change directories.
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