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Ethereum Blockchain based crowdfunded platform - Consensys 2018 Developer Project


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EthFundMe is a smart contract powered crowd funding platform. It allows you to intelligently, securely and trustlessly manage crowd funding campaigns with smart contracts.

EthFundMe was developed for the 2018 Consensys Academy Developer Program. Please use care if you use any code from this repository in your own projects as it has not been thoroughly audited.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

About the project

EthFundMe is an adaptation of the "Online Marketplace" Final Project Idea. Instead of a marketplace with items for sale however we have crowd funding campaigns that users can create and contribute to to raise funds similar to popular crowdfunding platforms kickstarter, gofundme and indiegogo.

Why Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a problem that can benefit greatly from a trustless smart contract based solution. Campaigns in EthFundMe are modelled as smart contracts that Campaign Managers and Contributors enter into. Once the Campaign is active funds contributed can be trustlessly managed by the smart contract and distrubuted instantly and securely through the Ethereum blockchain once the Campaign is concluded.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

If you are looking for Drizzle-React Client App Code and can be found in the /src directory.


git clone
cd ethfundme
npm install


EthFundMe requires truffle and is configured to use ganache-cli as a test blockchain

The fontend is configured to run with webpack-dev-server

If you do not have nodejs and npm installed you need to install them with

On Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

If you do not have truffle, ganache-cli, webpack or the webpack dev server installed you can install them with

sudo npm install --global truffle@4.1.14 ganache-cli@6.1.8 webpack webpack-dev-server

EthFundMe was tested with

  • truffle version 4.1.14
  • ganache-cli version 6.1.8
  • nodejs version 10.4.1
  • npm version 6.2.0 (latest at the time of writing this).

Please ensure you are using the correct versions if you run into difficulties testing/deploying.


Truffle tests are location in the test directory.

Start a development blockchain with


In another terminal window navigate to the project folder and run

truffle test

The truffle tests will now run

Rinkeby Deployment

ethfundme is deployed online at: and configured to connect to the contracts on the rinkeby test network.

The CampaignFactory's deployed address on rinkeby is: 0x9bfc7f48f3919a3d97d1cbe041acd9582739f4ab

Check it out and interact with some Campaigns.

Rinkeby and Metamask

I've provided some accounts you can use to play around with the DApp on rinkeby from Metamask. They are located in the /rinkeby_accounts folder

There are 5 accounts provided, 3 are already set as Admins, 1 is the Campaign Manager for all the Campaigns I've created and 2 are regular Contributor accounts.

Importing rinkeby accounts into metamask

  1. In metamask click on import account
  2. Set Type to JSON File and select the account you want to import
  3. The password is 'password' for all accounts
  4. Import!

Running the Frontend Locally

Running the development blockchain for Drizzle

The EthFundMe frontend is built with drizzle-react and drizzle-react-components.

Drizzle requires the development blockchain to be run with increased block minig delay.

Run the development blockchain with -b 3 to increase the block minig delay.

ganache-cli -b 3

Note: The UI will update properly if run without the increasing the blocktime in ganache-cli (-b 3) because I update the UI after every transaction but drizzle's automatic updating works best if the blockchain is started with increased blocktime

Configuring metamask

Copy the 12 word mnemonic (seed phrase) given by ganache-cli in the previous command.

In metamask click on "Import using account seed phrase" and paste in the 12 word seed phrase from ganache-cli.

Ensure that metamask is connected to Localhost 8545

Running setup script

A setup script has been provided setup.js that will set up accounts and data to interact with from the frontend.

From the project directory run

truffle migrate --network development
truffle exec setup.js --network development

The setup script will set the metamask accounts 0, 1, and 2 as admins.

You can use these accounts in metamask to interact with the DApp as an admin.

It will create dummy Campaigns in their difference lifecycle stages.

metamask account 4 is the Campaign Manager for all Campaigns.

The remaining metamask accounts are regular users that have made contributions.

For more details check out the setup script setup.js

Starting Webpack Server

The EthFundMe frontend is configured to run with a webpack development server

Ensure webpack-dev-server is installed (see prerequisites) then run the following command to start the webpack development server

npm run start-dev

You can access the frontend from your browser on http://localhost:8080 to interact with the project.

Make sure metamask is set to connect to localhost:8545 and that you import the ganache-cli wallet using the seed phrase given when you started ganache-cli.

EthFundMe Contracts in Detail

This section explains the detailed workings of the EthFundMe DApp. Following this sections are User Stories that should cement the logic behind the workings of the EthFundMe Contracts.

The CampaignFactory

The Initial Contract deployed is the CampaignFactory Contract.

