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BranchGLM: Efficient Variable Selection for GLMs in R

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BranchGLM is a package for fitting GLMs and performing efficient variable selection for GLMs.

How to install

BranchGLM can be installed using the install.packages() function


It can also be installed via the install_github() function from the devtools package.



Fitting GLMs

Linear regression

BranchGLM can fit large linear regression models very quickly, next is a comparison of runtimes with the built-in lm() function. This comparison is based upon a randomly generated linear regression model with 10000 observations and 250 covariates.

# Loading libraries

# Setting seed

# Defining function to generate dataset for linear regression
NormalSimul <- function(n, d, Bprob = .5){
  x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(1, d), Sigma = diag(.5, nrow = d, ncol = d) + 
                 matrix(.5, ncol = d, nrow = d))
  beta <- rnorm(d + 1, mean = 1, sd = 1) 
  beta[sample(2:length(beta), floor((length(beta) - 1) * Bprob))] = 0
  y <- x %*% beta[-1] + beta[1] + rnorm(n, sd = 3)
  df <- cbind(y, x) |>
  df$y <- df$V1
  df$V1 <- NULL
# Generating linear regression dataset
df <- NormalSimul(10000, 250)

# Timing linear regression methods with microbenchmark
Times <- microbenchmark("BranchGLM" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                                        family = "gaussian",
                                                   link = "identity")},
                        "Parallel BranchGLM" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                                        family = "gaussian",
                                                   link = "identity",
                                                   parallel = TRUE)},
                        "lm" = {lm(y ~ ., data = df)},
                        times = 100)

# Plotting results
autoplot(Times, log = FALSE)

Logistic regression

BranchGLM can also fit large logistic regression models very quickly, next is a comparison of runtimes with the built-in glm() function. This comparison is based upon a randomly generated logistic regression model with 10000 observations and 100 covariates.

# Setting seed

# Defining function to generate dataset for logistic regression
LogisticSimul <- function(n, d, Bprob = .5, sd = 1, rho = 0.5){
  x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(1, d), Sigma = diag(1 - rho, nrow = d, ncol = d) + 
                 matrix(rho, ncol = d, nrow = d))
  beta <- rnorm(d + 1, mean = 0, sd = sd) 
  beta[sample(2:length(beta), floor((length(beta) - 1) * Bprob))] = 0
  beta[beta != 0] <- beta[beta != 0] - mean(beta[beta != 0])
  p <- 1/(1 + exp(-x %*% beta[-1] - beta[1]))
  y <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
  df <- cbind(y, x) |>

# Generating logistic regression dataset
df <- LogisticSimul(10000, 100)

# Timing logistic regression methods with microbenchmark
Times <- microbenchmark("BFGS" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "BFGS")}, 
                        "L-BFGS" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "LBFGS")},
                        "Fisher" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "Fisher")},
                        "Parallel BFGS" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "BFGS",
                                                   parallel = TRUE)}, 
                        "Parallel L-BFGS" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                                       family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "LBFGS",
                                                   parallel = TRUE)},
                        "Parallel Fisher" = {BranchGLM(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                                        family = "binomial",
                                                   link = "logit", method = "Fisher",
                                                   parallel = TRUE)},
                        "glm" = {glm(y ~ ., data = df, family = "binomial")},
                        times = 100)

# Plotting results
autoplot(Times, log = FALSE)

Best subset selection

BranchGLM can also perform best subset selection very quickly, here is a comparison of runtimes with the bestglm() function from the bestglm package. This comparison is based upon a randomly generated logistic regression model with 1000 observations and 15 covariates.

# Loading bestglm

# Setting seed and creating dataset
df <- LogisticSimul(1000, 15, .5, sd = 0.5)

# Times
## Timing switch branch and bound
BranchTime <- system.time(BranchVS <- VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                      family = "binomial", link = "logit",
                  type = "switch branch and bound", showprogress = FALSE,
                  parallel = FALSE, method = "Fisher", 
                  bestmodels = 10, metric = "AIC"))

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.17    0.00    0.17
## Timing exhaustive search
Xy <- cbind(df[,-1], df[,1])
ExhaustiveTime <- system.time(BestVS <- bestglm(Xy, family = binomial(), IC = "AIC", 
                                                TopModels = 10))
##    user  system elapsed 
##  125.47   18.26  151.73

Finding the top 10 logistic regression models according to AIC for this simulated regression model with 15 variables with the switch branch and bound algorithm is about 892.53 times faster than an exhaustive search.

Checking results

# Results
## Checking if both methods give same results
BranchModels <- t(BranchVS$bestmodels[-1, ] == 1)
ExhaustiveModels <- as.matrix(BestVS$BestModels[, -16])
identical(BranchModels,  ExhaustiveModels)
## [1] TRUE

Hence the two methods result in the same top 10 models and the switch branch and bound algorithm was much faster than an exhaustive search.


There is also a convenient way to visualize the top models with the BranchGLM package.

# Plotting models
plot(BranchVS, type = "b")

Backward elimination

BranchGLM can also perform backward elimination very quickly, here is a comparison of runtimes with the step() function from the stats package. This comparison is based upon a randomly generated logistic regression model with 1000 observations and 50 covariates.

# Setting seed and creating dataset
df <- LogisticSimul(1000, 50, .5, sd = 0.5)

# Times
## Timing BranchGLM
BackwardTime <- system.time(BackwardVS <- VariableSelection(y ~ ., data = df, 
                                      family = "binomial", link = "logit",
                  type = "backward", showprogress = FALSE,
                  parallel = FALSE, method = "LBFGS", 
                  metric = "AIC"))

##    user  system elapsed 
##    3.30    0.04    3.55
## Timing step function
fullmodel <- glm(y ~ ., data = df, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
stepTime <- system.time(BackwardStep <- step(fullmodel, direction = "backward", trace = 0))
##    user  system elapsed 
##    9.92    0.93   11.32

Using the backward elimination algorithm from the BranchGLM package was about 3.19 times faster than step was for this logistic regression model.

Checking results

# Checking if both methods give same results
## Getting names of variables in final model from BranchGLM
BackwardCoef <- coef(BackwardVS)
BackwardCoef <- BackwardCoef[BackwardCoef != 0, ]
BackwardCoef <- BackwardCoef[order(names(BackwardCoef))]

## Getting names of variables in final model from step
BackwardCoefGLM <- coef(BackwardStep)
BackwardCoefGLM <- BackwardCoefGLM[order(names(BackwardCoefGLM))]
identical(names(BackwardCoef), names(BackwardCoefGLM))
## [1] TRUE

Hence the two methods result in the same best model and the backward elimination algorithm from BranchGLM is much faster than step.


There is also a convenient way to visualize the backward elimination path with the BranchGLM package.

# Plotting models
plot(BackwardVS, type = "b")