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[Patch] TwitchPanels 3.5.1

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@nodejs-changelog-writer nodejs-changelog-writer released this 05 Jun 18:46

πŸš‘ Fix

d03cae Fixed jaid-core usage

πŸ“ Project management

121676 Updated publishPackage workflow
e5c9e8 Updated validate workflow
556d52 Replaced jsconfig.json with better tsconfig.json

Production dependencies

Event Package Before After
🚽 Removed @babel/runtime ^7.8.4
🌻 Upgraded got ^10.4.0 ^11.3.0
🌻 Upgraded jaid-core ^7.4.0 ^8.1.0
🌻 Upgraded puppeteer ^2.1.1 ^3.3.0
🌻 Upgraded query-string ^6.10.1 ^6.12.1
🌻 Upgraded sharp ~0.24.0 ~0.25.3
🌻 Upgraded tough-cookie ^3.0.1 ^4.0.0
🌻 Upgraded tough-cookie-file-store ^1.2.0 ^2.0.2
🌻 Upgraded user-agents ^1.0.523 ^1.0.559
🌻 Upgraded yargs ^15.1.0 ^15.3.1

Development dependencies

Event Package Before After
🌻 Upgraded acorn ^7.1.0 ^7.2.0
🌻 Upgraded babel-jest ^25.1.0 ^26.0.1
🌻 Upgraded babel-preset-jaid ^7.3.2 ^8.0.0
🌻 Upgraded eslint ^6.8.0 ^7.1.0
🌻 Upgraded eslint-config-jaid ^1.46.0 ^1.49.0
🌻 Upgraded jest ^25.1.0 ^26.0.1
🌻 Upgraded rimraf ^3.0.1 ^3.0.2
🌻 Upgraded webpack-config-jaid ^11.4.0 ^11.10.0

3 authors

14 commits from Jaid 10 commits from actions-user 7 commits from github-actions[bot]