The CampaignFactory is a FactoryContract that has a single interface function createCampaign that allows a user to create a Campaign Contract.

The user creating the campaign will be the Campaign Manager once the Campaign is created.

It also holds addresses of created Campaigns in an array that is used by the UI to retrieve Campaign Information.

Please see CampaignFactory for details on the CampaignFactory contract.

Administrated (Admin Management)

CampaignFactory extends the Administrated contract which utilizes the OpenZeppelin Role Based Access Control Library to implement access control based on an admin role.

Administrated implements all the logic associated with granting/revoking admins priviledges from accounts and provides modifiers that can be used to restrict access based on the admin role.

Initially the deploying account (accounts[0] in metamask/web3) is designated the admin role. And is given the ability to grant other accounts the admin role.

Admins are also responsible for approving or rejecting Campaigns created by users in a Commit/Reveal voting process.

Plase see Administrated for details on admin management.

Campaigns (Where the magic happens)

The Campaign models a crowd funding campaign and is a smart contract entered into by the Campaign Manager and any contributors.

It holds all the Campaign information such as title, funding goal, duration descriptions etc. and has an interface that allows contributors to make Ether contributions.

Campaigns have a LifeCycle and begin in a Pending state. In This state they are Pending Approval from admins before going Active and cannot accept any contributions. Rejected Campaigns never begin. Campaign Approvals are managed by extending the Approvable contract.

If a Campaign is Approved and it is put in the Active State, given an endDate based on it's specified duration begins accepting Contributions.

The Campaign will accept contributions until it reaches its endDate.

If the funding goal specified by the Campaign Manager is met by the end of the Campaign the Campaign Manager will be able to withdraw all the raised funds from the Contract via a PullWithdrawl patern.

If however the funding goal is not met by the end of the Campaign or the Campaign is , Contributors will be allowed to retrieve their contributed funds from the Contract also via a PullWithdrawl Pattern.

Campaign Managers also have the ability to Cancel the Campaign at any time before the campaign is over. If the Campaign is cancelled with contributions in it or if it is EmergencyStopped (see EmergencyStoppable below) by an admin contributors will be allowed to withdraw the funds they have contributed.


The Approvable Contract is an Abstract Contract that will give the ability for a contract to be approved/rejected. It provides the logic for Authorzed accounts to vote on Approval in a Commit/Reveal Pattern.

Voting is managed through Lifecycles and the Contract begins in the Commit stage.

Authorized accounts first place a vote by comitting a keccak256 encrypted vote secret consisting of a voteOption (true or false) and a salt. All voters are required to vote during the Commit phase.

Once all votes are in the contract transitions into the Reveal phase where the voters reveal their votes by supplying their vote option and salt. If the comitted voteSecret matches the vote option and salt supplied in reveal the vote is counted.

The cote passes if at least 50% of voters reach a consensus. The campaign does not require all voters to reveal and will transition the state into Approved or Rejected once enough votes to reach an outcome have been counted.

Contracts extending Approvable must implement the isAuthorized and numVoters functions that will be used to determine if an account is authorized to vote and how many voter there are.

Contracts extending Approvable must also implement the onApproval and onRejection funcstion that will be called once a voted is concluded and an outcome is reached.

In EthFundMe these are implemented by the Campaign contract and only admins are authorized to vote.


The EmergencyStoppable Contract implements the Emergency Stoppable Pattern sometimes called the Circuit Breaker or Pausible pattern.

Contracts that extend EmergencyStoppable have the ability to be put in a stopped state. EmergencyStoppable provides mmodifiers that can be used to restrict functions from running in the stopped state or only run in a stopped state.

Contracts extending this must implement the isAuthorized adbstract function that will tell EmergencyStoppable is an account is authorized to stop the contract. In EthFundMe admins and authorized to stop both the CampaignFactory and Campaign contracts.

EmergencyStoppable is an adaptaion of the Pausible Contract from the Open Zeppelin Library but Pausible relies on a single owner with the priviledge to stop a contract. EmergencyStoppable has been upgraded to allow multiple authorized users to stop the contract through the isAuthorized abstract function.

Both the CampaignFactory and Campaign contracts extend EmergencyStoppable.

If the CampaignFactory is stopped it will not allow new Campaigns to be created.

If a Campaign is stopped it will not accept new contributions however Contributors will be allowed to recover any existing Contributions through the EmergencyWithdraw function. The EmergencyWithdraw function can only be access when a Campaign is in a stopped state.

User Stories

User Stories are a great way to cement the logic behind how an application is intended to be used. Here are a few user stories for the major intended use cases of the EthFundMe DApp.

#1 Creating a Campaign.

