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!Only codeMK5 is supported by minimal build!

Parts needed for minimal build: arduino with atmega328p (i use nano), ISP SD Card adapter, 3 buttons and 3.5 audio jack or/and speaker.

for connections see SchematicMK2.


ArduinoAPlayer (codeMK5):

Easy to build arduino WAV file player with many functions: press NEXT to move on another song or hold it to increase volume same thing with BACK just in other way and PAUSE .


ArduinoAPlayer (codeMK6): Bigger challenge Harder to build arduino WAV file player with many functions: press NEXT to move on another song or hold it to increase volume same thing with BACK just in other way and press PAUSE to PAUSE :) or hold it to unmount the SD Card. Doesn't need to RESET when plugged back in the player uses SD-IN/DETECT pin so it will load normally like you would RESET it.


ArduinoAPlayerFormatter: Simple tool to convert mp3 to arduino supported WAV


Warning:if u use my MK2 gerbers for pcb the card reader MUST! be from bottom or upside down see picture "myBuild Board MK2" and also it has to be tilted little bit.

Board MK3 has issues with foot print's