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Create New-LabForest.ps1
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JaekelEDV committed Feb 11, 2020
1 parent e6b223b commit b619069
Showing 1 changed file with 393 additions and 0 deletions.
393 changes: 393 additions & 0 deletions New-LabForest.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
function New-LabForest {
New-LabForest quickly sets up the first DomainController
and an Active Directory Forest in a virtual lab-environment.
New-LabForest installs a new Active Directory Forest
on a virtual DomainController in a lab-environment.
New-LabForest will do the following:
- Configures TCP/IP-Settings (see parameters) and renames GuestOS
- Install-WindowsFeature 'AD-Domain-Services'
- Install-ADDSForest
- Checks status of some some key AD components
Requires elevation; must be running in a PowerShell session as an administrator.
The name of the VM you want to turn into a DomainController.
You can tab to autocomplete VMs installed on the hypervisor.
The DNSName of the forest you want to build, e.g. test.local.
The Name of the DomainController.
This is build via a ValidateSet with given names. You may change this in the code.
The IPv4Address of the DomainController.
Has a default value if you omit the param.
.PARAMETER PrefixLength
The subnet mask of the DomainController.
Has a default value if you omit the param.
.PARAMETER StandardGateway
The Standardgateway of the DomainController.
Has a default value if you omit the param.
The preferred DNS-Server of the DomainController.
Has a default value set to itself if you omit the param.
Will overwrite the localhost entry after dcpromo.
Dot source it or load it another way.
New-LabForest -VM 'vMACHINE' -ForestName 'test.local' -DCName 'DC01'
TODO: Online version:
The idea of New-LabForest is to be run against a VM with an installed Server-OS.
You might execute it directly from the Virtualization-Host.
You don't need network-access to the VM at all: it relies on PowerShellDirect.
File Name: New-LabForest.ps1
Author: Oliver Jaekel | | @JaekelEDV |
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage="Enter a DomainName like 'domain.tld'.")]
'(?# ForestName seems to be NO VALID DOMAINNAME, e.g. domain.tld)^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$')]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet('DC1', 'DC01', 'RootDC')]

[IPAddress]$IPv4Address = '',

[ValidateRange(1, 32)]
[int]$PrefixLength = '24',

[IPAddress]$StandardGateway = '',

[IPAddress]$DNSServer = ''

#region Defining some vars and getting the creds for local-admin, domain-admin and DSRM-Mode.
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$NetBIOSName = $ForestName.Split('.')[0]
$VMName = (Get-VM -Name $VM).Name
$LocalCreds = Get-Credential -UserName 'administrator' -Message 'Please enter Hyper-V-Admin-Credentials!'
$DomainCreds = Get-Credential -UserName "$NetBIOSName\administrator" -Message 'Please enter Domain-Admin-Credentials!'
#Getting DSRM-Creds, extracting password, converting password to securestring
$DSRMCreds = Get-Credential -UserName 'administrator' -Message 'Please enter DSRM-Credentials!'
$SecureDSRMPassword = $DSRMCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password |
ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

#region Function to check if VM is already a DC (ProductType=2). If true, script will stop.
function Test-IsDomainController {
Test if the target is a DomainController.
This function queries the CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem.ProductType.
Work Station (1), Domain Controller (2), Server (3).
param (
$script:isDC = (Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $DomainCreds -ScriptBlock {
(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType
if ($script:isDC -eq '2') {
throw "The VM already is a DomainController. Better stop here..."
Write-Verbose "GuestOS is checked if DomainController. Result: $isDC (see help)."

#region Setting TCP/IP of the DC
""; ""
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Setting TCP/IP on $DCName..."
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $LocalCreds -ScriptBlock {

$NetAdapter = @{
InterfaceDescription = 'Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter'
NewName = 'LAN'

Rename-NetAdapter @NetAdapter
$NetAdapterName = (Get-NetAdapter).name
Write-Verbose "The Netadapter is renamed to $NetAdapterName"

#In case there is already a static config, it's removed now. This avoids some annoyances.
#netsh is preferred: easy, reliable, done.
function Remove-NetIPConfig {
Removes the TCP/IP and DNS settings of a machine.
The function resets the TCP/IP and DNS settings via netsh.
Main goal is to have it clean before configuring it with desired values.
param (
#$NetAdapterName = (Get-NetAdapter).name
$NetshDHCP = 'interface ipv4 set address name="LAN" source=dhcp'
$NetshDNS = 'interface ipv4 delete dnsservers name="LAN" address=all'
Invoke-Expression "netsh $NetshDHCP"
Invoke-Expression "netsh $NetshDNS"
Remove-NetIPConfig | Out-Null

$NICConfig = @{
#InterfaceAlias = 'LAN'
InterfaceAlias = $NetAdapterName
IPAddress = $using:IPv4Address
AddressFamily = 'IPV4'
DefaultGateway = $using:StandardGateway
PrefixLength = $using:PrefixLength
New-NetIPAddress @NICConfig | Out-Null

$DNS = @{
InterfaceAlias = 'LAN'
ServerAddresses = $using:DNSServer
Set-DnsClientServerAddress @DNS
#region Rename Guest OS and reboot it.
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $LocalCreds -ScriptBlock {
if ($using:DCName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Hostname already is $DCName - skipping rename."
else {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Renaming GuestOS to $using:DCName..."
$WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Rename-Computer -NewName $using:DCName -Force
Write-Verbose "Network Adapter is renamed to 'LAN'."
Write-Verbose "Pre-Existing TCP/IP config is deleted."
Write-Verbose "TCP/IP config is done according to parameters."
Write-Verbose "GuestOS is renamed to $DCName"

Stop-VM -Name $VMName
Start-VM -Name $VMName

do {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]$VMName not ready. Waiting..."
$Heartbeat = (Get-VM -Name $VMName).HeartBeat
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

until ($Heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsUnknown'-or $Heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsHealthy')
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]$VMName is ready. Continuing..."
Write-Verbose "VM status is $Heartbeat."