  • A Non Admin User accesses the DApp.
  • The User Creates a Campaign specifying campaign details including a funding goal and duration.
  • The Campaign is creating in the Pending State, awaiting admin Approval.

#2 Rejecting and Campaign

  • An Admin user accesses the DApp.
  • The Admin users reviews Campaigns in the Commit Stage.
  • The Admin users places a Vote on the Campaign of false for rejectiong and supplying a Salt for vote encryption.
  • The vote option along with the salt is encrypted with and Comitted.
  • All admins have voted and the Campaign's Approval State transitions into the Reveal Stage.
  • The Admin Reveals their vote by supplying their original vote option (false) and the Salt used to encrypt the vote secret.
  • The VoteSecret is verified by the DApp and the vote is counted.
  • Enough Votes have been counted and the Approval State is transitioned to Rejected.
  • The Campaign has been Rejected and it never begins.

#3 Approving a Campaign

  • An Admin user accesses the DApp.
  • The Admin users reviews Campaigns in the Commit Stage.
  • The Admin users places a Vote on the Campaign of true for approval and supplying a Salt for vote encryption.
  • The vote option along with the salt is encrypted with and Comitted.
  • All admins have voted and the Campaign's Approval State transitions into the Reveal Stage.
  • The Admin Reveals their vote by supplying their original vote option (true) and the Salt used to encrypt the vote secret.
  • The VoteSecret is verified by the DApp and the vote is counted.
  • Enough Votes have been counted and the Approval State is transitioned to Approved.
  • The Campaign has been Approved and it's Campaign State is transitioned to Active.
  • The Campaign begins.

#4 Contributing to a Campaign

  • A user accesses the DApp.
  • The find an Active Campaign that they are interested in Contributing to.
  • The user places a contribution in ether to the Campaign.

#5 Sucessful Campaign

  • An Active Campaign has reached it's end date.
  • The contributed funds meet or exceed the campaign goal.
  • The Campaign State is transitioned to Successful.
  • The Campaign Manager accesses the DApp.
  • The Campaign Manager is able to withdraw all Campaign funds from the Campaign Contract.

#6 Unsuccessful Campaign

  • An Active Campaign has reached it's end date.
  • The contributed funds do not meet the campaign goal.
  • The Campaign State if transitioned to Unsuccessful.
  • The Campaign Manager accesses the DApp.
  • The Campaign Manager is unable to withdraw Campaign funds from the Campaign Contract.
  • A User who has contributed to the Campaign (Contributor) accesses the DApp.
  • The Contributor is able to withdraw their contributed funds from the Campaign Contract.

#7 Campaign Manager Cancels Active Campaign

  • An Active Campaign has recevied contributions and reached it's goal but but not reached it's end date.
  • The Campaign Manager accesses the DApp
  • The Campaign Manager Cancels the campaign early frofeiting any funds in the Campaign.
  • The Campaign is put into a Cancelled State.
  • The Campaign Manager is unable to withdraw funds from the Campaign.
  • A Contributor to the Campaign accesses the DApp.
  • The Contributor is able to withdaw their contributed funds from the Cancelled Campaign Contract.

#8 Pending Campaign is Emergency Stopped

  • A New Campaign has been created and is in the Commit Approval State.
  • An Admin places a vote approving the campaign.
  • Another Admin suspects something is fishy with the Campaign.
  • The Admin puts the Campaign into an EmergencyStopped State.
  • A Third Admin tried to place a vote but cannot because the Campaign is in an EmergencyStopped State.
  • An Admin realizes the Campaign is legit and Resumes the Campaign so that it is no longer Emergency Stopped.
  • The voting process can now resume as normal.

#9 Active Campaign is Emergency Stopped

  • An Active Campaign has received contributions but not reached it's end date.
  • An Admin has reason to believe there is something fishy about the Campaign.
  • The Admin puts the Campaign into an EmergencyStopped State.
  • The Campaign Manager accesses the DApp.
  • The Campaign Manager is unable to withdraw campaign funds from the DApp in an EmergencyStopped state.
  • A Contributor accesses the DApp.
  • The Contributor is able to withdraw all the funds they Contributed to the EmergencyStopped Campaign.
  • The Admin realizes the the Campaign is legit and Resumes the Campaign.
  • The Campaign is no longer in an Emergency Stopped state.
  • The Contributor who withdrew their funds sees this and makes a similar contribution to the Campaign again.
  • The Campaign concludes as normal allowing the Campaign Manager or Contributor to access funds once it is over

Libraries Used

Throughout EthFundMe various libraries and contracts have been used from the Open Zeppelin Framework.

