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Streaming to the Server

James edited this page May 31, 2021 · 7 revisions

To stream to the server

Using RTMP

  • Stream live RTMP content to:

    rtmp://<server ip>:1935/live/<stream_key>

    where <stream_key> is any stream key you specify.

  • Configure OBS to stream content:
    Go to Settings > Stream, choose the following settings:

    • Service: Custom Streaming Server.
    • Server: rtmp://<server ip>:1935/live.
    • Stream key: anything you want, however provided video players assume stream key is test


NOTE: RTMPS Support is provided ONLY for testing, or for where you require RTMPS support locally on a non public domain. (i.e. a .loc or .local domain)
If you want to stream to the server from across the internet, It's recommended to use NginxProxyMan and add this server as a "Stream Host" and apply SSL to that.

  • Stream live RTMPS content to:


    where <ssl_domain> is the value of the SSL_DOMAIN variable passed to docker and <stream_key> is any stream key you specify.

  • Configure OBS to stream content:
    Go to Settings > Stream, choose the following settings:

    • Service: Custom Streaming Server.
    • Server: rtmps://<ssl_domain>:1936/live.
    • Stream key: anything you want, however provided video players assume stream key is test

Before you will actually be able to stream to the server over RTMPS, you will first need to install the generated Certificate Authority certificate from /your/local/assets/ssl/RTMP-CA.crt onto your machine and make sure you have specifed the correct domain in the SSL_DOMAIN variable, otherwise OBS will treat the certificate presented by the server as invalid and refuse to stream to it.

The root certificate is generated only once when you start the container for the first time. The server certificate is checked each time the container is started and automatically re-generated if the domain in the current certificate does not match the domain specified in SSL_DOMAIN.

This means that you only ever need to install the "Root Certificate" once, and your machine will treat all certificates generated by the container as valid, no matter how many times you change the value of SSL_DOMAIN.

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