#region Install the role for ADDS
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $LocalCreds -ScriptBlock {

$AD = Get-WindowsFeature -Name 'AD-Domain-Services' |
Where-Object { $_.Installed -eq $true }
if ($AD -ne $null) {
Write-Verbose "AD-Domain-Services already installed."

else {
Write-Information -MessageData '[+]Installing AD-Domain-Services...'
Install-WindowsFeature -Name 'AD-Domain-Services' -IncludeManagementTools

#region Import the needed modules.
#Attention: ADDSDeployment is only available after installing the ADDS-Feature
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $LocalCreds -ScriptBlock {
$LoadedModules = {
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ServerManager, ADDSDeployment

if ($LoadedModules -notcontains 'ServerManager') {
Import-Module -Name ServerManager -ErrorAction 'Stop'
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
throw "That's all folks, cannot continue without this..."

if ($LoadedModules -notcontains 'ADDSDeployment'){
try {
Import-Module -Name 'ADDSDeployment' -ErrorAction 'Stop'
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
throw "That's all folks, cannot continue without this..."
Write-Verbose "Needed modules ServerManager and ADDSDeployment are imported."

#region Install DC, first in new Forest, FunctionalLevel Server 2012 R2: 6, Server 2016: 7
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $LocalCreds -ScriptBlock {

$Params = @{
DatabasePath = 'C:\Windows\NTDS'
LogPath = 'C:\Windows\NTDS'
SysvolPath = 'C:\Windows\SYSVOL'
DomainName = $using:ForestName
DomainNetbiosName = $using:NetBIOSName
SafeModeAdministratorPassword = $using:SecureDSRMPassword
ForestMode = 7
DomainMode = 7
InstallDns = $true
NoDnsOnNetwork = $true
CreateDnsDelegation = $false
NoRebootOnCompletion = $true
Confirm = $false
Force = $true
WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue' #Suppresses "Standard"-Warnings, i.e. DNS-Deleg., Crypto-Algo. etc.

Install-ADDSForest @Params

Write-Verbose "Forest Install successfully completed."

#In case you don't like the localhost-addresses for DNS - these lines
#will revert the IPv4 to the own server-address and IPv6 switched to automatic (eg. fe80).
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias 'LAN' -ResetServerAddresses
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias 'LAN' -ServerAddresses $using:DNSServer
#region Rebooting VM and pausing the script to give the system some time.
Stop-VM -Name $VMName
Start-VM -Name $VMName

do {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]$VMName not ready. Waiting..."
$Heartbeat = (Get-VM -Name $VMName).HeartBeat
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

until ($Heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsUnknown'-or $Heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsHealthy')
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]$VMName is ready. Giving the system some time..."
Write-Verbose "VM status is $Heartbeat."
$sec = 60
1..$sec |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Dreaming of electric sheep..." -Status "$($sec - $_) seconds remaining..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

#region Checking status of some key AD components
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Checking status of Active Directory..."
do {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Waiting for $DCName listening on Port 389..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

until (Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $DomainCreds -ScriptBlock {
(Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $using:DCName -Port 389 |
Where-Object { $_.TcpTestSucceeded } )

Write-Information -MessageData "[+]$DCName is listening on Port 389..."

do {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Waiting for AD WebServices..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

until (Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $DomainCreds -ScriptBlock {
(Get-Service -Name 'adws' | Where-Object { $_.status -eq 'running' })

Write-Information -MessageData "[+]AD WebServices are ready..."

Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Checking DNS-Server..."
Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $DomainCreds -ScriptBlock {

if (Test-DnsServer -IPAddress $using:IPv4Address -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]DNS-Server is functional."

(Get-Service adws, kdc, netlogon, dns -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue' |
#The following is done because sometimes the machine refuses to set
#the right firewall profile (domain) for the vNIC. Sometimes this helps...
#You might play with these lines or simply omit them.
Restart-Service -Name nlasvc -Force

$NetAdapterName = (Get-NetAdapter).Name
Disable-NetAdapter -Name $NetAdapterName -Confirm:$false
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Enable-NetAdapter -Name $NetAdapterName -Confirm:$false

Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Active Directory is ready."
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]Forest $ForestName is hosted on $DCName"
Write-Information -MessageData "[+]You'll still have to wait a moment for logon."


#region Register Argumentcompleter let's you tab out all your VMs.
$GetVM = { Get-VM | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }

$AutoCompleteVM = @{
CommandName = 'New-LabForest'
ParameterName = 'VM'
ScriptBlock = $GetVM
Register-ArgumentCompleter @AutoCompleteVM

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