Design Patterns

Factory Pattern

Campaign contracts are created and deployed by CampaignFactory via the Contract Factory Design Pattern.

The CampaignFactory Contract is also used to store Campaign Contract Addresses so that they can be retrieved whenever necessary.

The Facotry Pattern was chosed to create Campaign contracts because a Campaign very well modelled as a smart contract. Each Campaign can be easily created, managed and ended as it's own smart contract.

In order to allow users to create and deploy Campaign Contracts the Factory Design Pattern is a great choice.

Checks-Effects Pattern

All functions that execute transaction or state variable changes adhere to the Checks-Effects Pattern,

In all these functions as a first step checks are performed on arguments and state.

As a second step and only if all the checks pass effects to the state variables of the current contract are made.

Furthermore no state changes are ever made after external function calls.

The Checks Effects Pattern is a basic one and a good habit to get into when developing Smart Contracts and protects against coding errors and race condition associated with the early modification of state variables.

State Machine / Lifecycle Pattern

Both Approvable and Campaign maintain states in whicht the contracts behave differently depending on what state they are in.

Function modifiers are used to ensure the correct state before function execution and restrict functions accessibility based on state.

I used the state machine pattern because both Campaigns behave differently depending on many factors, Whether they have been approved/rejected, are the past their end date? did they meet their funding goals?

The State Machine pattern allowed me to easily manage the state and thus the behaviour of the contract.

Transitioning between states using modifiers in front of functions that need to know the state easily ensures the correct behaviour.

The state is also very useful in the UI to let users know what state the Campaign is in.

Commit/Reveal Voting Pattern

Approvable utilizes the commit/reveal voting pattern in which votes are placed as keccak256 encrypted vote secrets that obscure them during the Commit Phase.

Later, in the Reveal Phase vote secrets are verified with the vote option and salt used in the encryption, reveal and counted.

The Commit Reveal voting pattern is used becauase it allows the safe commiting of votes without revealing what they are until the reveal phase so they dont influence the voting process.

Differentiating Function and Event Names

All Events are named with the 'Log' Prefix that differentiates them from functions.

Avoiding Common Attacks

Withdrawl Pattern / Pull over Push Payments

The managerWithdraw and contributorWithdraw funnctions in Campaign utilize the Withdrawl Pattern to avoid errors during withdraw and protect against Reentrancy attacks

Prefer transfer() over send()

The withdrawl functions also user tansfer() instead of send() because it automatically reverts.

No Reentrancy

To protect against Race Conditions introduced by calling untrusted external functions the Withdrawl Functions are protected by the Reentrancy Guard library from OpenZeppelin.

It is used to protect against Reentrancy attacks initiated by receipients of a transfer calling the withdraw function again from their fallback function.

Checks-Effects Pattern

All functions that execute transaction or state variable changes adhere to the Checks-Effects Pattern,

In all these functions as a first step checks are performed on arguments and state.

As a second step and only if all the checks pass effects to the state variables of the current contract are made.

Furthermore no state changes are ever made after external function calls.

Access Restriction

All public interface functions are protexted by modifier that restrict access to only accounts that are authorize to make those transactions.

Safemath (Integer Overflow/Underflow)

All numerical user input is verfied using the OpenZeppelin Safemath Library to protect against integer overflow/unferflow vulnerabilities.

Don't Assume Contract Created with Zero Balance

Although they are created by the createCampaign function in CampaignFactory we do not assume that Campaign Contracts are created with a zero balance and initialize the funds state variable to the contracts balance rather than zero.

block.timestamp (30 second rule)

Block miners are able to manipulate block timestamps ~30 seconds. block.timestamp is used in Campaigns to transition Campaign State. All usage of block.timestamp is able to tolerate a 30 second drift in time in accordance with Consensys best practices.


It would be awesome if the Campaign was modelled as a crowdsale with a new token issued to Campaign Contributors. If the Campaign was successful token holders could use the token to redeem contributor perks like in kickstarter campaigns. If the Campaign was Unsuccessful their tokens could be redeemed for refunds instead.

Built With

  • Truffle - Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
  • Ganache - Ganache is your personal blockchain for Ethereum development.
  • Drizzle - Drizzle is a collection of front-end libraries that make writing dapp frontends easier and more predictable.
  • Drizzle React - drizzle-react is the official way to integrate Drizzle with your React dapp.
  • Drizle React Components - A set of useful components for common UI elements.
  • Open Zeppelin - OpenZeppelin is a battle-tested framework of reusable smart contracts for Ethereum and other EVM and eWASM blockchains.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Ethereum Blockchain based crowdfunded platform - Consensys 2018 Developer Project







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