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Path parameters

Ravi Teja Gudapati edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 15 revisions

Path parameters are segments of the request path that can be parsed for usage in route handlers.



One of many applications of Path parameters is encoding ID of the resource being accessed. In the above example, a todo item with id 1234 is requested.

Defining path variable

Starting a path segment with character : informs Jaguar that this segment is a path variable.

  server.get('/api/quote/:index', (ctx) => ...);

The :index variable above will match anything except a slash. For example, /api/quote/123 and /api/quote/abc would both be matched by the route above.

All the path variables can be accessed using pathParams member of Context instance. pathParams is an instance of class PathParams.

main(List<String> args) async {
  final quotes = <String>[
    'But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.',
    'When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.',
    'Learning never exhausts the mind.',

  final server = new Jaguar();
  server.get('/api/quote/:index', (ctx) {
    final int index = int.parse(ctx.pathParams['index']);
    return quotes[index + 1];
  await server.serve();

Multiple path variables

There could be multiple variables in the same path.

main(List<String> args) async {
  final server = new Jaguar();
  server.get('/api/addition/:a/:b', (ctx) {
    final int a = int.parse(ctx.pathParams['a']);
    final int b = int.parse(ctx.pathParams['b']);
    return a + b;
  await server.serve();

Given the request URL /api/addition/15/10, variables :a and :b shall match 15 and 10 respectively.

Type casting

Path variables can be converted to one of the supported target types (int, num, double and bool) using one of the get* methods.

main(List<String> args) async {
  final quotes = <String>[
    'But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.',
    'When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.',
    'Learning never exhausts the mind.',

  final server = new Jaguar();
  server.get('/api/quote/:index', (ctx) {
    final int index = ctx.pathParams.getInt('index', 1);
    return quotes[index + 1];
  await server.serve();

Path variable index is converted to int using int.parse function.

All these methods take an optional defaultValue argument, which is returned if the casting fails.

Glob path segment

A star can be used to match all the following path segments.

main(List<String> args) async {
  final server = new Jaguar();
  server.get('/api/1/*', (_) => new Response('Deprecated!', statusCode: 500));
  await server.serve();

The route handler will match any path that begins with /api/1/.

Captured Glob variable

Starred path variable can be used to match all the remaining path segments while also capturing the path segments it matches.


main(List<String> args) async {
  final server = new Jaguar();
      (ctx) => new Response('Deprecated! Use /api/2/${ctx.pathParams['path']}',
          statusCode: 500));
  await server.serve();

For example, the route handler will match any path beginning with /api/1/. The value of variable path will be the path sub-string that follows the matched /api/1/. If the request URL is /api/1/what/ever, path will hold what/ever.


What's next

In the next article, We will explore accessing Query parameters in Jaguar.






  • Basic authentication
  • Form authentication
  • JSON authentication
  • Authorization
  • OAuth



Real time

  • Server sent events (SSE)
  • Websockets


  • systemd
  • Docker
  • AppEngine

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