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Django Default


Django Default is a Django project structure generator that simplifies the process of setting up new Django projects. It automates the cloning of a predefined Django project structure from a GitHub repository, enabling developers to start their projects with a solid foundation.


  • Automates the cloning of a Django project structure.
  • Customizable to fit specific project needs.
  • Streamlines the initial setup process for Django projects.


Install Django Default using pip:

pip install django-default


To generate a new Django project structure, execute the following command:


This command clones the predefined Django project structure into your current working directory.


After generating your project structure, configure it by setting up the database and adjusting the settings in to match your environment. Ensure to include the third-party apps listed in core/config/

  • jazzmin
  • modeltranslation
  • django_ckeditor_5
  • corsheaders
  • rosetta
  • rest_framework
  • drf_spectacular
  • drf_spectacular_sidecar


To contribute to Django Default, set up a development environment by cloning the project and installing its dependencies. Run tests to ensure your changes don't break existing functionality and follow the project's contribution guidelines when submitting pull requests.

API Documentation

If your project uses Django REST Framework, use drf_spectacular to auto-generate API documentation. Document your API endpoints, including information on request methods, parameters, and example responses.


Django Default is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project repository for more information.


  • Thanks to all contributors who have helped to improve Django Default.
  • Special thanks to Jahongir Hakimjonov for creating and maintaining this project.


Please contact Jahongir Hakimjonov with any questions or concerns regarding this project.


Management Commands Documentation

This document provides an overview and usage instructions for custom management commands included in the Django project.



  • Description: Creates superuser accounts with predefined credentials. Useful for quickly setting up admin users during development.
  • Usage: python createadmin


  • Description: Automates the creation of a new Django app within the apps directory. It also modifies the app's to correctly reference the app's location and removes unnecessary files.
  • Usage: python makeapp <app_name>
    • <app_name>: The name of the app you want to create.


  • Description: Generates a new nginx configuration file based on user input for domain name, project name, and project port. The command simplifies the process of preparing nginx for new projects.
  • Usage: python nginx
    • Follow the prompts to enter the domain name, project name, and project port.


  • Description: Generates a new Django secret key. This is particularly useful when setting up a new project or when you need to regenerate the secret key for security reasons.
  • Usage: python secret_key

General Information

These commands are designed to streamline common tasks in Django development and deployment. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and environment setup before running these commands.



Before adding any source code, it is recommended to have pre-commit installed on your local computer to check for all potential issues when comitting the code.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit run --all-files # Check if everything is okay