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Testcase Runner

Run testcases generated by testcase-gen and collect stdout and execution time of your code.


Something You Should Know

This tool comes with testcase-gen.

It works with testcases that generated by testcase-gen.

But of course, you can use it without testcase-gen by generating same-structure testcases manually.

How to Use

1. Install

npm i testcase-run

2. Run your code

const { Runner } = require("testcase-run");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

const testcases = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "testcases.json"), "utf-8");
const runner = new Runner(testcases);"D:\\sum.exe", { timeout: 10_000, core: 2 }).then((report) => {
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "report.json"), JSON.stringify(report, null, 2), "utf-8");
    console.log(`runned ${report.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.results.length, 0)} testcases`);

CLI Tool

Install CLI

npm i -g testcase-run


testcase-run --executable [executable path] --testcase [testcase path] --output [output path] --timeout [timeout] --core [core number]
        --executable (-e): Executable File Path.
        --testcase (-t): Testcase File Path.
        --output (-o): Output (Report) File Path.
        --timeout (-ti): Timeout (ms).
        --core (-c): Core Number.
        --version (-V) or (-v): Show version and help.